xml.inc in Migrate 7.2
Same filename and directory in other branches
Support for migration from XML sources.
NOTE: There are two methods supported in this file.
1) List - ids are listed in an index xml file and the data for each item is stored in a separate xml file per item. Use MigrateSourceList class as the source.
2) MultiItems - ids are part of the item and all items are stored in a single xml file. Use MigrateSourceMultiItems class as the source.
Both of these methods are described in more detail in the wine migration example.
plugins/sources/xml.incView source
* @file
* Support for migration from XML sources.
* NOTE: There are two methods supported in this file.
* 1) List - ids are listed in an index xml file and the data for each item is
* stored in a separate xml file per item. Use MigrateSourceList class
* as the source.
* 2) MultiItems - ids are part of the item and all items are stored in a
* single xml file. Use MigrateSourceMultiItems class as the source.
* Both of these methods are described in more detail in the wine migration
* example.
/* ========================================================================== */
/* List Method */
/* ========================================================================== */
* Implementation of MigrateList, for retrieving a list of IDs to be migrated
* from an XML document.
class MigrateListXML extends MigrateList {
* A URL pointing to an XML document containing a list of IDs to be processed.
* @var string
protected $listUrl;
* An array of namespaces to explicitly register before Xpath queries.
* @var array
protected $namespaces;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($list_url, array $namespaces = array()) {
$this->listUrl = $list_url;
$this->namespaces = $namespaces;
// Suppress errors during parsing, so we can pick them up after.
* {@inheritdoc}
* Our public face is the URL we're getting items from
public function __toString() {
return $this->listUrl;
* {@inheritdoc}
* Load the XML at the given URL, and return an array of the IDs found
* within it.
public function getIdList() {
migrate_instrument_start("Retrieve {$this->listUrl}");
$xml = simplexml_load_file($this->listUrl);
migrate_instrument_stop("Retrieve {$this->listUrl}");
if ($xml !== FALSE) {
return $this
else {
Migration::displayMessage(t('Loading of !listUrl failed:', array(
'!listUrl' => $this->listUrl,
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
return NULL;
* Gets an array of the IDs found in a XML.
* Given an XML object, parse out the IDs for processing and return them as an
* array. The default implementation assumes the IDs are simply the values of
* the top-level elements - in most cases, you will need to override this to
* reflect your particular XML structure.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
* Object from we get the ID's
* @return array
* Extracted ID's
protected function getIDsFromXML(SimpleXMLElement $xml) {
$ids = array();
foreach ($xml as $element) {
$ids[] = (string) $element;
// Additionally, if there are any namespaces registered, try to parse
// elements with namespaces as well.
if ($namespaces = $xml
->getNamespaces()) {
foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $url) {
foreach ($xml
->children($url) as $element) {
$ids[] = (string) $element;
return array_unique($ids);
* {@inheritdoc}
* Return a count of all available IDs from the source listing.
* The default implementation assumes the count of top-level elements
* reflects the number of IDs available - in many cases, you will need
* to override this to reflect your particular XML structure.
public function computeCount() {
$xml = simplexml_load_file($this->listUrl);
// Number of sourceid elements beneath the top-level element.
$count = count($xml);
// Additionally, if there are any namespaces registered, try to count
// elements with namespaces as well.
if ($namespaces = $xml
->getNamespaces()) {
foreach ($namespaces as $prefix => $url) {
$count += count($xml
return $count;
* Explicitly register namespaces on an XML element.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
* A SimpleXMLElement to register the namespaces on.
protected function registerNamespaces(SimpleXMLElement &$xml) {
foreach ($this->namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {
->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $namespace);
* Implementation of MigrateItem, for retrieving a parsed XML document given
* an ID provided by a MigrateList class.
class MigrateItemXML extends MigrateItem {
* A URL pointing to an XML document containing the data for one item to be
* migrated.
* @var string
protected $itemUrl;
* An array of namespaces to explicitly register before Xpath queries.
* @var array
protected $namespaces;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($item_url, array $namespaces = array()) {
$this->itemUrl = $item_url;
$this->namespaces = $namespaces;
// Suppress errors during parsing, so we can pick them up after.
