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node.test in Migrate 7.2

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  1. 6.2 tests/plugins/destinations/node.test

Tests for the node destination plugin.


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 * @file
 * Tests for the node destination plugin.

 * Test node migration.
class MigrateNodeUnitTest extends DrupalWebTestCase {
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'Node migration',
      'description' => 'Test migration of node data',
      'group' => 'Migrate',
  function setUp() {
    parent::setUp('list', 'number', 'taxonomy', 'image', 'migrate', 'migrate_example');

    // Make sure the migrations are registered.
  function testNodeImport() {
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineVariety');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Variety term import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineRegion');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Region term import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineBestWith');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('"Best With" term import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineFileCopy');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('File import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineRole');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Role import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineUser');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('User import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineProducer');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Producer node import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineWine');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));

    // Gather wine and producer nodes, and their corresponding input data
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_producer',
    ), TRUE);

    // Index by title
    $producer_nodes = array();
    foreach ($rawnodes as $node) {
      $producer_nodes[$node->title] = $node;
    $query = db_select('migrate_example_wine_producer', 'p')
      ->fields('p', array(

    // Region term is singletons, handled straighforwardly
      ->leftJoin('migrate_example_wine_category_producer', 'reg', "p.producerid = reg.producerid");
      ->addField('reg', 'categoryid', 'region');
    $result = $query
    $producer_rows = array();
    foreach ($result as $row) {
      $producer_rows[$row->name] = $row;
      ->assertEqual(count($producer_nodes), count($producer_rows), t('Counts of producer nodes and input rows match'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);

    // Index by title
    $wine_nodes = array();
    foreach ($rawnodes as $node) {
      $wine_nodes[$node->title] = $node;
    $query = db_select('migrate_example_wine', 'w')
      ->fields('w', array(
      ->leftJoin('migrate_example_wine_category_wine', 'cwbw', "w.wineid = cwbw.wineid");
      ->leftJoin('migrate_example_wine_categories', 'bw', "cwbw.categoryid = bw.categoryid AND bw.type = 'best_with'");

    // Gives a single comma-separated list of related terms
      ->addExpression('GROUP_CONCAT(bw.categoryid)', 'best_with');
    $result = $query
    $wine_rows = array();
    foreach ($result as $row) {
      $wine_rows[$row->name] = $row;
      ->assertEqual(count($wine_nodes), count($wine_rows), t('Counts of wine nodes and input rows match'));

    // Test each base node field
    $producer_node = $producer_nodes['Montes'];
    $producer_row = $producer_rows['Montes'];
    $wine_node = $wine_nodes['Montes Classic Cabernet Sauvignon'];
    $wine_row = $wine_rows['Montes Classic Cabernet Sauvignon'];
    $user_migration = MigrationBase::getInstance('WineUser');
    $mapped_uid = $user_migration
    if (is_array($mapped_uid)) {
        ->assertEqual($producer_node->uid, reset($mapped_uid), t('uid properly migrated'));
    else {
        ->error(t('Account ID !id not migrated', array(
        '!id' => $producer_row->accountid,
      ->assertEqual($wine_node->created, $wine_row->posted, t('created properly migrated'));
      ->assertEqual($wine_node->changed, $wine_row->last_changed, t('changed properly migrated'));

    // Test Field API fields of all types
    // body_with_summary
    $body = field_get_items('node', $wine_node, 'body');
      ->assertEqual($body[0]['value'], 'REVIEW: ' . drupal_strtoupper($wine_row->body), t('body properly migrated'));
      ->assertEqual($body[0]['summary'], $wine_row->excerpt, t('summary properly migrated'));

    // taxonomy_term_reference - single and multiple
    $variety = field_get_items('node', $wine_node, 'migrate_example_wine_varieties');
    $variety_migration = MigrationBase::getInstance('WineVariety');
    $mapped_tid = $variety_migration
    if (is_array($mapped_tid)) {
        ->assertEqual($variety[0]['tid'], reset($mapped_tid), t('Single taxonomy_term_reference properly migrated'));
    else {
        ->error(t('Variety !var not migrated', array(
        '!var' => $wine_row->variety,
    $best_with = field_get_items('node', $wine_node, 'migrate_example_wine_best_with');
    $best_with_migration = MigrationBase::getInstance('WineBestWith');
    $source_ids = explode(',', $wine_row->best_with);
    $mapped_tids = array();
    foreach ($source_ids as $source_id) {
      $tid = $best_with_migration
      if ($tid) {
        $mapped_tids[reset($tid)] = reset($tid);
      ->assertEqual(count($best_with), count($mapped_tids), t('Counts of Best With match'));
    foreach ($best_with as $current) {
        ->assertNotNull($mapped_tids[$current['tid']], t('Multiple value taxonomy_term_reference properly migrated'));

