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function mvf_handler_filter_mvf::value_form in Measured Value Field 7

Provide a simple textfield for equality

Overrides views_handler_filter_numeric::value_form


views/, line 78


Base Views Filter Handler for field types defined in MVF module.


function value_form(&$form, &$form_state) {
  parent::value_form($form, $form_state);

  // Loading any instance of this field in order to pass it down to process
  // function of form element of type 'mvf_widget'.
  $instance = mvf_field_instance($this->options['field_definition']);

  // parent might return us differently structured $form array.
  // 'value' element can be found in $form['value'] or in
  // $form['value']['value'].
  // And 'min' and 'max' elements might be present or not. It does so because
  // the form elements depend on filter's operator state and whether it's
  // exposed or not. We basically follow the same pattern. The only thing we
  // want to change about it is to override parent's 'textfield' with our
  // 'mvf_widget' form element introducing in such way an option to choose
  // unit measure for filtering value.
  $instance['label'] = '';
  $value_element = array(
    '#tree' => TRUE,
    '#type' => 'mvf_widget',
    '#field' => $this->options['field_definition'],
    '#instance' => $instance,
    '#entity_type' => $instance['entity_type'],
    '#pre_render' => array(
  ) + $this
  if (isset($form['value']['#type'])) {
    $form['value'] = $value_element + $form['value'];
  if (isset($form['value']['value']['#type'])) {
    $form['value']['value'] = $value_element + $form['value']['value'];
  if (isset($form['value']['min']['#type'])) {
    $instance['label'] = t('Min');
    $form['value']['min'] = array(
      '#type' => 'mvf_widget',
      '#field' => $this->options['field_definition'],
      '#instance' => $instance,
      '#entity_type' => $instance['entity_type'],
      '#pre_render' => array(
    ) + $this
      ->options_to_mvf_default_value($this->value['min']) + $form['value']['min'];
  if (isset($form['value']['max']['#type'])) {
    $instance['label'] = t('Max');
    $form['value']['max'] = array(
      '#type' => 'mvf_widget',
      '#field' => $this->options['field_definition'],
      '#instance' => $instance,
      '#entity_type' => $instance['entity_type'],
      '#pre_render' => array(
    ) + $this
      ->options_to_mvf_default_value($this->value['max']) + $form['value']['max'];