* Explicitly register namespaces on an XML element.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
* A SimpleXMLElement to register the namespaces on.
protected function registerNamespaces(SimpleXMLElement &$xml) {
foreach ($this->namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {
->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $namespace);
* {@inheritdoc}
* Implementors are expected to return an object representing a source item.
public function getItem($id) {
// Make sure we actually have an ID.
if (empty($id)) {
return NULL;
$item_url = $this
// And make sure we actually got a URL to fetch.
if (empty($item_url)) {
return NULL;
// Get the XML object at the specified URL.
$xml = $this
if ($xml !== FALSE) {
$return = new stdclass();
$return->xml = $xml;
return $return;
else {
$migration = Migration::currentMigration();
$message = t('Loading of !objecturl failed:', array(
'!objecturl' => $item_url,
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
$message .= "\n" . $error->message;
), $message, MigrationBase::MESSAGE_ERROR);
return NULL;
* Creates a valid URL pointing to current item.
* The default implementation simply replaces the :id token in the URL with
* the ID obtained from MigrateListXML. Override if the item URL is not so
* easily expressed from the ID.
* @param mixed $id
* XML item ID
* @return string
* Formatted string with replaced tokens
protected function constructItemUrl($id) {
return str_replace(':id', $id, $this->itemUrl);
* Loads the XML.
* Default XML loader - just use Simplexml directly. This can be overridden
* for preprocessing of XML (removal of unwanted elements, caching of XML if
* the source service is slow, etc.)
* @param string $item_url
* URL to the XML file
* @return SimpleXMLElement
* Loaded XML
protected function loadXmlUrl($item_url) {
return simplexml_load_file($item_url);
* Implments MigrateItem::hash().
public function hash($row) {
// $row->xml is a SimpleXMLElement. Temporarily set it as an XML string
// to prevent parent::hash() failing when try to create the hash.
$hash = md5(serialize($row->xml
return $hash;
* Adds xpath info to field mappings for XML sources
class MigrateXMLFieldMapping extends MigrateFieldMapping {
* The xpath used to retrieve the data for this field from the XML.
* @var string
protected $xpath;
* Get xpath of current item.
public function getXpath() {
return $this->xpath;
* Add an xpath to this field mapping.
* @param string $xpath
* xpath
* @return MigrateFieldMapping
* MigrateFieldMapping
public function xpath($xpath) {
$this->xpath = $xpath;
return $this;
* Migrations using XML sources should extend this class instead of Migration.
abstract class XMLMigration extends Migration {
* {@inheritdoc}
* So we can create our special field mapping class.
* @todo Find a cleaner way to just substitute a different mapping class.
* @param string|null $destination_field
* machine-name of destination field
* @param string|null $source_field
* name of source field
* @param bool $warn_on_override
* Set to FALSE to prevent warnings when there's an existing mapping
* for this destination field.
* @return MigrateXMLFieldMapping
* MigrateXMLFieldMapping
public function addFieldMapping($destination_field, $source_field = NULL, $warn_on_override = TRUE) {
// Warn of duplicate mappings.
if ($warn_on_override && !is_null($destination_field) && isset($this->codedFieldMappings[$destination_field])) {
self::displayMessage(t('!name addFieldMapping: !dest was previously mapped, overridden', array(
'!name' => $this->machineName,
'!dest' => $destination_field,
)), 'warning');
$mapping = new MigrateXMLFieldMapping($destination_field, $source_field);
if (is_null($destination_field)) {
$this->codedFieldMappings[] = $mapping;
else {
$this->codedFieldMappings[$destination_field] = $mapping;
return $mapping;
* {@inheritdoc}
* A normal $data_row has all the input data as top-level fields - in this
* case, however, the data is embedded within a SimpleXMLElement object in
* $data_row->xml. Explode that out to the normal form, and pass on to the
* normal implementation.
protected function applyMappings() {
// We only know what data to pull from the xpaths in the mappings.
foreach ($this
->getFieldMappings() as $mapping) {
$source = $mapping
if ($source && !isset($this->sourceValues->{$source})) {
$xpath = $mapping
if ($xpath) {
// Derived class may override applyXpath().
