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RevisionsProperty.php in Multiversion 8.2

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 8 src/Field/RevisionsProperty.php


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namespace Drupal\multiversion\Field;

use Drupal\Core\TypedData\TypedData;

 * The 'revisions' property for revision token fields.
class RevisionsProperty extends TypedData {

   * @var array
  protected $value = [];

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getValue($langcode = NULL) {

    /** @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\ContentEntityInterface $entity */
    $entity = $this
    $workspace = isset($entity->workspace) ? $entity->workspace->entity : null;
    $branch = \Drupal::service('multiversion.entity_index.factory')
      ->get('multiversion.entity_index.rev.tree', $workspace)
    $values = [];
    if (empty($branch) && !$entity->_rev->is_stub && !$entity
      ->isNew()) {
      list($i, $hash) = explode('-', $entity->_rev->value);
      $values = [
    else {

      // We want children first and parent last.
      foreach (array_reverse($branch) as $rev => $status) {
        list($i, $hash) = explode('-', $rev);
        $values[] = $hash;
    if (empty($this->value)) {
      $this->value = [];
    $count_value = count($this->value);
    $count_branch = count($values);
    if ($count_value == 0 && $count_branch == 0) {
      return [];
    elseif ($count_value == 0 && $count_branch > 0 || count(array_intersect($values, $this->value)) == $count_value) {
      $this->value = $values;
    return $this->value;



Namesort descending Description
RevisionsProperty The 'revisions' property for revision token fields.