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public static function MigrateDestinationEntity::fieldAttachValidate in Migrate 7.2

Perform field validation against the field data in an entity. Wraps field_attach_validate to handle exceptions cleanly and provide maximum information for identifying the cause of validation errors.


$entity_type: The type of $entity; e.g. 'node' or 'user'.

$entity: The entity with fields to validate.

5 calls to MigrateDestinationEntity::fieldAttachValidate()
MigrateDestinationComment::import in plugins/destinations/
Import a single comment.
MigrateDestinationNode::import in plugins/destinations/
Import a single node.
MigrateDestinationTerm::import in plugins/destinations/
Import a single term.
MigrateDestinationUser::import in plugins/destinations/
Import a single user.
MigrateTaxonomyTermReferenceFieldHandler::prepare in plugins/destinations/


plugins/destinations/, line 194
Defines base for migration destinations implemented as Drupal entities.


Abstract base class for entity-based destination handling. Holds common Field API-related functions.


public static function fieldAttachValidate($entity_type, $entity) {
  try {
    field_attach_validate($entity_type, $entity);
  } catch (FieldValidationException $e) {
    $migration = Migration::currentMigration();
    foreach ($e->errors as $field_name => $error_list) {
      if (is_array($error_list)) {
        foreach ($error_list as $index => $error) {

          // Flatten the array to make sure the "message" field is at the top
          // level.
          $error = self::array_flatten($error);
          $message = $error['message'];
            ->saveMessage(t('Field validation error for !field_name: !message', array(
            '!field_name' => $field_name,
            '!message' => $message,