$source_value = $this
->applyXpath($this->sourceValues, $xpath);
if (!is_null($source_value)) {
$this->sourceValues->{$source} = $source_value;
* Gets item from XML using the xpath.
* Default implementation - straightforward xpath application
* @param stdClass $data_row
* row containing items.
* @param string $xpath
* xpath used to find the item
* @return SimpleXMLElement
* found element
public function applyXpath($data_row, $xpath) {
$result = $data_row->xml
if ($result) {
if (count($result) > 1) {
$return = array();
foreach ($result as $record) {
$return[] = (string) $record;
return $return;
else {
return (string) $result[0];
else {
return NULL;
/* ========================================================================== */
/* MultiItems Method */
/* ========================================================================== */
* Implementation of MigrateItems, for providing a list of IDs and for
* retrieving a parsed XML document given an ID from this list.
class MigrateItemsXML extends MigrateItems {
* An array with all urls to available xml files.
* @var array
protected $urls;
* Define the current cursor over the urls array.
* @var string
protected $currentUrl;
* An array of namespaces to explicitly register before Xpath queries.
* @var array
protected $namespaces;
* Stores the loaded XML document from currentUrl.
* @var SimpleXMLElement
protected $currentXml = FALSE;
* To find the right url depending on the id, we'll build a map in the form of
* an array('url1' => $ids, 'url2' => $ids, ...).
* @var array
protected $idsMap = NULL;
* Stores the id list from all urls.
* @var array
protected $cacheIDs = NULL;
* xpath identifying the element used for each item.
* @var string
protected $itemXpath;
* Gets xpath identifying the element used for each item.
* @return string
* xpath
public function getItemXpath() {
return $this->itemXpath;
* xpath identifying the subelement under itemXpath that holds the id for
* each item.
* @var string
protected $itemIDXpath;
* Getter for itemIDXpath.
* @return string
public function getIDXpath() {
return $this->itemIDXpath;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct($urls, $item_xpath = 'item', $item_id_xpath = 'id', array $namespaces = array()) {
if (!is_array($urls)) {
$urls = array(
$this->urls = $urls;
$this->itemXpath = $item_xpath;
$this->itemIDXpath = $item_id_xpath;
$this->namespaces = $namespaces;
// Suppress errors during parsing, so we can pick them up after.
* Explicitly register namespaces on an XML element.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
* A SimpleXMLElement to register the namespaces on.
protected function registerNamespaces(SimpleXMLElement &$xml) {
foreach ($this->namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {
->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $namespace);
* Our public face is the URL list we're getting items from.
public function __toString() {
$urls = implode('</li><li>', $this->urls);
// Prepare a list of urls.
$output = '<b>urls</b> = <ul><li>' . $urls . '</li></ul>';
$output .= '<br />';
// Add selection rules to the end.
$output .= '<b>item xpath</b> = ' . $this->itemXpath . ' | ';
$output .= '<b>item ID xpath</b> = ' . $this->itemIDXpath;
return $output;
* Load and return the xml from currentUrl.
* @return SimpleXMLElement
* SimpleXMLElement
public function &xml() {
if (!empty($this->currentUrl)) {
$this->currentXml = simplexml_load_file($this->currentUrl);
if ($this->currentXml === FALSE) {
Migration::displayMessage(t('Loading of !currentUrl failed:', array(
'!currentUrl' => $this->currentUrl,
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
else {
return $this->currentXml;
* Parses a LibXMLError to a error message string.
* @param LibXMLError $error
* Error thrown by the XML
* @return string
* Error message
public static function parseLibXMLError(LibXMLError $error) {
$error_code_name = 'Unknown Error';
switch ($error->level) {
$error_code_name = t('Warning');
$error_code_name = t('Error');
$error_code_name = t('Fatal Error');
return t("!libxmlerrorcodename !libxmlerrorcode: !libxmlerrormessage\n" . "Line: !libxmlerrorline\n" . "Column: !libxmlerrorcolumn\n" . "File: !libxmlerrorfile", array(
'!libxmlerrorcodename' => $error_code_name,
'!libxmlerrorcode' => $error->code,
'!libxmlerrormessage' => trim($error->message),
'!libxmlerrorline' => $error->line,
'!libxmlerrorcolumn' => $error->column,
'!libxmlerrorfile' => $error->file ? $error->file : NULL,
* Load ID's from URLs.
