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mobile_switch_block.module in Mobile Switch Block 7

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  1. 6 mobile_switch_block.module
  2. 7.2 mobile_switch_block.module

Extends the Mobile Switch module with an theme switch block.

The block content provides a link to manually switch the current theme to the mobile or desktop theme.


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 * @file
 * Extends the Mobile Switch module with an theme switch block.
 * The block content provides a link to manually switch the current theme to
 * the mobile or desktop theme.

 * Implements hook_boot().
function mobile_switch_block_boot() {

  // No functionalities here.
  // We use this hook to set autmatically the system table bootstrap value
  // for this module to 1.

 * Implements hook_mobile_switch_mobile_boot_alter().
 * @param $conf
 *   The associative array contains values to alter.
 * @param $get
 *   The associative array contains various parameters to help to alter.
 * Insert new entries in the 'variable' table:
 *   - theme_cookie: The default value is FALSE. If the theme switch cookie
 *                   exists the value can be 'standard' or 'mobile'.
function mobile_switch_block_mobile_switch_boot_alter(&$conf, $get) {
  $conf['theme_cookie'] = FALSE;
  $get['theme_cookie'] = FALSE;

  // Use variable_get() works not proper here.
  // We use the presaved variables:
  // - $conf['mobile_switch_theme_default']
  // - $conf['mobile_switch_theme_mobile']
  // Theme switch from URL.
  // Set users cookie.
  if (isset($_GET['mobile_switch'])) {
    $get['theme_cookie'] = $_GET['mobile_switch'];

  // Provide cookie value.
  $conf['theme_cookie'] = $get['theme_cookie'] = _mobile_switch_block_get_cookie();

  // No theme cookie exist.
  if ((bool) $get['theme_cookie'] === FALSE && (bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] == TRUE) {
    $conf['theme_default'] = $conf['mobile_switch_theme_mobile'];
    $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiledevice'] = TRUE;
    $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiletheme'] = TRUE;

  // Theme switch from URL as user action.
  if (isset($_GET['mobile_switch'])) {
    switch ($_GET['mobile_switch']) {
      case 'standard':
        $conf['theme_default'] = $conf['mobile_switch_theme_default'];
        $conf['theme_mobile'] = $conf['mobile_switch_theme_default'];
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiledevice'] = FALSE;
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiletheme'] = FALSE;
      case 'mobile':
        $conf['theme_default'] = $conf['mobile_switch_theme_mobile'];
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiledevice'] = TRUE;
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiletheme'] = TRUE;
  elseif ($get['theme_cookie']) {
    switch ($get['theme_cookie']) {
      case 'standard':
        $conf['theme_default'] = $conf['mobile_switch_theme_default'];
        $conf['theme_mobile'] = $conf['mobile_switch_theme_default'];
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiledevice'] = FALSE;
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiletheme'] = FALSE;
      case 'mobile':
        $conf['theme_default'] = $conf['mobile_switch_theme_mobile'];
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiledevice'] = TRUE;
        $conf['mobile_switch_ismobiletheme'] = TRUE;

