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public function ModulesListForm::submitForm in Modules weight 8

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.2 src/Form/ModulesListForm.php \Drupal\modules_weight\Form\ModulesListForm::submitForm()

Form submission handler.


array $form: An associative array containing the structure of the form.

\Drupal\Core\Form\FormStateInterface $form_state: The current state of the form.

Overrides FormInterface::submitForm


src/Form/ModulesListForm.php, line 138


Builds the form to configure the Modules weight.




public function submitForm(array &$form, FormStateInterface $form_state) {

  // The modules information.
  $modules_info = $form_state

  // Doing the array unidimensional.
  $new_weight_value = array_combine(array_keys($modules_info), array_column($modules_info, 'weight'));

  // Getting the config to know if we should show or not the core modules.
  $show_core_modules = $this->configFactory

  // The old values information.
  $old_modules_info = $this->modulesWeight

  // Doing the array unidimensional.
  $old_weight_value = array_combine(array_keys($old_modules_info), array_column($old_modules_info, 'weight'));
  if ($new_weight_value == $old_weight_value) {

    // Printing message if there are not module that has changed.
      ->t("You don't have changed the weight for any module."));
  else {

    // Getting the changed modules.
    $changed = array_diff_assoc($new_weight_value, $old_weight_value);

    // Printing message because we have changes in the weights.
      ->t('The modules weight was updated.'));

    // Updating weights.
    foreach ($changed as $module_name => $weight) {

      // Setting the new weight.
      module_set_weight($module_name, $weight);
      $variables = [
        '@module_name' => $this->moduleExtensionList
        '@weight' => $weight,

      // Printing information about the modules weight.
        ->t('@module_name have now as weight: @weight', $variables));