* Load ids from all urls and map them in idsMap depending on the currentURL.
* After ids were fetched from all urls store them in cacheIDs and return the
* whole list.
* @return array
* mapped ID's
public function getIdList() {
$ids = array();
foreach ($this->urls as $url) {
migrate_instrument_start("Retrieve {$url}");
// Make sure, to load new xml.
$this->currentUrl = $url;
$xml = $this
if ($xml !== FALSE) {
$url_ids = $this
$this->idsMap[$url] = $url_ids;
$ids = array_merge($ids, $url_ids);
migrate_instrument_stop("Retrieve {$url}");
if (!empty($ids)) {
$this->cacheIDs = array_unique($ids);
return $this->cacheIDs;
return NULL;
* Given an XML object, parse out the IDs for processing and return them as
* an array. The location of the IDs in the XML are based on the item xpath
* and item ID xpath set in the constructor.
* eg, xpath = itemXpath . '/' . itemIDXpath
* IDs are cached. The list of IDs are returned from the cache except when
* this is the first call (ie, cache is NULL) OR the refresh parameter is
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
* SimpleXMLElement
* @return array
protected function getIDsFromXML(SimpleXMLElement $xml) {
$result = $xml
$ids = array();
if ($result) {
foreach ($result as $element) {
if (!isset($element)) {
// Namespaces must be reapplied after xpath().
$id = $this
if (!is_null($id)) {
$ids[] = (string) $id;
return array_unique($ids);
* Return a count of all available IDs from the source listing.
* @return int
* count of available IDs
public function computeCount() {
if (!isset($this->cacheIDs)) {
return count($this->cacheIDs);
* Load the XML at the given URL, and return an array.
* @return array
* array of the Items found within it.
public function getAllItems() {
$xml = $this
if ($xml !== FALSE) {
return $this
->getItemsFromXML($xml, TRUE);
return NULL;
protected $currentItems = NULL;
* Parses out the items from a given XML object, and parse it's items.
* Given an XML object, parse out the items for processing and return them as
* an array. The location of the items in the XML are based on the item xpath
* set in the constructor. Items from currentUrl are cached. The list of items
* returned from the cache except when this is the first call
* (ie, cache is NULL) OR the refresh parameter is TRUE.
* Items are cached as an array of key=ID and value=stdClass object with
* attribute xml containing the xml SimpleXMLElement object of the item.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
* XML to parse
* @param bool $refresh
* Indicates if necessary parse again the items or get them from cache.
* @return array
* Array of obtained items.
public function getItemsFromXML(SimpleXMLElement $xml, $refresh = FALSE) {
if ($refresh !== FALSE && $this->currentItems != NULL) {
return $this->currentItems;
$this->currentItems = NULL;
$items = array();
$result = $xml
if ($result) {
foreach ($result as $item_xml) {
if (!isset($item_xml)) {
// Namespaces must be reapplied after xpath().
$id = $this
$item = new stdclass();
$item->xml = $item_xml;
$items[$id] = $item;
$this->currentItems = $items;
return $this->currentItems;
else {
return NULL;
* Get the item ID from the itemXML based on itemIDXpath.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $item_xml
* Element from we get the ID
* @return string
* The item ID
protected function getItemID($item_xml) {
return $this
->getElementValue($item_xml, $this->itemIDXpath);
* Get an element from the itemXML based on an xpath.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $item_xml
* Element from we get the required value
* @param string $xpath
* xpath used to locate the value
* @return string
* Extracted value
protected function getElementValue($item_xml, $xpath) {
$value = NULL;
if ($item_xml
->asXML()) {
$result = $item_xml
if ($result) {
$value = (string) $result[0];
return $value;
* Implementers are expected to return an object representing a source item.
* Items from currentUrl are cached as an array of key=ID and value=stdClass
* object with attribute xml containing the xml SimpleXMLElement object of the
* item.
