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function mvf_handler_filter_mvf::build_group_validate in Measured Value Field 7

Validate the build group options form.

Overrides views_handler_filter::build_group_validate


views/, line 177


Base Views Filter Handler for field types defined in MVF module.


function build_group_validate($form, &$form_state) {

  // Out of the box our filter does not pass validation because our
  // value is an array of arrays, however, here is expected at most array of
  // strings/floats, or just a scalar value. So we need to substitute
  // our values with some dummy values that will pass validation and handle
  // input validation itself here in our method.
  $group_items = $form_state['values']['options']['group_info']['group_items'];

  // Our value will be substituted for parent's method call with this value
  // once we have validated it ourselves. This way we make sure no groundless
  // validation errors occur.
  $passable_value = 'pass me';
  foreach ($group_items as $id => $group) {

    // We keep only those sub arrays of 'value' that make sense for the
    // selected operator.
    $operator = $this
    $required_subvalues = drupal_map_assoc($operator[$group['operator']]['required subvalues']);
    $group['value'] = array_intersect_key($group['value'], $required_subvalues);
    $is_valid = TRUE;
    foreach ($group['value'] as $subvalue) {

      // For validation we use hook_field_is_empty().
      if (module_invoke('mvf', 'field_is_empty', $subvalue, $this->options['field_definition'])) {
        $is_valid = FALSE;
    if ($is_valid) {

      // If this group is valid, we substitute its value with something
      // that will pass validation in parent's method.
      $form_state['values']['options']['group_info']['group_items'][$id]['value'] = $passable_value;
  parent::build_group_validate($form, $form_state);

  // Restoring real values once we are done with calling parent's method.
  $form_state['values']['options']['group_info']['group_items'] = $group_items;