function MonitoringUITest::testSensorDetailpage in Monitoring 7
Tests the sensor detail page.
- test/
tests/ monitoring.ui.test, line 140 - Contains \MonitoringUITest.
- MonitoringUITest
- Tests for the Monitoring UI.
function testSensorDetailpage() {
$account = $this
'monitoring reports',
'monitoring verbose',
'monitoring force run',
'promote' => '1',
$sensor_info = monitoring_sensor_manager()
->assertTitle(t('@label (@category) | Drupal', array(
'@label' => $sensor_info
'@category' => $sensor_info
// Make sure that all relevant information is displayed.
// @todo: Assert position/order.
// Cannot use $this->runSensor() as the cache needs to remain.
$result = monitoring_sensor_run('db_aggregate_test');
->assertText('1 druplicons in 1 day, falls below 2');
->assertText(t('Execution time'));
// The sensor is cached, so we have the same cached execution time.
->getExecutionTime() . 'ms');
->assertText(t('Cache information'));
->assertText('Executed now, valid for 1 hour');
->assertRaw(t('Run again'));
// Check that the query is there by looking for a part of it.
->assertRaw('(promote = :db_condition_placeholder_0) AND (created > :timestamp_value)');
// @todo Add asserts about displayed settings once we display them in a
// better way.
// Check that the log table contains one result.
$rows = $this
->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-monitoring-sensor-results")]//tbody/tr');
->assertEqual(count($rows), 1);
->assertEqual(trim((string) $rows[0]->td[1]), 'WARNING');
->assertEqual(trim((string) $rows[0]->td[2]), '1 druplicons in 1 day, falls below 2');
// Create another node and run again.
'promote' => '1',
->drupalPost(NULL, array(), t('Run again'));
->assertText('2 druplicons in 1 day');
$rows = $this
->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-monitoring-sensor-results")]//tbody/tr');
->assertEqual(count($rows), 2);
// The latest log result should be displayed first.
->assertEqual(trim((string) $rows[0]->td[1]), 'OK');
->assertEqual(trim((string) $rows[1]->td[1]), 'WARNING');
// Refresh the page, this not run the sensor again.
->assertText('2 druplicons in 1 day');
->assertText(t('Verbose output is not available for cached sensor results. Click force run to see verbose output.'));
$rows = $this
->xpath('//div[contains(@class, "view-monitoring-sensor-results")]//tbody/tr');
->assertEqual(count($rows), 2);
// Test that accessing a disabled or nisot-existing sensor results in a page
// not found response.