* @param mixed $id
* @return stdClass
public function getItem($id) {
// Make sure we actually have an ID.
if (empty($id)) {
return NULL;
// If $id is in currentXml return the right item immediately.
if (isset($this->currentItems) && isset($this->currentItems[$id])) {
$item = $this->currentItems[$id];
else {
// Otherwise find the right url and get the items from.
if ($this->idsMap === NULL) {
// Populate the map.
foreach ($this->idsMap as $url => $ids) {
if (in_array($id, $ids, TRUE)) {
$this->currentItems = NULL;
$this->currentUrl = $url;
$items = $this
$item = $items[$id];
if (!empty($item)) {
return $item;
else {
$migration = Migration::currentMigration();
$message = t('Loading of item XML for ID !id failed:', array(
'!id' => $id,
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
$message .= "\n" . $error->message;
), $message, MigrationBase::MESSAGE_ERROR);
return NULL;
* {@inheritdoc}
public function hash($row) {
// $row->xml is a SimpleXMLElement. Temporarily set it as an XML string
// to prevent parent::hash() failing when try to create the hash.
$hash = md5(serialize($row->xml
return $hash;
* Makes an XMLReader object iterable, returning elements matching a restricted
* xpath-like syntax.
class MigrateXMLReader implements Iterator {
* The XMLReader we are encapsulating.
* @var XMLReader
public $reader;
* URL of the source XML file.
* @var string
public $url;
* Array of the element names from the query, 0-based from the first (root)
* element. For example, '//file/article' would be stored as
* array(0 => 'file', 1 => 'article').
* @var array
protected $elementsToMatch = array();
* If the element query is filtering by an attribute name=value, the name of
* the attribute in question.
* @var string
protected $attributeName = NULL;
* If the element query is filtering by an attribute name=value, the value of
* the attribute in question.
* @var string
protected $attributeValue = NULL;
* Array representing the path to the current element as we traverse the XML.
* For example, if in an XML string like '<file><article>...</article></file>'
* we are positioned within the article element, currentPath will be
* array(0 => 'file', 1 => 'article').
* @var array
protected $currentPath = array();
* Query string used to retrieve the elements from the XML file.
* @var string
public $elementQuery;
* Xpath query string used to retrieve the primary key value from each
* element.
* @var string
public $idQuery;
* Current element object when iterating.
* @var SimpleXMLElement
protected $currentElement = NULL;
* Value of the ID for the current element when iterating.
* @var string
protected $currentId = NULL;
* When matching element names, whether to compare to the namespace-prefixed
* name, or the local name.
* @var bool
protected $prefixedName = FALSE;
* Prepares our extensions to the XMLReader object.
* @param string $xml_url
* URL of the XML file to be parsed.
* @param string $element_query
* Query string in a restricted xpath format, for selecting elements to be
* @param string $id_query
* Query string to the unique identifier for an element,
* relative to the root of that element. This supports the full
* xpath syntax.
public function __construct($xml_url, $element_query, $id_query) {
$this->reader = new XMLReader();
$this->url = $xml_url;
$this->elementQuery = $element_query;
$this->idQuery = $id_query;
// Suppress errors during parsing, so we can pick them up after.
// Parse the element query. First capture group is the element path, second
// (if present) is the attribute.
preg_match_all('|^/([^\\[]+)(.*)$|', $element_query, $matches);
$element_path = $matches[1][0];
$this->elementsToMatch = explode('/', $element_path);
$attribute_query = $matches[2][0];
if ($attribute_query) {
// Matches [@attribute="value"] (with either single- or double-quotes).
preg_match_all('|^\\[@([^=]+)=[\'"](.*)[\'"]\\]$|', $attribute_query, $matches);
$this->attributeName = $matches[1][0];
$this->attributeValue = $matches[2][0];
// If the element path contains any colons, it must be specifying
// namespaces, so we need to compare using the prefixed element
// name in next().
if (strpos($element_path, ':')) {
$this->prefixedName = TRUE;
* Implementation of Iterator::rewind().
public function rewind() {
// (Re)open the provided URL.
$status = $this->reader
->open($this->url, NULL, LIBXML_NOWARNING);
// Reset our path tracker.
