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modernizr.install in Modernizr 7.3

Install file for Modernizr module.


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 * @file
 *   Install file for Modernizr module.

 * Implements hook_requirements().
 * Changes its status based on ability to locate JS library.
 * Changes its instructions based on Libraries API being enabled.
function modernizr_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  switch ($phase) {
    case 'runtime':

       * Test for conditions

      // Fetch the version and force it to skip cache.
      $version = modernizr_get_version(TRUE);

      // Fetch the path to the JS lib.
      $path = modernizr_get_path();

      // Test if Libraries module is being used by comparing output of path functions
      if (module_exists('libraries')) {

        // If this is truthy, the Modernizr is using Libraries API as best we can tell.
        $using_libraries = strpos($path, libraries_get_path('modernizr')) !== FALSE;
      else {
        $using_libraries = FALSE;

       * Generate status message and severity

      // Modernizr / Libraries API installed and working correctly.
      // Do the Drupal happy dance!
      if ($path && $using_libraries) {
        $description = FALSE;
        $severity = REQUIREMENT_OK;
      elseif ($path && !$using_libraries) {
        $description = t('Modernizr JS library is installed but you aren\'t using !libraries-api. You should use it.', array(
          '!libraries-api' => l(t('Libraries API'), ''),
        $severity = REQUIREMENT_WARNING;
      elseif (!$path && module_exists('libraries')) {
        $description = t('Modernizr JS library cannot be found. Download it from !modernizr-site, copy it into !path and rename it to modernizr.min.js.', array(
          '!modernizr-site' => l(t(''), ''),
          // !path has a hardcoded default because the libraries_get_path() function might not return
          // the correct path when conditions lead to this block of code being executed
          '!path' => libraries_get_path('modernizr') ? libraries_get_path('modernizr') : 'sites/all/libraries/modernizr',
        $severity = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
      else {
        $description = t('Modernizr and Libraries API cannot be found. Download Modernizr from !modernizr-site, copy it into !path and rename it to modernizr.min.js. You should also use the !libraries-api by installing from', array(
          '!modernizr-site' => l(t(''), ''),
          '!path' => 'sites/all/libraries/modernizr',
          '!libraries-api' => l(t('Libraries API'), ''),
        $severity = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;

       * We need a secondary set of requirements in case all modernizr tests
       * requested are not added to the current modernizr build. This will only
       * run if modernizr is available.
      if ($path) {
        $missing_tests = _modernizr_info_missing_tests();
        if (empty($missing_tests)) {

          // There are no missing tests! We are awesome!
          $tests_value = t('All required tests are present in current Modernizr build.');
          $tests_description = FALSE;
          $tests_severity = REQUIREMENT_OK;
        else {

          // Pull tests that are currently set.
          $current_tests = _modernizr_current_build();

          // If the custom build hasn't been created yet, we should report that
          // instead of saying that they're missing altogether. The development
          // copy has all the tests, so none are missing. However, dev does NOT
          // have Modernizr.load(), so it still registers as a full-blown error
          // by default.
          if (is_null($current_tests)) {
            $tests_value = t('You haven\'t created a custom build yet.');
            $tests_description = t('Modernizr only works with a custom build. Visit the !modernizr-settings to create one.', array(
              '!modernizr-settings' => l(t('Modernizr settings page'), 'admin/config/development/modernizr'),
            $tests_severity = variable_get('modernizr_quiet', MODERNIZR_QUIET_DEFAULT) ? REQUIREMENT_WARNING : REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
          else {

            // Custom build exists, and tests are missing, we need to fix that.
            $tests_value = t('Tests are missing in current Modernizr build.');
            $tests_description = t('Certain tests requested by currently enabled modules and themes are not within the current Modernizr build. Go to the !link to download a new version of Modernizr. The tests that are missing are: ', array(
              '!link' => l(t('Modernizr settings page'), 'admin/config/development/modernizr'),
            )) . '<code>' . implode('</code>, <code>', array_keys($missing_tests)) . '</code>';
            $tests_severity = variable_get('modernizr_quiet', MODERNIZR_QUIET_DEFAULT) ? REQUIREMENT_WARNING : REQUIREMENT_ERROR;

         * Declare requirement to Drupal
        $requirements[] = array(
          'title' => t('Modernizr Tests'),
          'value' => $tests_value,
          'description' => $tests_description,
          'severity' => $tests_severity,

       * Declare requirement to Drupal
      $requirements[] = array(
        'title' => t('Modernizr'),
        'value' => $version ? $version : t('Not installed'),
        'description' => $description,
        'severity' => $severity,
  return $requirements;

 * Set module weight.
function modernizr_set_module_weight() {
    'weight' => 10,
    ->condition('name', 'modernizr', '=')

 * Implements hook_install().
function modernizr_install() {

 * Implements hook_uninstall().
function modernizr_uninstall() {

  // Delete drupal_add_js() options.

  // Delete Drupal admin UI options.

  // Delete custom build options.

 * Delete the deprecated 'modernizr_serverside' variable.
function modernizr_update_7300() {
  return t("Deleted 'modernizr_serverside' variable");

 * Revert the introduction of 'defer' as the default method of including script.
function modernizr_update_7301() {

  // Setting `defer` as default was a bad idea, because:
  //   1. The deferred script almost always gets executed after any inlined
  //      Modernizr.load() commands.
  // @see
  //   2. Setting `defer` by default is bad for backwards-compatibility.
  // @see
  if (variable_get('modernizr_type', MODERNIZR_TYPE_DEFAULT) == 'defer') {
    variable_set('modernizr_type', MODERNIZR_TYPE_DEFAULT);

 * Increase module weight to override other modules library definitions.
function modernizr_update_7302() {
  return t('Increased Modernizr module weight.');

 * Automatically enable yepnope.js for backwards compatibility.
function modernizr_update_7303() {
  variable_set('modernizr_cb_load', 1);
  return t('Enabled yepnope.js for backwards compatibility.');


Namesort descending Description
modernizr_install Implements hook_install().
modernizr_requirements Implements hook_requirements().
modernizr_set_module_weight Set module weight.
modernizr_uninstall Implements hook_uninstall().
modernizr_update_7300 Delete the deprecated 'modernizr_serverside' variable.
modernizr_update_7301 Revert the introduction of 'defer' as the default method of including script.
modernizr_update_7302 Increase module weight to override other modules library definitions.
modernizr_update_7303 Automatically enable yepnope.js for backwards compatibility.