 * Implements hook_form_FORM_ID_alter().
function mobile_switch_block_form_mobile_switch_advanced_settings_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
  global $conf;
  if ($conf['mobile_switch_theme_mobile'] !== 'none') {
    $form['switch_block'] = array(
      '#type' => 'fieldset',
      '#title' => t('Switch block'),
      '#description' => t('Take a look at the !readme.', array(
        '!readme' => l('README.txt', ''),
      '#collapsible' => TRUE,
      '#collapsed' => FALSE,
    $form['switch_block']['mobile_switch_block_content'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Block content'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_content', 'link'),
      '#options' => _mobile_switch_block_content_options(),
    $form['switch_block']['mobile_switch_block_desktop_device_name'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Desktop device designation'),
      '#description' => t('Select the designation for the desktop device. Example output: Standard view, Default view, Desktop view'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_desktop_device_name', 'standard'),
      '#options' => array(
        'standard' => t('standard'),
        'default' => t('default'),
        'desktop' => t('desktop'),
    $form['switch_block']['mobile_switch_block_switch_link_text'] = array(
      '#type' => 'select',
      '#title' => t('Switch link text'),
      '#description' => t('Select the second part of the switch link text. Example output: Mobile view, Mobile site, Mobile variant, Mobile version'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_switch_link_text', 'view'),
      '#options' => array(
        'view' => t('view'),
        'site' => t('site'),
        'variant' => t('variant'),
        'version' => t('version'),
    $form['switch_block']['mobile_switch_block_cookie_expire'] = array(
      '#type' => 'textfield',
      '#title' => t('Cookie lifetime'),
      '#description' => t('The time after the <em>Mobile Switch</em> theme cookie expires, in seconds.'),
      '#default_value' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_cookie_expire', 31536000),
      '#size' => 20,
      '#maxlength' => 12,
      '#required' => TRUE,
      '#element_validate' => array(

 * Render API callback: Validates the cookie expire value.
 * Ensures that only numbers and no white spaces has been entered.
 * This function is assigned as an #element_validate callback in
 * mobile_switch_block_form_mobile_switch_advanced_settings_form_alter().
function _mobile_switch_block_cookie_expire_validate($element, &$form_state) {
  if (preg_match("/[^0-9]/", $element['#value'])) {
    form_error($element, t('%title: Only numbers and no white spaces are possible.', array(
      '%title' => t($element['#title']),

 * Implements hook_theme().
function mobile_switch_block_theme() {
  return array(
    'mobile_switch_block_switch_content' => array(
      'template' => 'mobile-switch-block-switch-content',
      'render element' => 'content',

 * Processes variables for mobile-switch-block-switch-content.tpl.php.
 * Returns HTML content for the Mobile switch block.
 * @see mobile_switch_block_view()
 * @see mobile_switch_block_get_block_content()
 * @ingroup themeable
function template_preprocess_mobile_switch_block_switch_content(&$variables) {
  global $conf;
  $variables['mobile_switch_ismobiledevice'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_ismobiledevice', FALSE);
  $variables['mobile_switch_block_content'] = variable_get('mobile_switch_block_content', 'link');
  $variables['query_value'] = '';
  $variables['version'] = '';
  $variables['version_text'] = '';
  $variables['class'] = '';
  $variables['switch_link'] = '';
  $variables['switch_message'] = '';
  $items = array();
  if ($variables['mobile_switch_ismobiledevice']) {
    $variables['query_value'] = 'standard';
    $variables['version'] = 'mobile';
    $variables['version_text'] = variable_get('mobile_switch_block_desktop_device_name', 'standard');
    $variables['class'] = 'mobile-switch-to-standard';
  else {
    $variables['query_value'] = 'mobile';
    $variables['version'] = variable_get('mobile_switch_block_desktop_device_name', 'standard');
    $variables['version_text'] = 'mobile';
    $variables['class'] = 'mobile-switch-to-mobile';

  // Prepare the switch content.
  switch ($variables['mobile_switch_block_content']) {
    case 'link':
      $variables['switch_link'] = t('<a href="!switch-url">!version !view</a>', array(
        '!view' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_switch_link_text', 'view'),
        '!switch-url' => _mobile_switch_block_url($variables['query_value'], TRUE),
        '!version' => ucfirst($variables['version_text']),
      $items[] = array(
        'class' => array(
        'data' => $variables['switch_link'],
    case 'message_link':
      $switch_message = $variables['switch_message'] = '<span class="mobile-switch-inform">' . t('This is the !version-text !version of the site.', array(
        '!version-text' => $variables['version'],
        '!version' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_switch_link_text', 'view'),
      )) . '</span>' . "\n";
      $variables['switch_link'] = t('<a href="!switch-url">!version !view</a>', array(
        '!view' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_switch_link_text', 'view'),
        '!switch-url' => _mobile_switch_block_url($variables['query_value'], TRUE),
        '!version' => ucfirst($variables['version_text']),
      $items[] = array(
        'class' => array(
        'data' => $variables['switch_link'],

