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Functions in Migrate 6.2

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Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
migrate_example_wine_image migrate_example/ 2
migrate_example_wine_install migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema migrate_example/ @file Set up for the wine (advanced) example. 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_account migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_account_updates migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_categories migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_category_producer migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_category_wine migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_comment migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_comment_updates migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_files migrate_example/ 2
migrate_example_wine_schema_producer migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_table_dest migrate_example/ 2
migrate_example_wine_schema_table_source migrate_example/ 2
migrate_example_wine_schema_updates migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_variety_updates migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_vintages migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_schema_wine migrate_example/ 1
migrate_example_wine_uninstall migrate_example/ 1
migrate_field_handler_invoke_all ./migrate.module Invoke any available handlers attached to a given field type. If any handlers have dependencies defined, they will be invoked after the specified handlers. 2
migrate_get_last_caller includes/ Gets the last caller from a backtrace. 1
migrate_get_module_apis ./migrate.module Get a list of modules that support the current migrate API. 10
migrate_handler_invoke_all ./migrate.module Invoke any available handlers attached to a given destination type. If any handlers have dependencies defined, they will be invoked after the specified handlers. 8
migrate_install ./migrate.install Implementation of hook_install().
migrate_instrument_start ./migrate.module Start measuring time and (optionally) memory consumption over a section of code. Note that the memory consumption measurement is generally not useful in lower areas of the code, where data is being generated that will be freed by the next call to the… 38
migrate_instrument_stop ./migrate.module Stop measuring both memory and time consumption over a section of code. 38
migrate_memory_read ./migrate.module Read the current memory value without recording the change. 1
migrate_memory_start ./migrate.module Save memory usage with the specified name. If you start and stop the same memory name multiple times, the measured differences will be accumulated. 1
migrate_memory_stop ./migrate.module Stop the memory counter with the specified name. 1
migrate_menu migrate_ui/migrate_ui.module Implementation of hook_menu().
migrate_migrate_api ./migrate.module
migrate_migrate_fields_destination_complete ./
migrate_migrate_fields_source_complete ./
migrate_migrate_import_complete ./
migrate_migrate_mappings_complete ./
migrate_migrate_reset_status_complete ./
migrate_migrate_rollback_complete ./
migrate_migrate_status_complete ./ Command argument complete callback.
migrate_migrate_stop_complete ./
migrate_migrations ./migrate.module Retrieve a list of all active migrations, ordered by dependencies. To be recognized, a class must be non-abstract, and derived from MigrationBase. 8
migrate_migration_info migrate_ui/ Menu callback function for migration view page. 1
migrate_overview ./migrate.module Call hook_migrate_overview for overall documentation on implemented migrations. 1
migrate_requirements ./migrate.install Implementation of hook_requirements().
migrate_schema ./migrate.install @file Migrate module installation
migrate_schema_log ./migrate.install 2
migrate_schema_status ./migrate.install 1
migrate_ui_batch migrate_ui/ Process all enabled migration processes in a browser, using the Batch API to break it into manageable chunks. 1
migrate_ui_batch_finish migrate_ui/ Batch API finished callback - report results 1
migrate_ui_capture_message migrate_ui/ 1
migrate_ui_configure_register_auto_register migrate_ui/ Submit callback for the configuration form auto-registration changes. 1


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