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12 calls to monitoring_sensor_settings_key() in Monitoring 7

MonitoringCoreTest::testSensorEnabledModulesUI in test/tests/monitoring.core.test
Tests the UI/settings of the enabled modules sensor.
MonitoringUITest::assertThresholdSettingsUIDefaults in test/tests/monitoring.ui.test
Asserts that defaults are set correctly in the settings form.
MonitoringUITest::submitThresholdSettings in test/tests/monitoring.ui.test
Submits a threshold settings form for a given sensor.
MonitoringUITest::testAggregateSensorTimeIntervalConfig in test/tests/monitoring.ui.test
Tests the time interval settings UI of the database aggregator sensor.
monitoring_drush_purge_settings in ./
Drush callback to purge sensor settings.
monitoring_sensor_settings_form in ./
Service sensors setting form.
monitoring_sensor_settings_form_submit in ./
Submit sensor settings form.
monitoring_sensor_settings_get in ./monitoring.module
Gets sensor settings.
monitoring_sensor_settings_save in ./monitoring.module
Saves sensor settings.
monitoring_sensor_thresholds_ajax in ./
Ajax callback for threshold settings.
SensorThresholds::setFormError in lib/Drupal/monitoring/Sensor/SensorThresholds.php
Sets a form error for the given threshold key.
SensorThresholds::settingsFormValidate in lib/Drupal/monitoring/Sensor/SensorThresholds.php
Form validator for a sensor settings form.