$this->currentPath = array();
if ($status) {
// Load the first matching element and its ID.
else {
Migration::displayMessage(t('Could not open XML file !url', array(
'!url' => $this->url,
* Implementation of Iterator::next().
public function next() {
$this->currentElement = $this->currentId = NULL;
// Loop over each node in the XML file, looking for elements at a path
// matching the input query string (represented in $this->elementsToMatch).
while ($this->reader
->read()) {
if ($this->reader->nodeType == XMLREADER::ELEMENT) {
if ($this->prefixedName) {
$this->currentPath[$this->reader->depth] = $this->reader->name;
else {
$this->currentPath[$this->reader->depth] = $this->reader->localName;
if ($this->currentPath == $this->elementsToMatch) {
// We're positioned to the right element path - if filtering on an
// attribute, check that as well before accepting this element.
if (empty($this->attributeName) || $this->reader
->getAttribute($this->attributeName) == $this->attributeValue) {
// We've found a matching element - get a SimpleXML object
// representing it.We must associate the DOMNode with a
// DOMDocument to be able to import
// it into SimpleXML.
// Despite appearances, this is almost twice as fast as
// simplexml_load_string($this->readOuterXML());
$node = $this->reader
if ($node) {
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$node = $dom
->importNode($node, TRUE);
$this->currentElement = simplexml_import_dom($node);
$idnode = $this->currentElement
if (is_array($idnode)) {
$this->currentId = (string) reset($idnode);
else {
throw new Exception(t('Failure retrieving ID, xpath: !xpath', array(
'!xpath' => $this->idQuery,
else {
foreach (libxml_get_errors() as $error) {
$error_string = MigrateItemsXML::parseLibXMLError($error);
if ($migration = Migration::currentMigration()) {
else {
elseif ($this->reader->nodeType == XMLREADER::END_ELEMENT) {
// Remove this element and any deeper ones from the current path.
foreach ($this->currentPath as $depth => $name) {
if ($depth >= $this->reader->depth) {
* Implementation of Iterator::current().
* @return null|SimpleXMLElement
* Current item
public function current() {
return $this->currentElement;
* Implementation of Iterator::key().
* @return null|string
* Current key
public function key() {
return $this->currentId;
* Implementation of Iterator::valid().
* @return bool
* Indicates if current element is valid
public function valid() {
return $this->currentElement instanceof SimpleXMLElement;
* Implementation of MigrateSource, to handle imports from XML files.
class MigrateSourceXML extends MigrateSource {
* @var $reader MigrateXMLReader
protected $reader;
* The MigrateXMLReader object serving as a cursor over the XML source.
* @return MigrateXMLReader
* MigrateXMLReader
public function getReader() {
return $this->reader;
* The source URLs to load XML from
* @var array
protected $sourceUrls = array();
* Holds our current position within the $source_urls array
* @var int
protected $activeUrl = NULL;
* An array of namespaces to explicitly register before Xpath queries.
* @var array
protected $namespaces;
* Store the query string used to recognize elements being iterated
* so we can create reader objects on the fly.
* @var string
protected $elementQuery = '';
* Store the query string used to retrieve the primary key value from each
* element so we can create reader objects on the fly.
* @var string
protected $idQuery = '';
* Store the reader class used to query XML so we can create reader objects
* on the fly.
* @var string
protected $readerClass = '';
* List of available source fields.
* @var array
protected $fields = array();
* Source constructor.
* @param string|array $urls
* URL(s) of the XML source data.
* @param string $element_query
* Query string used to recognize elements being iterated.
* @param string $id_query
* Xpath query string used to retrieve the primary key value
* from each element.
* @param array $fields
* Optional - keys are field names, values are descriptions. Use to override
* the default descriptions, or to add additional source fields which the
* migration will add via other means (e.g., prepareRow()).
* @param array $options
* Options applied to this source. In addition to the standard MigrateSource
* options, we support:
* - reader_class: The reader class to instantiate for traversing the XML -
* defaults to MigrateXMLReader (any substitutions must be derived from
* MigrateXMLReader).
public function __construct($urls, $element_query, $id_query, array $fields = array(), array $options = array(), array $namespaces = array()) {
if (empty($options['reader_class'])) {
$reader_class = 'MigrateXMLReader';
else {
$reader_class = $options['reader_class'];
if (!is_array($urls)) {
$urls = array(
$this->sourceUrls = $urls;
$this->activeUrl = NULL;
$this->elementQuery = $element_query;
$this->idQuery = $id_query;
$this->readerClass = $reader_class;
$this->fields = $fields;
$this->namespaces = $namespaces;
* Explicitly register namespaces on an XML element.
