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15 string references to YAML keys in modal_page.routing.yml in Modal 8.2

ModalDeleteForm::getCancelUrl in src/Form/ModalDeleteForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
ModalDeleteForm::submitForm in src/Form/ModalDeleteForm.php
Delete the entity and log the event. logger() replaces the watchdog.
ModalForm::buildForm in src/Form/ModalForm.php
Form constructor.
ModalForm::save in src/Form/ModalForm.php
Form submission handler for the 'save' action.
ModalHelpController::index in src/Controller/ModalHelpController.php
ModalPage::getAllowTags in src/ModalPage.php
Allowed tags on modal page.
ModalPage::importModalConfigToEntity in src/ModalPage.php
Import Modal Config to Entity.
ModalPageSettingsForm::buildForm in src/Form/ModalPageSettingsForm.php
Form constructor.
ModalPageSettingsForm::getEditableConfigNames in src/Form/ModalPageSettingsForm.php
Gets the configuration names that will be editable.
ModalPageSettingsForm::submitForm in src/Form/ModalPageSettingsForm.php
Form submission handler.
ModalPageSettingsFormTest::testEditableConfigName in tests/src/Kernel/Form/ModalPageSettingsFormTest.php
Test editable config name.
ModalPublishedForm::getCancelUrl in src/Form/ModalPublishedForm.php
Returns the route to go to if the user cancels the action.
ModalPublishedForm::submitForm in src/Form/ModalPublishedForm.php
Pubished the entity and log the event. logger() replaces the watchdog.
modal_page_help in ./modal_page.module
Implements hook_help().
modal_page_page_attachments in ./modal_page.module
Implements hook_page_attachments().