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migrate_example_oracle.install in Migrate 6.2


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// Need a couple of functions from the .module file.
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'migrate_example_oracle') . '/migrate_example_oracle.module';

 * Implementation of hook_install().
function migrate_example_oracle_install() {
  global $conf;

  // Should never fail - we can't get here unless hook_requirements passed, right?
  $connection = @oci_connect($conf['oracle_db']['username'], $conf['oracle_db']['password'], $conf['oracle_db']['connection_string'], 'UTF8');
  if (!$connection) {
    $e = oci_error();
    throw new Exception($e['message']);

  // Create a table to hold test data
  $query = "CREATE TABLE ORACLE_CONTENT\n            (OID     NUMBER NOT NULL,\n             TITLE   VARCHAR2(255) NOT NULL,\n             BODY    CLOB NOT NULL,\n             CREATED DATE NOT NULL,\n             UPDATED DATE NOT NULL,\n             CONSTRAINT ORACLE_CONTENT_PK PRIMARY KEY (OID)\n            )";
  $result = oci_parse($connection, $query);
  if (!$result) {
    $e = oci_error($connection);
    throw new Exception($e['message'] . "\n" . $e['sqltext']);
  $status = oci_execute($result);
  if (!$status) {
    $e = oci_error($result);
    throw new Exception($e['message'] . "\n" . $e['sqltext']);

  // Insert a test row or three
  $query = "INSERT INTO ORACLE_CONTENT\n            (OID, TITLE, BODY, CREATED, UPDATED)\n            VALUES(:oid, :title, EMPTY_CLOB(),\n              TO_DATE(:created, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'),\n              TO_DATE(:updated, 'yyyy/mm/dd hh24:mi:ss'))\n            RETURNING body INTO :body";
  $result = oci_parse($connection, $query);
  if (!$result) {
    $e = oci_error($connection);
    throw new Exception($e['message'] . "\n" . $e['sqltext']);
  $data = migrate_example_oracle_sample_data();
  oci_bind_by_name($result, ':oid', $oid, 1, SQLT_INT);
  oci_bind_by_name($result, ':title', $title, 255, SQLT_CHR);
  $body_clob = oci_new_descriptor($connection, OCI_D_LOB);
  oci_bind_by_name($result, ':body', $body_clob, -1, SQLT_CLOB);
  oci_bind_by_name($result, ':created', $created, 9, SQLT_CHR);
  oci_bind_by_name($result, ':updated', $updated, 9, SQLT_CHR);
  foreach ($data as $row) {
    $status = oci_execute($result, OCI_DEFAULT);
    if (!$status) {
      $e = oci_error($result);
      throw new Exception($e['message'] . "\n" . $e['sqltext']);

 * Implementation of hook_uninstall().
function migrate_example_oracle_uninstall() {
  global $conf;
  $connection = @oci_connect($conf['oracle_db']['username'], $conf['oracle_db']['password'], $conf['oracle_db']['connection_string'], 'UTF8');
  if (!$connection) {
    $e = oci_error();
    throw new Exception($e['message']);

  // Get rid of the test data
  $result = oci_parse($connection, $query);
  if (!$result) {
    $e = oci_error($connection);
    throw new Exception($e['message'] . "\n" . $e['sqltext']);
  $status = oci_execute($result);
  if (!$status) {
    $e = oci_error($result);
    throw new Exception($e['message'] . "\n" . $e['sqltext']);

 * Implementation of hook_requirements().
function migrate_example_oracle_requirements($phase) {
  $requirements = array();
  $t = get_t();
  switch ($phase) {
    case 'install':

      // Check that the OCI8 extension is loaded
      $requirements['oci8'] = array(
        'title' => $t('Oracle extension'),
      if (!extension_loaded('oci8')) {
        $requirements['oci8']['description'] = $t('Migrating from an Oracle
          database requires that you have the !link extension loaded in PHP.', array(
          '!link' => l('oci8', ''),
        $requirements['oci8']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
      $sample_setting = '<pre>
$conf[\'oracle_db\'] = array(
  \'username\' => \'Oracle_username\',
  \'password\' => \'Oracle_password\',
  \'connection_string\' => \'//Oracle_host/SID\',

      // Check that there is an Oracle database configured for use
      $requirements['oracle_db'] = array(
        'title' => $t('Oracle configuration'),
      global $conf;
      if (empty($conf['oracle_db']) || empty($conf['oracle_db']['username']) || empty($conf['oracle_db']['password']) || empty($conf['oracle_db']['connection_string'])) {
        $requirements['oracle_db']['description'] = $t('You must define $conf[\'oracle_db\']
          (in your site\'s settings.php file) to point to the Oracle database where
          you want test data to be stored: ' . $sample_setting);
        $requirements['oracle_db']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;

      // Check that we can connect to the Oracle db.
      $requirements['oracle_connect'] = array(
        'title' => $t('Oracle connection available'),
      $connection = @oci_connect($conf['oracle_db']['username'], $conf['oracle_db']['password'], $conf['oracle_db']['connection_string'], 'UTF8');
      if (!$connection) {
        $e = oci_error();
        $requirements['oracle_connect']['description'] = $t('Could not connect to configured
          Oracle database at !conn_string. Oracle error message: !message', array(
          '!conn_string' => $conf['oracle_db']['connection_string'],
          '!message' => $e['message'],
        $requirements['oracle_connect']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;

      // Check for necessary privileges
      $requirements['oracle_privs'] = array(
        'title' => $t('Necessary Oracle privileges are assigned'),
      $statement = oci_parse($connection, 'SELECT * FROM SESSION_PRIVS');
      if (!$statement) {
        $e = oci_error($connection);
        $requirements['oracle_connect']['description'] = $e['message'];
        $requirements['oracle_connect']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
      $result = oci_execute($statement);
      if (!$result) {
        $e = oci_error($statement);
        $requirements['oracle_connect']['description'] = $e['message'];
        $requirements['oracle_connect']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
      $ok = FALSE;
      while ($row = oci_fetch_object($statement)) {
        if ($row->PRIVILEGE == 'CREATE TABLE') {
          $ok = TRUE;
      if (!$ok) {
        $requirements['oracle_privs']['description'] = $t('The specified
            username !username does not have the CREATE TABLE privilege. This privilege
            is necessary to create test tables in the Oracle database.', array(
          '!username' => $conf['oracle_db']['username'],
        $requirements['oracle_privs']['severity'] = REQUIREMENT_ERROR;
    case 'update':
    case 'runtime':
  return $requirements;