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public function DrushCommandsTest::testDrush in Migrate Tools 8.4

Same name and namespace in other branches
  1. 8.5 tests/src/Functional/DrushCommandsTest.php \Drupal\Tests\migrate_tools\Functional\DrushCommandsTest::testDrush()

Tests many of the migrate drush commands.


tests/src/Functional/DrushCommandsTest.php, line 88


Execute drush on fully functional website.




public function testDrush() {
    ->drush('ms', [], [], NULL, NULL, 1);
    ->assertContains('The "does_not_exist" plugin does not exist.', $this

  // Flush cache so the recently removed invalid migration is cleared.
    ->drush('ms', [], [
    'format' => 'json',
  $expected = [
      'group' => 'Default (default)',
      'id' => 'fruit_terms',
      'imported' => 0,
      'status' => 'Idle',
      'total' => 3,
      'unprocessed' => 3,
      'last_imported' => '',
      'group' => 'Default (default)',
      'id' => 'source_exception',
      'imported' => 0,
      'status' => 'Idle',
      'total' => 0,
      'unprocessed' => 0,
      'last_imported' => '',
    ->assertEquals($expected, $this
  $expected = [
    '1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%',
    ' 2/3 [==================>---------]  66%',
    ' 3/3 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 3 items (3 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with \'fruit_terms\'',
    ->drush('mim', [
    ->assertEquals($expected, $this
  $expected = [
    '1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%',
    ' 2/3 [==================>---------]  66%',
    ' 3/3 [============================] 100% [notice] Processed 3 items (0 created, 3 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with \'fruit_terms\'',
    ->drush('mim', [
  ], [
    'update' => NULL,
    'force' => NULL,
    'execute-dependencies' => NULL,
    ->assertEquals($expected, $this
    ->drush('mrs', [
    ->assertErrorOutputEquals('[warning] Migration fruit_terms is already Idle');
    ->drush('mfs', [
  ], [
    'format' => 'json',
  $expected = [
      'machine_name' => 'name',
      'description' => 'name',
    ->assertEquals($expected, $this
    ->drush('mr', [
  $expected = [
    '1/3 [=========>------------------]  33%',
    ' 2/3 [==================>---------]  66%',
    ' 3/3 [============================] 100% [notice] Rolled back 3 items - done with \'fruit_terms\'',
    ->assertEquals($expected, $this
    ->drush('migrate:stop', [
    ->assertErrorOutputEquals('[warning] Migration fruit_terms is idle');
    ->drush('mim', [
  ], [
    'skip-progress-bar' => NULL,
    ->assertErrorOutputEquals('[notice] Processed 3 items (3 created, 0 updated, 0 failed, 0 ignored) - done with \'fruit_terms\'');
    ->drush('mr', [
  ], [
    'skip-progress-bar' => NULL,
    ->assertErrorOutputEquals('[notice] Rolled back 3 items - done with \'fruit_terms\'');