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monitoring.api.test in Monitoring 7

Contains \MonitoringApiTest.


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 * @file
 * Contains \MonitoringApiTest.
use Drupal\monitoring\Result\SensorResultInterface;
use Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\DisabledSensorException;
use Drupal\monitoring\Sensor\NonExistingSensorException;

 * Tests for Monitoring API.
class MonitoringApiTest extends MonitoringTestBase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Monitoring API',
      'description' => 'Tests the monitoring API',
      'group' => 'Monitoring',

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {

   * Test the base class if info is set and passed correctly.
  function testAPI() {

    // == Test sensor info. == //
    // @todo - complete the sensor info tests in followup.
    $sensor_info_data = array(
      'label' => 'Test sensor info',
      'description' => 'To test correct sensor info hook implementation precedence.',
      'settings' => array(),
    variable_set('monitoring_test_sensor_info', $sensor_info_data);
    $sensor_info = $this->sensorManager
      ->getLabel(), $sensor_info_data['label']);
      ->getDescription(), $sensor_info_data['description']);

    // @todo - add tests for compulsory sensor info attributes.
    // Test all defaults.
    // Flag numeric should default to TRUE.
      ->isNumeric(), TRUE);

    // @todo - add tests for default values of attributes.
    // @todo - override remaining attributes.
    $sensor_info_data['numeric'] = FALSE;

    // Define custom value label and NO value type. In this setup the sensor
    // defined value label must be used.
    $sensor_info_data['value_label'] = 'Test label';
    variable_set('monitoring_test_sensor_info', $sensor_info_data);
    $sensor_info = $this->sensorManager

    // Test all custom defined.
    // Flag numeric must be false.
      ->isNumeric(), FALSE);
      ->getValueLabel(), $sensor_info_data['value_label']);

    // @todo - add tests for overridden values of attributes.
    // Test value label provided by the monitoring_value_types().
    // Set the value type to one defined by the monitoring_value_types().
    $sensor_info_data['value_type'] = 'time_interval';
    variable_set('monitoring_test_sensor_info', $sensor_info_data);
    $sensor_info = $this->sensorManager
    $value_types = monitoring_value_types();
      ->getValueLabel(), $value_types['time_interval']['label']);

    // == Test basic sensor infrastructure - value, status and message. == //
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 3,
      'sensor_status' => SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK,
      'sensor_message' => 'All OK',
      'execution_time' => 1,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = $this
      ->getExecutionTime() > 0);
      ->getStatus(), $test_sensor_result_data['sensor_status']);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 3, ' . $test_sensor_result_data['sensor_message']);
      ->getValue(), $test_sensor_result_data['sensor_value']);

    // == Test sensor result cache == //
    // Test cached result
    $result_cached = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor');
      ->getTimestamp(), REQUEST_TIME);
      ->getStatus(), $test_sensor_result_data['sensor_status']);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 3, ' . $test_sensor_result_data['sensor_message']);
      ->getValue(), $test_sensor_result_data['sensor_value']);

    // Call a setter method to invalidate cache and reset values.

    // == Non-existing sensor error handling == //
    // Trying to fetch information for a non-existing sensor or trying to
    // execute such a sensor must throw an exception.
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception for non-existing sensor not thrown.');
    } catch (NonExistingSensorException $e) {
        ->pass('Expected exception for non-existing sensor thrown.');
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception for non-existing sensor not thrown.');
    } catch (NonExistingSensorException $e) {
        ->pass('Expected exception for non-existing sensor thrown.');

    // == Test disabled sensor. == //
    // Disable a sensor.

    // Running a disabled sensor must throw an exception.
    try {
        ->fail('Expected exception for disabled sensor not thrown.');
    } catch (DisabledSensorException $e) {
        ->pass('Expected exception for disabled sensor thrown.');

    // Enable the sensor again.
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor');
      ->assertTrue($result instanceof SensorResultInterface);

    // == Test settings. == //
    // == inner_interval gives error statuses.
    // Test for OK values.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 11,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_inner', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 11');
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 0,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_inner', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 0');

    // Test for warning values.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 7,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_inner', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 7, violating the interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '1 - 9',
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 2,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_inner', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 2, violating the interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '1 - 9',

    // Test for critical values.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 5,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_inner', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_CRITICAL);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 5, violating the interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '4 - 6',
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 5,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_inner', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_CRITICAL);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 5, violating the interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '4 - 6',

    // == outer_intervals give error statuses.
    // Test for ok values.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 75,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_outer', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 75');
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 71,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_outer', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 71');

    // Test for warning values.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 69,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_outer', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 69, outside the allowed interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '70 - 80',
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 65,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_outer', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 65, outside the allowed interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '70 - 80',