  // Usage of theme_item_list() needed for the use with a Mobile jQuery sub-theme.
  // This ensures the Mobile jQuery like display of the switch content.
  $variables['content'] = $variables['switch_message'] . theme('item_list', array(
    'attributes' => array(
      'class' => array(
        'menu clearfix',
    'items' => $items,

 * Implements hook_block_info().
function mobile_switch_block_block_info() {
  $blocks['switch']['info'] = t('Mobile switch');
  $blocks['switch']['properties']['administrative'] = TRUE;

  // Necessary for the correct functioning of the switch function for
  // anonymous users if enabled block caching in the performance settings.
  $blocks['switch']['cache'] = DRUPAL_NO_CACHE;
  return $blocks;

 * Implements hook_block_configure().
function mobile_switch_block_block_configure($delta = '') {
  $form['mobile_switch_block_content'] = array(
    '#type' => 'select',
    '#title' => t('Block content'),
    '#default_value' => variable_get('mobile_switch_block_content', 'link'),
    '#options' => _mobile_switch_block_content_options(),
  return $form;

 * Implements hook_block_save().
function mobile_switch_block_block_save($delta = '', $edit = array()) {
  variable_set('mobile_switch_block_content', $edit['mobile_switch_block_content']);

 * Implements hook_block_view()
function mobile_switch_block_block_view($delta) {
  global $conf;
  if ($conf['mobile_switch_theme_mobile'] === 'none') {
  $get['deskbrowser'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_deskbrowser', FALSE);
  $get['developer'] = (bool) variable_get('mobile_switch_developer', FALSE);
  $get['browser'] = mobile_switch_browscap_get_browser($get['developer']);
  $block = array();
  switch ($delta) {
    case 'switch':
      if ((bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === TRUE && (bool) $get['browser']['prevent_device'] === FALSE || $get['deskbrowser'] === TRUE && (bool) $get['browser']['ismobiledevice'] === FALSE) {
        $block['subject'] = t('Theme switch');
        $block['content'] = theme('mobile_switch_block_switch_content');
  return $block;

 * Wrapper function to get the switch block content.
 * @return string
 *   HTML switch block content.
function mobile_switch_block_get_block_content() {
  return theme('mobile_switch_block_switch_content');

 * Get the cookie value.
 * @return boolean|string
 *   FALSE if not set or one of the two values standard/mobile.
 * @see mobile_switch_block_mobile_switch_boot_alter()
function _mobile_switch_block_get_cookie() {
  $name = 'mobile_switch_mode';
  return isset($_COOKIE[$name]) ? $_COOKIE[$name] : FALSE;

 * Set the cookie value.
 * @param $value
 *   The string contains one of the possible values:
 *   - standard
 *   - mobile
 * @see mobile_switch_block_mobile_switch_boot_alter()
function _mobile_switch_block_set_cookie($value) {
  setrawcookie('mobile_switch_mode', $value, REQUEST_TIME + variable_get('mobile_switch_block_cookie_expire', 31536000), '/');

 * Get the mobile switch URL.
 * @param $mode
 *   A string with the possible values:
 *   - standard
 *   - mobile
 * @param $manual
 *   A boolean value.
 * @see theme_mobile_switch_block()
function _mobile_switch_block_url($mode, $manual = FALSE) {
  $options['query']['mobile_switch'] = $manual ? $mode : 0;
  $options['absolute'] = TRUE;
  return url(current_path(), $options);

 * Helper function to get block content options.
 * @see mobile_switch_block_form_mobile_switch_advanced_settings_form_alter()
 * @see mobile_switch_block_block_configure()
function _mobile_switch_block_content_options() {
  return array(
    'link' => t('Only the switch link'),
    'message_link' => t('Message and switch link'),