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mobile_tools.test in Mobile Tools 7.3

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  1. 7.2 mobile_tools.test

Tests for mobile tools


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 * @file
 * Tests for mobile tools
abstract class MobileToolsTestCase extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  protected $admin_user;
  protected $nonadmin_user;
  protected $device_group;
  protected $renamed_device_group;
  protected $mainUrl;
  protected $settingsUrl;
  protected $addUrl;
  protected $editUrl;
  protected $deleteUrl;
  public function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('themekey', 'mobile_tools');
    $this->admin_user = $this
      'administer mobile tools',
    $this->nonadmin_user = $this
    $this->device_group = array(
      'title' => 'Test Group',
      'dgid' => 'test_group',
      'purl_modifier' => 'test_modifier',
      'theme' => 'bartik',
      'description' => 'Test device group.',
    $this->renamed_device_group = array(
      'title' => 'Renamed Test Group',
      'purl_modifier' => 'renamed_test_modifier',
      'theme' => 'seven',
      'description' => 'Renamed test device group.',
    $this->mainUrl = 'admin/config/system/mobile-tools';
    $this->settingsUrl = 'admin/config/system/mobile-tools/settings';
    $this->addUrl = 'admin/config/system/mobile-tools/add';
    $this->editUrl = 'admin/config/system/mobile-tools/edit';
    $this->deleteUrl = 'admin/config/system/mobile-tools/delete';

class MobileToolsUserRolesTestCase extends MobileToolsTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('User Access'),
      'description' => t('Tests Mobile Tools user roles, and creating/editing/deleting device groups.'),
      'group' => t('Mobile Tools'),

   * Tests that the admin user can access the Mobile Tools pages.
  public function testAdminUserAccess() {

    // Test admin user access to config
      ->assertTrue(user_access('administer mobile tools', $this->admin_user), t('User has "administer mobile tools" permission.'));

    // Test access to global settings
      ->assertText('Settings', t('Admin user has access to Mobile Tools global settings'));

    // Test access to device group list
      ->assertText('Add Device Group', t('Found Add Device Group link.'));
      ->assertText('Sample device group', t('Default device group present.'));

    // Test access to add device group form
      ->assertField('edit-title', '', t('Device Group form found'));
      ->assertFieldByName('form_id', 'mobile_tools_device_group_form', t('Edit device Group form found'));

    // Test access to edit device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->editUrl . '/mobile');
      ->assertField('edit-title', 'Mobile', t('Device Group form found'));
      ->assertFieldByName('form_id', 'mobile_tools_device_group_form', t('Device Group form found'));

    // Test access to delete device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->deleteUrl . '/mobile');
      ->assertFieldByName('form_id', 'mobile_tools_device_group_delete_confirm', t('Device Group form found'));

    // */

   * Tests that a user without the proper role cannot access the Mobile Tools
   * pages.
  public function testNonAdminUserAccess() {

    // Test non-admin user access denied
      ->assertFalse(user_access('administer mobile tools', $this->nonadmin_user), t('User doesn\'t have "administer mobile tools" permission.'));

    // Test access denied to device group list
      ->assertText('Access denied', t('Non-admin user denied access to mobile tools page.'));

    // Test access denied to device group list
      ->assertText('Access denied', t('Non-admin user denied access to mobile tools settings page.'));

    // Test access denied to add device group form
      ->assertText('Access denied', t('Non-admin user denied access to add device group page.'));

    // Test access denied to edit device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->editUrl . '/mobile');
      ->assertText('Access denied', t('Non-admin user denied access to edit device group.'));

    // Test access denied to delete device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->deleteUrl . '/mobile');
      ->assertText('Access denied', t('Non-admin user denied access to delete device group.'));

class MobileToolsDeviceGroupTestCase extends MobileToolsTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => t('Device Groups'),
      'description' => t('Tests Mobile Tools user roles, and creating/editing/deleting device groups.'),
      'group' => t('Mobile Tools'),

   * Tests the ability to create, edit, and then delete a device group. Further
   * tests that the default device group can be edited and reverted.
  public function testNewDeviceGroupCrud() {

    // Test adding new device group
    // Get add device group form
      ->assertText('Device Group Name', t('Found device group form.'));
    $form = $this->device_group;

    // Submit new device group
      ->drupalPost($this->addUrl, $form, t('Save device group'));
      ->assertLinkByHref($this->editUrl . '/test_group', 0, t('Edit link found.'));
      ->assertLinkByHref($this->deleteUrl . '/test_group', 0, t('Delete link found.'));

    // Test editing device group
    // Get edit device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->editUrl . '/test_group');
      ->assertFieldByName('title', 'Test Group', t('Found title field.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('dgid', 'test_group', t('Found machine-name field.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('purl_modifier', 'test_modifier', t('Found PURL modifier field.'));
      ->assertOptionSelected('edit-theme', 'bartik', t('Found theme option.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('description', 'Test device group.', t('Found description field.'));
    $form = $this->renamed_device_group;

    // Submit edited device group
      ->drupalPost($this->editUrl . '/test_group', $form, t('Save device group'));
      ->assertLinkByHref($this->editUrl . '/test_group', 0, t('Edit link found.'));
      ->assertLinkByHref($this->deleteUrl . '/test_group', 0, t('Delete link found.'));

    // Test deleting device group
    // Get delete device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->deleteUrl . '/test_group');
      ->assertText('Are you sure you want to delete the device group ' . $form['title']);
    $form = array(
      'confirm' => 1,

    // Confirm deletion of device group
      ->drupalPost($this->deleteUrl . '/test_group', $form, t('Delete'));
      ->assertText('Device group test_group has been deleted.');

    // */

   * Tests that the default device group can be modified and then reverted.
  public function testDefaultDeviceGroupRevert() {

    // Test editing default device group
    // Get edit device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->editUrl . '/mobile');
      ->assertFieldByName('title', 'Mobile', t('Found title field.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('dgid', 'mobile', t('Found machine-name field.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('purl_modifier', 'mobile', t('Found PURL modifier field.'));
      ->assertOptionSelected('edit-theme', '0', t('Found theme option.'));
      ->assertFieldByName('description', 'Sample device group.', t('Found description field.'));
    $form = $this->device_group;
    $form['title'] = 'Mobile Overridden';

    // Submit modified default device group
      ->drupalPost($this->editUrl . '/mobile', $form, t('Save device group'));
      ->assertText('Mobile Overridden');
      ->assertLinkByHref($this->editUrl . '/mobile', 0, t('Edit link found.'));
      ->assertLinkByHref($this->deleteUrl . '/mobile', 0, t('Revert link found.'));

    // Test reverting device group
    // Get revert device group form
      ->drupalGet($this->deleteUrl . '/mobile');
      ->assertText('Are you sure you want to revert the device group ' . $form['title']);
    $form = array(
      'confirm' => 1,

    // Confirm reverting default device group
      ->drupalPost($this->deleteUrl . '/mobile', $form, t('Revert'));
      ->assertText('Device group mobile has been reverted.');
      ->assertNoText('Mobile Overridden');

