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ModuleBuilderModule.php in Module Builder 8.3


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namespace Drupal\module_builder\Entity;

use Drupal\Core\Config\Entity\ConfigEntityBase;

* Defines the module_builder entity.
* @ConfigEntityType(
*   id = "module_builder_module",
*   label = @Translation("Module"),
*   handlers = {
*     "list_builder" = "Drupal\module_builder\ModuleBuilderComponentListBuilder",
*     "component_sections" = "Drupal\module_builder\EntityHandler\ComponentSectionFormHandler",
*     "form" = {
*       "default" = "Drupal\module_builder\Form\ModuleNameForm",
*       "add" = "Drupal\module_builder\Form\ModuleNameForm",
*       "edit" = "Drupal\module_builder\Form\ModuleNameForm",
*       "hooks" = "Drupal\module_builder\Form\ModuleHooksForm",
*       "misc" = "Drupal\module_builder\Form\ModuleMiscForm",
*       "generate" = "Drupal\module_builder\Form\ComponentGenerateForm",
*       "delete" = "Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityDeleteForm",
*     },
*     "route_provider" = {
*       "html" = "Drupal\module_builder\Routing\ComponentRouteProvider",
*     },
*   },
*   config_prefix = "component",
*   admin_permission = "create modules",
*   entity_keys = {
*     "id" = "id",
*     "label" = "name",
*   },
*   config_export = {
*     "id",
*     "name",
*     "data",
*   },
*   links = {
*     "canonical" = "/admin/config/development/module_builder/manage/{module_builder_module}",
*     "collection" = "/admin/config/development/module_builder",
*     "add-form" = "/admin/config/development/module_builder/add",
*     "edit-form" = "/admin/config/development/module_builder/manage/{module_builder_module}",
*     "generate-form" = "/admin/config/development/module_builder/manage/{module_builder_module}/generate",
*     "delete-form" = "/admin/config/development/module_builder/manage/{module_builder_module}/delete",
*   },
*   code_builder = {
*     "section_forms" = {
*       "name" = {
*         "title" = "Edit %label basic properties",
*         "op_title" = "Edit basic properties",
*         "tab_title" = "Name",
*         "properties" = {
*           "short_description",
*           "module_package",
*           "module_dependencies",
*         },
*       },
*       "hooks" = {
*         "title" = "Edit %label hooks",
*         "op_title" = "Edit hooks",
*          "tab_title" = "Hooks",
*         "properties" = {
*           "hooks",
*         },
*       },
*       "plugins" = {
*         "title" = "Edit %label plugins",
*         "op_title" = "Edit plugins",
*         "tab_title" = "Plugins",
*         "properties" = {
*           "plugins",
*           "plugin_types",
*         },
*       },
*       "entities" = {
*         "title" = "Edit %label entity types",
*         "op_title" = "Edit entity types",
*         "tab_title" = "Entity types",
*         "properties" = {
*           "content_entity_types",
*           "config_entity_types",
*         },
*       },
*       "forms" = {
*         "title" = "Edit %label forms",
*         "op_title" = "Edit forms",
*         "tab_title" = "Forms",
*         "properties" = {
*           "settings_form",
*           "forms",
*         },
*       },
*       "tests" = {
*         "title" = "Edit %label tests",
*         "op_title" = "Edit tests",
*         "tab_title" = "Tests",
*         "properties" = {
*           "phpunit_tests",
*           "tests",
*         },
*       },
*     },
*   },
* )
class ModuleBuilderModule extends ConfigEntityBase implements ComponentInterface {

   * The module_builder ID.
   * @var string
  public $id;

   * The module_builder label.
   * @var string
  public $label;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function getComponentType() : string {

    // TODO: move this to the entity annotation when we generalize to other
    // components.
    return 'module';



Namesort descending Description
ModuleBuilderModule Defines the module_builder entity.