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public static function Utilities::advertiseNetworkSecurity in SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider 8

5 calls to Utilities::advertiseNetworkSecurity()
Mapping::buildForm in src/Form/Mapping.php
Form constructor.
MiniorangeSamlCustomerSetup::buildForm in src/Form/MiniorangeSamlCustomerSetup.php
Form constructor.
MiniorangeSignonSettings::buildForm in src/Form/MiniorangeSignonSettings.php
Form constructor.
MiniorangeSupport::buildForm in src/Form/MiniorangeSupport.php
Form constructor.
MiniornageAdvanceSettings::buildForm in src/Form/MiniornageAdvanceSettings.php
Form constructor.


src/Utilities.php, line 124


This file is part of miniOrange SAML plugin.




public static function advertiseNetworkSecurity(&$form, &$form_state, $moduleType = 'Network Security') {
  $mo_image = 'security.jpg';
  $mo_module = 'Web Security module';
  $mo_discription = 'Building a website is a time-consuming process that requires tremendous efforts. For smooth
                    functioning and protection from any sort of web attack appropriate security is essential and we
                     ensure to provide the best website security solutions available in the market.
                    We provide you enterprise-level security, protecting your Drupal site from hackers and malware.';
  $mo_knorMoreButton = '';
  $mo_downloadModule = '';
  if ($moduleType === 'SCIM') {
    $mo_image = 'user-sync.png';
    $mo_module = 'User Provisioning (SCIM)';
    $mo_discription = 'miniOrange provides a ready to use solution for Drupal User Provisioning using SCIM (System for Cross-domain Identity Management) standard.
            This solution ensures that you can sync add, update, delete, and deactivate user operations with Drupal user list using the SCIM User Provisioner module.';
    $mo_downloadModule = '';
    $mo_knorMoreButton = '';
  global $base_url;
  $form['miniorange_idp_guide_link3'] = array(
    '#markup' => '<div class="mo_saml_table_layout mo_saml_sp_container_2">
  $form['mo_idp_net_adv'] = array(
    '#markup' => t('<form name="f1">
        <table id="idp_support" class="idp-table" style="border: none;">
        <h4 class="mo_ns_image1">Looking for a Drupal ' . $mo_module . '?</h4>
            <tr class="mo_ns_row">
                <th class="mo_ns_image1"><img
                            src="' . $base_url . '/' . drupal_get_path("module", "miniorange_saml") . '/includes/images/' . $mo_image . '"
                            alt="miniOrange icon" height=10% width=35%>
                        <h4>Drupal ' . $mo_module . '</h4>

            <tr class="mo_ns_row">
                <td class="mo_ns_align">' . $mo_discription . ' </td>
            <tr class="mo_ns_row">
                <td class="mo_ns_td"><br> <a href=" ' . $mo_downloadModule . ' " target="_blank" class="mo_btn mo_btn-primary mo_ns_padding">Download Plugin</a>
                       <a href="' . $mo_knorMoreButton . ' " class="mo_btn mo_btn-success mo_ns_padding" target="_blank">Know More</a>
  return $form;