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6 calls to KeyValueStore::stringifyKey() in MongoDB 8.2

KeyValueStore::has in modules/mongodb_storage/src/KeyValueStore.php
Returns whether a given key exists in the store.
KeyValueStore::rename in modules/mongodb_storage/src/KeyValueStore.php
Renames a key.
KeyValueStore::set in modules/mongodb_storage/src/KeyValueStore.php
Saves a value for a given key.
KeyValueStore::setIfNotExists in modules/mongodb_storage/src/KeyValueStore.php
Saves a value for a given key if it does not exist yet.
KeyValueStoreExpirable::setWithExpire in modules/mongodb_storage/src/KeyValueStoreExpirable.php
Saves a value for a given key with a time to live.
KeyValueStoreExpirable::setWithExpireIfNotExists in modules/mongodb_storage/src/KeyValueStoreExpirable.php
Sets a value for a given key with a time to live if it does not yet exist.