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9 calls to MigrationBase::getInstance() in Migrate 6.2

drush_migrate_messages in ./
Display messages for a migration.
drush_migrate_status in ./
A simplified version of the dashboard page.
MigrateCommentUnitTest::testCommentImport in tests/plugins/destinations/comment.test
MigrateNodeUnitTest::testNodeImport in tests/plugins/destinations/node.test
MigrateXMLUnitTest::testXMLImport in tests/plugins/sources/xml.test
migrate_migrations in ./migrate.module
Retrieve a list of all active migrations, ordered by dependencies. To be recognized, a class must be non-abstract, and derived from MigrationBase.
Migration::deregisterMigration in includes/
Deregister a migration - remove all traces of it from the database (without touching any content which was created by this migration).
MigrationBase::dependenciesComplete in includes/
Reports whether all (hard) dependencies have completed migration
MigrationBase::incompleteDependencies in includes/
Returns an array of the migration's dependencies that are incomplete.