    // Test the vintages field (demonstrating prepareRow() works) - we know
    // the valid vintages for this node are 2006 and 2007
    $expected = array(
        'value' => 2006,
        'value' => 2007,
      ->assertEqual($wine_node->field_migrate_example_top_vintag[LANGUAGE_NONE], $expected, t('Vintages match (prepareRow works)'));

    // Test updates
    // Capture original nodes
    $original_nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    $update_migration = Migration::getInstance('WineUpdates');
    $result = $update_migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine updates import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $final_nodes = node_load_multiple(array(), array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
    foreach ($original_nodes as $nid => $original_node) {
      foreach ($original_node as $field => $value) {
        if ($field == 'field_migrate_example_wine_ratin' || $field == 'changed' || $field == 'revision_timestamp') {
          if ($value == $final_nodes[$nid]->{$field}) {
              ->error(t('Field !field should have changed but did not, value=!value', array(
              '!field' => $field,
              '!value' => print_r($value, TRUE),
        else {
          if ($value != $final_nodes[$nid]->{$field}) {
              ->error(t('Field !field mismatch: original !value1, result !value2', array(
              '!field' => $field,
              '!value1' => print_r($value, TRUE),
              '!value2' => print_r($final_nodes[$nid]->{$field}, TRUE),

    // Test highwater marks - add new wines, modify an old one, and see what changes
    $fields = array(
    $query = db_insert('migrate_example_wine')
    $data = array(
      // Timestamps 1284008523, 1284120550
        'Schloss Muhlenhof Dornfelder',
        'Juicy black & red berry fruits',
        'Pretty good',
        strtotime('2010-09-09 01:02:03'),
        strtotime('2010-09-10 08:09:10'),
      // Timestamps 1286122209, 1286122209
        'Gachot-Monot Bourgogne Rge 06',
        'Pair with white sauced dishes',
        strtotime('2010-10-03 12:10:09'),
        strtotime('2010-10-03 12:10:09'),
    foreach ($data as $row) {
        ->values(array_combine($fields, $row));
      'body' => 'Not so much berry character',
      // Timestamp 1285058521
      'last_changed' => strtotime('2010-10-21 04:42:01'),
      ->condition('wineid', 2)
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('WineWine');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
    if (!$this
      ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 4, t('Now 4 wine nodes exist'))) {
        ->error(t('There are now !count nodes', array(
        '!count' => count($rawnodes),
    $nodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'title' => 'Archeo Ruggero di Tasso Nero d\'Avola',
    ), TRUE);
    $node = reset($nodes);
    $body = $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
    if (!$this
      ->assertEqual($body, 'REVIEW: NOT SO MUCH BERRY CHARACTER', t('Body updated'))) {
        ->error(t('Actual body !body', array(
        '!body' => $body,

    // Test rollback
    $result = $migration
      'force' => TRUE,
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node rollback returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
      ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 0, t('All nodes deleted'));
    $count = db_select('migrate_map_winewine', 'map')
      ->fields('map', array(
      ->assertEqual($count, 0, t('Map cleared'));
    $count = db_select('migrate_message_winewine', 'msg')
      ->fields('msg', array(
      ->assertEqual($count, 0, t('Messages cleared'));

    // Now test highwater with unjoined map table
    $result = $migration
      'limit' => array(
        'value' => 2,
        'unit' => 'items',
      'body' => 'Very berry',
      // Timestamp 1286008921
      'last_changed' => strtotime('2010-10-02 04:42:01'),
      ->condition('wineid', 1)
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
    if (!$this
      ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 4, t('Now 4 wine nodes exist'))) {
        ->error(t('There are now !count nodes', array(
        '!count' => count($rawnodes),
    $nodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'title' => 'Montes Classic Cabernet Sauvignon',
    ), TRUE);
    $node = reset($nodes);
    $body = $node->body[LANGUAGE_NONE][0]['value'];
    if (!$this
      ->assertEqual($body, 'REVIEW: VERY BERRY', t('Body updated'))) {
        ->error(t('Actual body !body', array(
        '!body' => $body,

