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Provide drush integration for MongoDB.

@Todo Check whether the alias argument is used.

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 * @file
 * Provide drush integration for MongoDB.
 * @Todo
 *  Check whether the alias argument is used.

 * Implements hook_drush_command().
function mongodb_drush_command() {

  // $options['--alias'] = 'The alias defined in variable mongodb_collections.';
  $items['mongodb-connect'] = array(
    'description' => 'A string for connecting to the mongodb.',
    // 'options' => $options,
    'arguments' => array(
      'alias' => 'The connection',
  $items['mongodb-cli'] = array(
    'description' => "Open a mongodb command-line interface using Drupal's credentials.",
    // 'options' => $options,
    'examples' => array(
      '`drush mongodb-connect`' => 'Connect to the mongodb.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'alias' => 'The connection',
    'aliases' => array(
  $items['mongodb-conf'] = array(
    'description' => 'Print mongodb connection details using print_r().',
    'arguments' => array(
      'all' => 'Show all mongodb connections, instead of just one.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'alias' => 'The connection',
  $items['mongodb-query'] = array(
    'description' => 'Execute a query against the site mongodb.',
    'examples' => array(
      'drush mongodb-query default "db.watchdog.find().forEach(function(x){print(tojson(x))});"' => 'Get the watchdog message templates.',
    'arguments' => array(
      'alias' => 'The connection',
      'query' => 'A mongodb query. Mandatory.',
    // 'options' => array(
    // '--extra' => 'Add custom options to the mongodb command.',
    // ) + $options,
    'aliases' => array(
  $items['mongodb-clean-tests'] = [
    'aliases' => [
    'description' => 'Clean the Simpletest collections',
  return $items;

 * Implements hook_drush_help().
function mongodb_drush_help($section) {
  switch ($section) {
    case 'drush:mongodb-conf':
      return dt('Show database connection details.');
    case 'drush:mongodb-connect':
      return dt('A string which connects to the current database.');
    case 'drush:mongodb-cli':
      return dt('Quickly enter the mongodb shell.');

    // TODO.
    case 'drush:mongodb-dump':
      return dt('Prints the whole database to STDOUT or save to a file.');
    case 'drush:mongodb-query':
      return dt("Usage: drush [options] mongodb-query <query>...\n<query> is a single js command. It does not print the result by default, see the example");

 * Drush callback; Start the mongodb shell.
function drush_mongodb_cli($alias = 'default') {
  $command = _drush_mongodb_connect($alias);
  drush_print(proc_close(proc_open(escapeshellcmd($command), array(
    0 => STDIN,
    1 => STDOUT,
    2 => STDERR,
  ), $pipes)));

 * Drush callback; Return the connect string.
function drush_mongodb_connect($alias = 'default') {
  $command = _drush_mongodb_connect($alias);

 * Drush callback; Execute a query against a mongodb.
function drush_mongodb_query($alias = 'default', $query = '') {
  $command = _drush_mongodb_connect($alias);
  $command .= " --eval {$query}";
  $escaped_command = escapeshellcmd($command);
  $pipes = array();
  drush_print(proc_close(proc_open($escaped_command, array(
    0 => STDIN,
    1 => STDOUT,
    2 => STDERR,
  ), $pipes)));

 * Returns the basic shell command string.
function _drush_mongodb_connect($alias) {
  $connections = variable_get('mongodb_connections', array());
  $connections += array(
    'default' => array(
      'host' => 'localhost',
      'db' => 'drupal',
  if (!isset($connections[$alias])) {
    $alias = 'default';
  $connection = $connections[$alias];
  $host = $connection['host'];
  $host = preg_replace('@^mongodb://@', '', $host);
  $db = $connection['db'];
  $query = $host;
  $query .= '/' . $db;
  $command = 'mongo ' . $query;
  return $command;

 * Drush callback; Print the config of the mongodb.
function drush_mongodb_conf($alias = 'default') {
  $connections = variable_get('mongodb_connections', array());
  $connections += array(
    'default' => array(
      'host' => 'localhost',
      'db' => 'drupal',
  if (drush_get_option('all', FALSE)) {
    $specs = $connections;
  else {
    $specs = $connections['default'];
  if (!isset($specs)) {
    $specs = array();

 * Drush callback: drop the Simpletest leftover collections.
 * @throws \MongoConnectionException
function drush_mongodb_clean_tests() {

  /* @var \MongoDB $mongo */
  $mongo = mongodb();
  $names = $mongo
  $count = 0;
  foreach ($names as $name) {
    if (strpos($name, 'simpletest') === 0) {
  drush_print(dt('Dropped @count collections.', [
    '@count' => $count,


Namesort descending Description
drush_mongodb_clean_tests Drush callback: drop the Simpletest leftover collections.
drush_mongodb_cli Drush callback; Start the mongodb shell.
drush_mongodb_conf Drush callback; Print the config of the mongodb.
drush_mongodb_connect Drush callback; Return the connect string.
drush_mongodb_query Drush callback; Execute a query against a mongodb.
mongodb_drush_command Implements hook_drush_command().
mongodb_drush_help Implements hook_drush_help().
_drush_mongodb_connect Returns the basic shell command string.