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6 calls to mobile_tools_roles_info() in Mobile Tools 5

mobile_tools_roles_configuration_form in ./mobile_tools.module
Configuration form for configuring the mobile context in the permission system
mobile_tools_roles_configuration_form_submit in ./mobile_tools.module
Implementation of hook_submit().
mobile_tools_roles_configuration_submit in ./mobile_tools.module
Implementation of hook_submit()
mobile_tools_roles_init in ./mobile_tools.module
Being called in the hook_init() implementation This function is in charge of changing the user role
mobile_tools_user in ./mobile_tools.module
Implementation of the user_load function to assure that the right role is being assigned to the user. This is the same actions as in the hook_init() method
mobile_tools_user_roles in ./mobile_tools.module
Helper function to return the user roles