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mobile_tools_browscap.module in Mobile Tools 7.3

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  1. 7.2 mobile_tools_browscap/mobile_tools_browscap.module

Integrate the device detection in Browscap with Mobile Tools

@author Mathew Winstone <>


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 * @file
 * Integrate the device detection in Browscap with Mobile Tools
 * @author Mathew Winstone <>

 * Device group activation callback.
 * @param object $device_group
 *  Device group to consider for activation
 * @return boolean
 *  Return TRUE if the redirect should occur, FALSE otherwise.
function mobile_tools_browscap_activate($device_group) {
  $browser = browscap_get_browser();
  $redirect = FALSE;

  // Get the redirect state
  // Check for a match on the parent
  $redirect = _mobile_tools_browscap_match_parent($browser, $device_group);

  // If no match, try the user agent specifically
  if (FALSE === $redirect) {
    $redirect = _mobile_tools_browscap_match_useragent($browser, $device_group);

  // @todo continue cascade of any matchable items
  return $redirect;

 * Implements hook_mobile_tools_device_detector_info().
function mobile_tools_browscap_mobile_tools_device_detector_info() {
  return array(
    'name' => 'Browscap',
    // @todo remove underscores from array keys
    'form callback' => 'mobile_tools_browscap_activate_options_form',
    'activation callback' => 'mobile_tools_browscap_activate',

 * Form callback function for mobile_tools_browscap_mobile_tools_device_detector_info().
 * @param array $default
 *  Form values saved by mobile_tools module.
 * @return array
 *  Addition to the mobile tools device group form.
function mobile_tools_browscap_activate_options_form($default) {
  $form['mobile_tools_browscap_parents'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#multiple' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Select parent browser agents for this group'),
    '#description' => t("Match against the user agent's parent value."),
    '#options' => mobile_tools_browscap_get_browscap_parents(),
    '#default_value' => isset($default['mobile_tools_browscap_parents']) ? $default['mobile_tools_browscap_parents'] : '',
    '#size' => 15,
  $form['mobile_tools_browscap_user_agents'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#multiple' => TRUE,
    '#title' => t('Select user agents for this group'),
    '#description' => t('Match against the user agent string.'),
    '#options' => mobile_tools_browscap_get_browscap_user_agents(),
    '#default_value' => isset($default['mobile_tools_browscap_user_agents']) ? $default['mobile_tools_browscap_user_agents'] : '',
    '#size' => 15,
  return $form;

 * Implements hook_form_alter().
 * Add support for Chosen when available.
 * @see
function mobile_tools_browscap_form_mobile_tools_device_group_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $device_group = NULL) {
  if (drupal_add_library('chosen', 'chosen')) {
    $form['mobile_tools_browscap']['mobile_tools_browscap_user_agents']['#attributes']['data-placeholder'] = t('Select user agents');
    $form['mobile_tools_browscap']['mobile_tools_browscap_parents']['#attributes']['data-placeholder'] = t('Select parent agents');
    $form['mobile_tools_browscap']['#attached']['library'][] = array(
    $form['mobile_tools_browscap']['#attached']['js'] = array(
      drupal_get_path('module', 'mobile_tools_browscap') . '/mobile_tools_browscap.js' => array(
        'type' => 'file',

 * Create a mega options list of all user agents in the Browscap datagbase
 * @return array
 *  Return an array of user agents.
function mobile_tools_browscap_get_browscap_user_agents() {

  // @todo change to use database level sorting
  // @todo see if there's a function in browscap to do this
  $user_agent_data = db_select('browscap', 'b')
    ->fields('b', array(
    ->orderBy('useragent', 'ASC')
  $rows = array();
  if ($user_agent_data) {
    foreach ($user_agent_data as $key => $agent) {
      $rows[check_plain($agent->useragent)] = check_plain($agent->useragent);
    return $rows;
  else {
    return array();

 * Get a list of parents of user agents
 * @return array
 *  Return an array of parents.
function mobile_tools_browscap_get_browscap_parents() {
  $parent_data = db_select('browscap', 'b')
    ->fields('b', array(
    ->orderBy('parent', 'ASC')

  // Check the parent data
  if ($parent_data) {
    foreach ($parent_data as $key => $parent) {
      $rows[check_plain($parent->parent)] = check_plain($parent->parent);
    return $rows;
  else {
    return array();

 * Perform the matching operation against the parent agent values
 * @param array $browser [reference]
 *  Browser definition
 * @param object $device_group [reference]
 *  Device group object
 * @return boolean
 *  Return TRUE if there is a match, FALSE otherwise.
function _mobile_tools_browscap_match_parent(&$browser, &$device_group) {

  // Check the parent value
  $match = array_key_exists($browser['parent'], $device_group->detection_settings['mobile_tools_browscap']['mobile_tools_browscap_parents']);
  return $match;

 * Perform the matching operation against the user agent values
 * @param array $browser [reference]
 *  Browser definition
 * @param object $device_group [reference]
 *  Device group object
 * @return boolean
 *  Return TRUE if there is a match, FALSE otherwise.
function _mobile_tools_browscap_match_useragent(&$browser, &$device_group) {

  // Check raw useragent value
  $match = array_key_exists($browser['useragent'], $device_group->detection_settings['mobile_tools_browscap']['mobile_tools_browscap_user_agents']);
  return $match;


Namesort descending Description
mobile_tools_browscap_activate Device group activation callback.
mobile_tools_browscap_activate_options_form Form callback function for mobile_tools_browscap_mobile_tools_device_detector_info().
mobile_tools_browscap_form_mobile_tools_device_group_form_alter Implements hook_form_alter().
mobile_tools_browscap_get_browscap_parents Get a list of parents of user agents
mobile_tools_browscap_get_browscap_user_agents Create a mega options list of all user agents in the Browscap datagbase
mobile_tools_browscap_mobile_tools_device_detector_info Implements hook_mobile_tools_device_detector_info().
_mobile_tools_browscap_match_parent Perform the matching operation against the parent agent values
_mobile_tools_browscap_match_useragent Perform the matching operation against the user agent values