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mo_saml_visualTour.php in SAML SP 2.0 Single Sign On (SSO) - SAML Service Provider 7


View source

drupal_add_css(drupal_get_path('module', 'miniorange_saml') . '/css/mo-card.css', array(
  'group' => CSS_DEFAULT,
  'every_page' => FALSE,
drupal_add_js(drupal_get_path('module', 'miniorange_saml') . '/js/dru_visual_tour.js');
$Tour_taken = variable_get('mo_saml_tourTaken_' . getPage_name(), false);
$https = isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] == 'on' ? 'https' : 'http';
$request_scheme = isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME']) ? $_SERVER['REQUEST_SCHEME'] : $https;
  'moTour' => array(
    'pageID' => getPage_name(),
    'tourData' => getTourData(getPage_name(), $Tour_taken),
    'tourTaken' => $Tour_taken,
    'addID' => addID(),
    'pageURL' => $request_scheme . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],
), array(
  'type' => 'setting',
variable_set('mo_saml_tourTaken_' . getPage_name(), true);
if (isset($_POST['doneTour']) && isset($_POST['pageID'])) {
  variable_set('mo_saml_tourTaken_' . $_POST['pageID'], $_POST['doneTour']);
function getPage_name() {
  $link = (isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] === 'on' ? "https" : "http") . "://" . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
  $exploded = explode('/', $link);
  $l_url = end($exploded);
  $l_url = multiexplode(array(
  ), $l_url);
  $f_url = $l_url[0];
  return $f_url;
function multiexplode($delimiters, $string) {
  $ready = str_replace($delimiters, $delimiters[0], $string);
  $launch = explode($delimiters[0], $ready);
  return $launch;
function mo_visual_tour() {
  $firstTour = true;
  echo '<div id="mo_saml_restart_tour_button" class="mo-otp-help-button static" style="margin-right:10px;z-index:10">
    <button class="button button-primary button-large">
    <span class="dashicons dashicons-controls-repeat" style="margin:5% 0 0 0;"></span>
        ' . mo_("Restart Tour") . '
function addID() {
  $idArray = array(
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(1)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_idp',
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(2)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_sp',
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(3)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_mapp',
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(4)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_signin',
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(5)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_import',
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(7)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_license',
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(8)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_acnt',
      'selector' => '.tabs li:nth-of-type(9)>a',
      'newID' => 'mo_vt_query',
  return $idArray;
function getTourData($pageID, $Tour_Taken) {
  $tourData = array();
  if ($Tour_Taken == FALSE) {
    $tab_index = 'miniorange_saml';
  else {
    $tab_index = 'idp_tab';
  $tourData['miniorange_saml'] = array(
    0 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_base_url',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Base URL/Site URL</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can change your Base/ Site URL here',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    1 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_issuer_id',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>SP Issuer ID/ Entity ID</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can change your Issuer ID/ Entity ID here',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    2 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_vt_metadata',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service provider metadata URL</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Provide this Metadata URL to configure your IDP',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    3 => array(
      'targetE' => 'miniorange_download_metadata',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service provider metadata file</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can download matadata xml file from here.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    4 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_vt_id',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service provider metadata URLs</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can manually configure your IDP using the information given here.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    5 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml-feedback-form',
      'pointToSide' => 'right',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Need help?</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Get in touch with us and we will help you setup the module in no time.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
      'ifskip' => 'hidden',
  $tourData[$tab_index] = array(
    0 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml-feedback-form',
      'pointToSide' => 'right',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Need help?</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Get in touch with us and we will help you setup the module in no time.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    1 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_vt_idp',
      'pointToSide' => 'up',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service Provider Metadata</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'This tab provides details to <b>configure your IDP</b>.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    2 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_vt_sp',
      'pointToSide' => 'up',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service Provider Setup</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Configure your IdP using the information which you get from IDP-Metadata XML',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    3 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_vt_mapp',
      'pointToSide' => 'up',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Mapping</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'In this tab you can find <b>attribute mapping, role mapping</b> and more.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    4 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_vt_license',
      'pointToSide' => 'up',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Upgrade here</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can find <b>Standard, Premium and Enterprise features</b>.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    5 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_base_url',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Base URL/Site URL</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can change your Base/ Site URL here',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    6 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_issuer_id',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>SP Issuer ID/ Entity ID</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can change your Issuer ID/ Entity ID here',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    7 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_vt_metadata',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service provider metadata URL</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Provide this Metadata URL to configure your IDP',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    8 => array(
      'targetE' => 'miniorange_download_metadata',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service provider metadata file</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can download matadata xml file from here.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
    9 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mo_saml_vt_id',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Service provider metadata URLs</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can manually configure your IDP using the information given here.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