* @param SimpleXMLElement $xml
* A SimpleXMLElement to register the namespaces on.
protected function registerNamespaces(SimpleXMLElement &$xml) {
foreach ($this->namespaces as $prefix => $namespace) {
->registerXPathNamespace($prefix, $namespace);
* Return a string representing the source query.
* @return string
* source query
public function __toString() {
// Clump the urls into a string
// This could cause a problem when using
// a lot of urls, may need to hash.
$urls = implode(', ', $this->sourceUrls);
return 'urls = ' . $urls . ' | item xpath = ' . $this->elementQuery . ' | item ID xpath = ' . $this->idQuery;
* Returns a list of fields available to be mapped from the source query.
* @return array
* keys: machine names of the fields (to be passed to addFieldMapping)
* values: Human-friendly descriptions of the fields.
public function fields() {
return $this->fields;
* Returns the active Url.
* @return string
* active Url
public function activeUrl() {
if (!is_null($this->activeUrl)) {
return $this->sourceUrls[$this->activeUrl];
* Return a count of all available source records.
public function computeCount() {
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->sourceUrls as $url) {
$reader = new $this->readerClass($url, $this->elementQuery, $this->idQuery);
foreach ($reader as $element) {
return $count;
* Implementation of MigrateSource::performRewind().
public function performRewind() {
// Set the reader back to the beginning of the file (positioned to the
// first matching element), then apply our logic to make sure we have the
// first element fulfilling our logic (idlist/map/prepareRow()).
$this->activeUrl = NULL;
$this->reader = NULL;
* Implementation of MigrationSource::getNextRow().
* @return stdClass
* data for the next row from the XML source files
public function getNextRow() {
$source_key = $this->activeMap
$key_name = key($source_key);
$row = NULL;
// The reader is now lazy loaded, so it may
// not be defined yet, need to test if set.
if (isset($this->reader)) {
// Attempt to load the next row.
// Test the reader for a valid row.
if (isset($this->reader) && $this->reader
->valid()) {
$row = new stdClass();
$row->{$key_name} = $this->reader
$row->xml = $this->reader
else {
// The current source is at the end, try to load the next source.
if ($this
->getNextSource()) {
$row = new stdClass();
$row->{$key_name} = $this->reader
$row->xml = $this->reader
return $row;
* Advances the reader to the next source from source_urls.
* @return bool
* TRUE if a valid source was loaded
public function getNextSource() {
// Return value.
$status = FALSE;
while ($this->activeUrl === NULL || count($this->sourceUrls) - 1 > $this->activeUrl) {
if (is_null($this->activeUrl)) {
$this->activeUrl = 0;
else {
// Increment the activeUrl so we try to load the next source.
$this->activeUrl = $this->activeUrl + 1;
$this->reader = new $this->readerClass($this->sourceUrls[$this->activeUrl], $this->elementQuery, $this->idQuery);
if ($this->reader
->valid()) {
// We have a valid source.
$status = TRUE;
return $status;
* {@inheritdoc}
protected function hash($row) {
// $row->xml is a SimpleXMLElement. Temporarily set it as an XML string
// to prevent parent::hash() failing when try to create the hash.
return parent::hash($row->xml
Name![]() |
Description |
MigrateItemsXML | Implementation of MigrateItems, for providing a list of IDs and for retrieving a parsed XML document given an ID from this list. |
MigrateItemXML | Implementation of MigrateItem, for retrieving a parsed XML document given an ID provided by a MigrateList class. |
MigrateListXML | Implementation of MigrateList, for retrieving a list of IDs to be migrated from an XML document. |
MigrateSourceXML | Implementation of MigrateSource, to handle imports from XML files. |
MigrateXMLFieldMapping | Adds xpath info to field mappings for XML sources |
MigrateXMLReader | Makes an XMLReader object iterable, returning elements matching a restricted xpath-like syntax. |
XMLMigration | Migrations using XML sources should extend this class instead of Migration. |