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RedirectOnLoginTest.php in Moderation Dashboard 2.0.x

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  1. 8 tests/src/Functional/RedirectOnLoginTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\moderation_dashboard\Functional;

 * Tests redirect on login configuration.
 * @group moderation_dashboard
class RedirectOnLoginTest extends ModerationDashboardTestBase {

   * Tests enabled redirect on login.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
  public function testEnabled() {

    // Redirect is enabled by default.
      ->assertSame(TRUE, $this

    // User is redirected.

   * Tests disabled redirect on login.
   * @throws \Behat\Mink\Exception\ExpectationException
  public function testDisabled() {

    // Set redirect to disabled.
      ->set('redirect_on_login', FALSE)

    // User is not redirected.

   * Tests if settings form is working as expected.
   * @throws \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityStorageException
  public function testSettingsForm() {
    $admin = $this
      ->createUser([], NULL, TRUE);
    $assert_session = $this

    // Disabling redirect on login.
      'redirect_on_login' => FALSE,
    ], 'Save configuration');
    $status_message = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'div[role="contentinfo"]')
      ->assertSame('Status message The configuration options have been saved.', $status_message);
      ->assertSame(FALSE, $this

    // Enabling redirect on login.
      'redirect_on_login' => TRUE,
    ], 'Save configuration');
    $status_message = $assert_session
      ->elementExists('css', 'div[role="contentinfo"]')
      ->assertSame('Status message The configuration options have been saved.', $status_message);
      ->assertSame(TRUE, $this



Namesort descending Description
RedirectOnLoginTest Tests redirect on login configuration.