  $tourData['sp_setup'] = array(
    0 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_upload',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Upload your metadata</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'If you have a metadata URL or file provided by your IDP, click on the button.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    1 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_name',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>IdP Name</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Enter your <b>Identity Provider Name.</b> <br>For example : ADFS, One Login, etc..',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    2 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_issuer',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>IdP Entity ID</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can find the <b>EntityID</b> in Your IdP-Metadata XML file enclosed in EntityDescriptor tag having attribute as entityID',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'largemedium',
      'action' => '',
    3 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_loginUrl',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Login URL</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'You can find the <b>SAML Login URL</b> in Your IdP-Metadata XML file enclosed in SingleSignOnService tag (Binding type: HTTP-Redirect)',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'largemedium',
      'action' => '',
    4 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_x509Cert',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>x.509 Certificate</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Copy and Paste the content from the downloaded certificate or copy the content enclosed in X509Certificate tag (has parent tag KeyDescriptor use=signing) in IdP-Metadata XML file',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'big',
      'action' => '',
    5 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_enableLogin',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Enable login with SAML</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Enable the checkbox if you want to login with SSO/IdP credentials.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    6 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml-feedback-form',
      'pointToSide' => 'right',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Need help?</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Get in touch with us and we will help you setup the module in no time.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
      'ifskip' => 'hidden',
  $tourData['signon_settings'] = array(
    0 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_redirect_chckbx',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Sign In Features</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Protect your website, auto redirect the user to IdP and backdoor login features.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    1 => array(
      'targetE' => 'vs_default_relaystate',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Default Relaystate</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Provide the url where you want the users to be redirected after login.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    2 => array(
      'targetE' => 'vs_default_relaystate_logout',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Default Redirect Logout URL</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Provide the url where you want the users to be redirected after logout.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    3 => array(
      'targetE' => 'vs_domain_restriction',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Domain Restriction</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Provide the domain names which you want to allow/block during SSO.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
      'ifskip' => 'hidden',
  $tourData['mapping_config'] = array(
    0 => array(
      'targetE' => 'miniorange_saml_vt_mapping',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Configure Attribute Mapping</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'While auto registering the users in your Drupal site these attributes will automatically get mapped to your Drupal user details',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'big',
      'action' => '',
    1 => array(
      'targetE' => 'miniorange_saml_vt_customAttr',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Premium Feature</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'This feature allows mapping of IdP attributes to your SP attributes.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    2 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_enable_chckbx',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Role mapping</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Check this option if you want to enable <b>Role Mapping</b>',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    4 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_defaut_group',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Default group</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Select default group for the new users.You can select any role.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'Next',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
    5 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml-feedback-form',
      'pointToSide' => 'right',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Need help?</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Get in touch with us and we will help you setup the module in no time.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
      'ifskip' => 'hidden',
  $tourData['export_config'] = array(
    0 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml_vt_impexp',
      'pointToSide' => 'left',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Download Configuration</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'If you are having trouble setting up the module, Export the configurations and mail us at',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'largemedium',
      'action' => '',
      'ifskip' => 'hidden',
  $tourData['customer_setup'] = array(
    0 => array(
      'targetE' => 'mosaml-feedback-form',
      'pointToSide' => 'right',
      'titleHTML' => '<h1>Need help?</h1>',
      'contentHTML' => 'Get in touch with us and we will help you setup the module in no time.',
      'ifNext' => true,
      'buttonText' => 'End Tour',
      'img' => array(),
      'cardSize' => 'medium',
      'action' => '',
      'ifskip' => 'hidden',
  return isset($tourData[$pageID]) ? $tourData[$pageID] : 0;

                                    array terms :
pageID              -   your Page ID, contains array of popups
0                   -   Popup/card number, goes from zero to n. For next Tab card use 'nextCard' instead of number
targetE             -   Element to target to. Has to be element ID without #. If no ID, add one. Empty For none, shows in centre of screen if empty
pointToSide         -   Direction of arrow to point to (up,down,left,right), for no arrow-keep empty (places at center keep targetE empty) //look at this fix
titleHTML           -   Title of card, can be HTML code
contentHTML         -   Content of card, can be HTML code
ifNext              -   if to show(true) Next Button or not(false), Keep False for Card Number('nextTab')
buttonText          -   Next Button Text
img                 -   image(icon) attributes ('src' should not be 'empty' with 'visible' true)
                        src     -   url of image(best for ico/transparent png) icon(
                        visible -   to show image or not, true or false
cardSize            -   Card has 3 difined sizes- big, medium and small. Recomended not to use image with small
nextTab             -   This is special card used if you want user to move to next tab during tour, disabled during restart tour