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function MultipleEmailUserTestCase::testNoEmailsError in Multiple E-mail Addresses 7


./multiple_email.test, line 128
Tests for the Multiple E-mail module


@file Tests for the Multiple E-mail module


function testNoEmailsError() {

  // Test that the e-mail address appears on the page
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->loggedInUser->uid . '/edit/email-addresses');
    ->assertText($this->loggedInUser->mail, t('Registered e-mail successfully added'));

  // Test adding a new e-mail address.
  $edit = array(
    'email' => $this
      ->randomName() . '',
    ->drupalPost('user/' . $this->loggedInUser->uid . '/edit/email-addresses', $edit, t('Save'));
    ->assertRaw(t('The e-mail address %email has been added to your account. Check your e-mail in order to confirm this new address.', array(
    '%email' => $edit['email'],
  )), t('Email successfully added.'));

  // Lets delete these emails via sql query
  // @TODO Can it be done via UI?
  $deleteQuery = db_delete('multiple_email')
    ->condition('uid', $this->loggedInUser->uid)
    ->drupalGet('user/' . $this->loggedInUser->uid . '/edit/email-addresses');
    ->assertText('Unable to find any e-mail addresses.', 'Error message was shown');
    ->assertNoRaw($this->loggedInUser->mail, 'Primary email was deleted from this view');
    ->assertNoRaw($edit['email'], 'Secondary email was deleted from this view');