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DomTest.php in Migrate Plus 8.5

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  1. 8.4 tests/src/Unit/process/DomTest.php


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namespace Drupal\Tests\migrate_plus\Unit\process;

use Drupal\Component\Utility\Html;
use Drupal\migrate\MigrateException;
use Drupal\migrate_plus\Plugin\migrate\process\Dom;
use Drupal\Tests\migrate\Unit\process\MigrateProcessTestCase;

 * Tests the dom process plugin.
 * @group migrate
 * @coversDefaultClass \Drupal\migrate_plus\Plugin\migrate\process\Dom
class DomTest extends MigrateProcessTestCase {

   * @covers ::__construct
  public function testConfigMethodEmpty() : void {
    $configuration = [];
    $value = '<p>A simple paragraph.</p>';
      ->expectExceptionMessage('The "method" must be set.');
    (new Dom($configuration, 'dom', []))
      ->transform($value, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');

   * @covers ::__construct
  public function testConfigMethodInvalid() : void {
    $configuration['method'] = 'invalid';
    $value = '<p>A simple paragraph.</p>';
      ->expectExceptionMessage('The "method" must be "import" or "export".');
    (new Dom($configuration, 'dom', []))
      ->transform($value, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');

   * @covers ::import
  public function testImportNonRoot() : void {
    $configuration['method'] = 'import';
    $value = '<p>A simple paragraph.</p>';
    $document = (new Dom($configuration, 'dom', []))
      ->transform($value, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');
      ->assertTrue($document instanceof \DOMDocument);

   * @covers ::import
  public function testImportNonRootInvalidInput() : void {
    $configuration['method'] = 'import';
    $value = [
      ->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot import a non-string value.');
    (new Dom($configuration, 'dom', []))
      ->transform($value, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');

   * @covers ::export
  public function testExportNonRoot() : void {
    $configuration['method'] = 'export';
    $partial = '<p>A simple paragraph.</p>';
    $document = Html::load($partial);
    $value = (new Dom($configuration, 'dom', []))
      ->transform($document, $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');
      ->assertEquals($value, $partial);

   * @covers ::export
  public function testExportNonRootInvalidInput() : void {
    $configuration['method'] = 'export';
      ->expectExceptionMessage('Cannot export a "string".');
    (new Dom($configuration, 'dom', []))
      ->transform('string is not DOMDocument', $this->migrateExecutable, $this->row, 'destinationproperty');



Namesort descending Description
DomTest Tests the dom process plugin.