protected function DiskUsageSensorPlugin::getDiskData in Monitoring 8
Get disk info and calculate percent of used space.
Return value
array Result info array with 3 items: used_space_percent, used_space, total_space. They represent used disk space in percents (float), used disk space (string) and total disk space (string). Used and total disk space are formatted in human readable size ('KB', 'MB', 'GB', 'TB', 'PB', 'EB','ZB', 'YB').
\RuntimeException Thrown when the directory is not valid.
1 call to DiskUsageSensorPlugin::getDiskData()
- DiskUsageSensorPlugin::runSensor in src/
Plugin/ monitoring/ SensorPlugin/ DiskUsageSensorPlugin.php - Runs the sensor, updating $sensor_result.
- src/
Plugin/ monitoring/ SensorPlugin/ DiskUsageSensorPlugin.php, line 122
- DiskUsageSensorPlugin
- Monitors disk space usage.
protected function getDiskData() {
// Condition is used to simulate data for purpose of testing.
if ($data = $this->state
->get('monitoring.test_disk_usage')) {
return $data;
// Get partition info and calculate used space percent.
$real_path = $this->fileSystem
if (!$real_path || !is_dir($real_path) || !($total_space = disk_total_space($real_path))) {
throw new \RuntimeException($this
->t('Invalid directory.'));
else {
$free_space = disk_free_space($real_path);
return [
'used_space_percent' => number_format((1 - $free_space / $total_space) * 100, 2),
'used_space' => format_size($total_space - $free_space),
'total_space' => format_size($total_space),