function ModuleBuilderModuleGenerationTestCase::testModuleGeneration in Module Builder 8.3
Test generating module code.
- tests/
module_builder.test, line 49 - Contains tests for the Module builder module.
- ModuleBuilderModuleGenerationTestCase
- Test case for Module Builder module generation.
function testModuleGeneration() {
// Get the hooks directory. WHY?
$hooks_directory = \DrupalCodeBuilder\Factory::getEnvironment()
$mb_task_handler_report = \DrupalCodeBuilder\Factory::getTask('ReportHookData');
->assertTrue(is_object($mb_task_handler_report), "A task handler object was returned.");
$hook_groups = $mb_task_handler_report
->assertTrue(is_array($hook_groups) || !empty($hook_groups), "An non-empty array of hook data was returned.");
$mb_task_handler_generate = \DrupalCodeBuilder\Factory::getTask('Generate', 'module');
->assertTrue(is_object($mb_task_handler_generate), "A task handler object was returned.");
// Assemble module data.
$module_name = $this
$module_data = array(
'base' => 'module',
'root_name' => $module_name,
'readable_name' => $this
'short_description' => $this
'hooks' => array(
// These two hooks will go in the .module file.
// This goes in a file, and also has complex parameters.
// This goes in the .install file.
'requested_build' => array(
'all' => TRUE,
$files = $this
->assertTrue(isset($files["{$module_name}.module"]), "The files list has a .module file.");
->assertTrue(isset($files["{$module_name}.install"]), "The files list has a .install file.");
->assertTrue(isset($files["{$module_name}.info"]), "The files list has a .info file.");
// Check the .module file.
$module_file = $files["{$module_name}.module"];
->assertWellFormedPHP($module_file, "Module file parses as well-formed PHP.");
->assertFileHeader($module_file, "The module file contains the correct PHP open tag and file doc header");
->assertHookDocblock($module_file, 'hook_menu', "The module file contains the docblock for hook_menu().");
->assertHookImplementation($module_file, 'hook_menu', $module_name, "The module file contains a function declaration that implements hook_menu().");
->assertHookDocblock($module_file, 'hook_node_info', "The module file contains the docblock for hook_node_info().");
->assertHookImplementation($module_file, 'hook_node_info', $module_name, "The module file contains a function declaration that implements hook_node_info().");
->assertNoHookDocblock($module_file, 'hook_install', "The module file does not containt the docblock for hook_install().");
// Check the .install file.
$install_file = $files["{$module_name}.install"];
->assertWellFormedPHP($install_file, "Install file parses as well-formed PHP.");
->assertFileHeader($install_file, "The install file contains the correct PHP open tag and file doc header");
->assertHookDocblock($install_file, 'hook_install', "The install file contains the docblock for hook_install().");
->assertHookImplementation($install_file, 'hook_install', $module_name, "The instal file contains a function declaration that implements hook_install().");
->assertNoHookDocblock($install_file, 'hook_menu', "The install file does not contain the docblock for hook_menu().");
->assertNoHookDocblock($install_file, 'hook_node_info', "The install file does not contain the docblock for hook_node_info().");
// Check the file.
$tokens_file = $files["{$module_name}"];
->assertHookDocblock($tokens_file, 'hook_tokens', "The tokens file contains the docblock for hook_tokens().");
->assertHookImplementation($tokens_file, 'hook_tokens', $module_name, "The tokens file contains a function declaration that implements hook_tokens().");
// Check the .info file.
$info_file = $files["{$module_name}.info"];
->assertInfoLine($info_file, 'name', $module_data['readable_name'], "The info file declares the module name.");
->assertInfoLine($info_file, 'description', $module_data['short_description'], "The info file declares the module description.");
->assertInfoLine($info_file, 'core', "7.x", "The info file declares the core version.");
// Create a module, specifying limited build.
// It is crucial to create a new module name, as we eval() the generated
// code!
$module_name = $this
$module_data = array(
'base' => 'module',
'root_name' => $module_name,
'readable_name' => $this
'short_description' => $this
'hooks' => array(
// These two hooks will go in the .module file.
// This goes in a file, and also has complex parameters.
// This goes in the .install file.
'requested_build' => array(
'install' => TRUE,
$files = $this
->assertEqual(count($files), 1, "Only one file is returned.");
// Check the .install file.
$install_file = $files["{$module_name}.install"];
->assertWellFormedPHP($install_file, "Install file parses as well-formed PHP.");
->assertFileHeader($install_file, "The install file contains the correct PHP open tag and file doc header");
->assertHookDocblock($install_file, 'hook_install', "The install file contains the docblock for hook_install().");
->assertHookImplementation($install_file, 'hook_install', $module_name, "The instal file contains a function declaration that implements hook_install().");