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9 calls to mobile_tools_device_groups() in Mobile Tools 7.2

mobile_tools_block_message in ./mobile_tools.module
Helper function returning the configurable message for the notification
mobile_tools_context_condition_mobile::condition_form in mobile_tools_context/
Configuration form
mobile_tools_context_is_mobile_ctools_access_settings in mobile_tools_context/plugins/access/
Settings form for the 'by perm' access plugin
mobile_tools_get_device in ./mobile_tools.module
Get $device object. Check if the 'device' argument is present or a cookie is set to overwrite the device:
mobile_tools_purl_modifiers in ./mobile_tools.module
Implements hook_purl_modifiers().
mobile_tools_purl_provider in ./mobile_tools.module
Implements hook_purl_provider().
mobile_tools_spaces_registry in ./mobile_tools.module
Implements hook_spaces_registry().
mobile_tools_switch_options in ./mobile_tools.module
Generate the options required for PURL to rewrite the URL
_mobile_tools_get_active_purl_modifiers in ./mobile_tools.module
Scan the active modifiers for any active mobile tools ones.