    // Test itemlimit (joined map table)
    $result = $migration
      'force' => TRUE,
    $result = $migration
      'limit' => array(
        'value' => 1,
        'unit' => 'item',
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node import with itemlimit returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
      ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 1, t('One node imported'));

    // Test idlist (joined map table)
    $result = $migration
      'force' => TRUE,
    $result = $migration
      'idlist' => 2,
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node import with idlist returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
      ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 1, t('One node imported'));
    $node = reset($rawnodes);
      ->assertEqual($node->title, 'Archeo Ruggero di Tasso Nero d\'Avola', t('Single specified node imported'));

    // Test itemlimit (unjoined map table)
    $result = $migration
      'force' => TRUE,
    $result = $migration
      'limit' => array(
        'value' => 1,
        'unit' => 'item',
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node import with itemlimit returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
      ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 1, t('One node imported'));

    // Test idlist (unjoined map table)
    $result = $migration
      'force' => TRUE,
    $result = $migration
      'idlist' => 2,
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Wine node import with idlist returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $rawnodes = node_load_multiple(FALSE, array(
      'type' => 'migrate_example_wine',
    ), TRUE);
      ->assertEqual(count($rawnodes), 1, t('One node imported'));
    $node = reset($rawnodes);
      ->assertEqual($node->title, 'Archeo Ruggero di Tasso Nero d\'Avola', t('Single specified node imported'));

    // Test integer highwater marks (
    $result = $migration
      'force' => TRUE,
      'last_changed' => 100000000,
      ->condition('wineid', 1)
      'last_changed' => 200000000,
      ->condition('wineid', 2)
      'last_changed' => 300000000,
      ->condition('wineid', 3)
      'last_changed' => 400000000,
      ->condition('wineid', 4)
    $result = $migration

    // Just a quick check to make sure we got four nodes with the right changed values
    $count = db_query("SELECT COUNT(nid)\n                       FROM {node} n\n                       INNER JOIN {migrate_map_winewine} map ON n.nid=map.destid1\n                       WHERE n.changed = map.sourceid1*100000000")
      ->assertEqual($count, 4, t('Four nodes with updated changed values imported'));

    // We mark two nodes with higher updated values. If these end up being treated
    // as strings in saveHighwater(), the saved highwater mark will end up as
    // 500000000 instead of 1000000000.
      'last_changed' => 1000000000,
      ->condition('wineid', 2)
      'last_changed' => 500000000,
      ->condition('wineid', 3)
    $result = $migration
    $newHighwater = db_select('migrate_status', 'ms')
      ->fields('ms', array(
      ->condition('machine_name', 'WineWine')
    if (!$this
      ->assertEqual($newHighwater, 1000000000, t('Correct highwater mark set'))) {
        ->error(t('Unexpected highwater mark !highwater', array(
        '!highwater' => $newHighwater,

    // Test for - updating with nid mapped and idlist
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('BeerTerm');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Beer term import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('BeerUser');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Beer user import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $migration = Migration::getInstance('BeerNode');
    $result = $migration
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Beer node import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
      'needs_update' => 1,
    $result = $migration
      'idlist' => 99999999,
      ->assertEqual($result, Migration::RESULT_COMPLETED, t('Beer node update import returned RESULT_COMPLETED'));
    $result = db_select('migrate_message_beernode', 'msg')
      ->fields('msg', array(
    foreach ($result as $row) {

    // Test proper disableMailSystem()/restoreMailSystem() behavior.
    // @see
    // This is not necessarily node-related, but it was shoved in the node test.
    $ms = variable_get('mail_system', NULL);
      ->assertTrue(is_array($ms) && in_array('MigrateMailIgnore', $ms), t('Migration has disabled mail system'));
    $ms = variable_get('mail_system', NULL);
      ->assertFalse(is_array($ms) && in_array('MigrateMailIgnore', $ms), t('Migration::restoreMailSystem restored mail system'));



Namesort descending Description
MigrateNodeUnitTest Test node migration.