    // Test for critical values.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 55,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_outer', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_CRITICAL);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 55, outside the allowed interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '60 - 90',
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 130,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_outer', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_CRITICAL);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 130, outside the allowed interval @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '60 - 90',

    // == Exceeds interval gives error statuses.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 4,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_exceeds', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 4');
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 6,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_exceeds', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 6, exceeds @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '5',
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 14,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_exceeds', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_CRITICAL);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 14, exceeds @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '10',

    // == Falls interval gives error statuses.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 12,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_falls', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK);
      ->getMessage(), 'Value 12');
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 9,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_falls', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 9, falls below @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '10',
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 3,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = monitoring_sensor_run('test_sensor_falls', TRUE);
      ->getStatus(), SensorResultInterface::STATUS_CRITICAL);
      ->getMessage(), t('Value 3, falls below @expected', array(
      '@expected' => '5',

    // Test the case when sensor value is not set.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => NULL,
      'sensor_status' => SensorResultInterface::STATUS_CRITICAL,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $result = $this

    // Test variable-based overrides.
    global $conf;
    $conf['monitoring_sensor_info']['test_sensor'] = array(
      'label' => 'Overridden sensor',
      'settings' => array(
        'caching_time' => 1,
        'new setting' => 'example value',
    $info = $this->sensorManager
      ->assertEqual('Overridden sensor', $info
      ->assertEqual(1, $info
      ->assertEqual('example value', $info
      ->getSetting('new setting'));

   * Test logging with different settings.
  function testLogging() {

    // First perform tests with the logging strategy in default mode - that is
    // "Log only on request or on status change".
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_value' => 1,
      'sensor_message' => 'test message',
      'sensor_status' => SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $settings = monitoring_sensor_settings_get('test_sensor');
    $settings['result_logging'] = TRUE;
    monitoring_sensor_settings_save('test_sensor', $settings);
    $logs = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($logs), 1);
    $log = array_shift($logs);
      ->assertEqual($log->sensor_name, 'test_sensor');
      ->assertEqual($log->sensor_status, SensorResultInterface::STATUS_OK);
      ->assertEqual($log->sensor_value, 1);
      ->assertEqual($log->sensor_message, 'Value 1, test message');

    // Set log_calls sensor settings to false - that should prevent logging.
    $settings = monitoring_sensor_settings_get('test_sensor');
    $settings['result_logging'] = FALSE;
    monitoring_sensor_settings_save('test_sensor', $settings);
    $logs = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($logs), 1);

    // Now change the status - that should result in the call being logged.
    $test_sensor_result_data = array(
      'sensor_status' => SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING,
    variable_set('test_sensor_result_data', $test_sensor_result_data);
    $logs = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($logs), 2);
    $log = array_pop($logs);
      ->assertEqual($log->sensor_status, SensorResultInterface::STATUS_WARNING);

    // Set the logging strategy to "Log all events".
    variable_set('monitoring_sensor_call_logging', 'all');

    // Running the sensor with 'result_logging' settings FALSE must record the call.
    $settings = monitoring_sensor_settings_get('test_sensor');
    $settings['result_logging'] = FALSE;
    monitoring_sensor_settings_save('test_sensor', $settings);
    $logs = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($logs), 3);

    // Set the logging strategy to "No logging".
    variable_set('monitoring_sensor_call_logging', 'none');

    // Despite log_calls TRUE we should not log any call.
    $settings = monitoring_sensor_settings_get('test_sensor');
    $settings['result_logging'] = TRUE;
    monitoring_sensor_settings_save('test_sensor', $settings);
    $logs = $this
      ->assertEqual(count($logs), 3);

   * Test sensor info hook precedence.
   * Test if custom sensor info hook implementation takes precedence from
   * the local implementation.
   * We need to run this test as last as it includes a file that will result
   * in other tests failures.
  function testSensorInfoPrecedence() {

    // == Test monitoring sensor info. == //
    $sensor_info = monitoring_sensor_info();

    // The integration hook must be loaded.

    // Include file with custom hook implementation.
    require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'monitoring_test') . '/';

    // Reset the module implements cache.
    module_implements(NULL, NULL, TRUE);
    $sensor_info = monitoring_sensor_info();

    // The custom hook must take precedence.

   * Load sensor log data for a given sensor.
   * @param $sensor_name
   *   The sensor name.
   * @return array
   *   All log records of given sensor.
  protected function loadSensorData($sensor_name) {
    $query = new EntityFieldQuery();
      ->entityCondition('entity_type', 'monitoring_sensor_result');
      ->propertyCondition('sensor_name', $sensor_name);
    $result = $query
    if (isset($result['monitoring_sensor_result'])) {
      return entity_load('monitoring_sensor_result', array_keys($result['monitoring_sensor_result']));
    return array();



Namesort descending Description
MonitoringApiTest Tests for Monitoring API.