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Classes, traits, and interfaces in Migrate 6.2

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Namesort descending Type Namespace Location Description Direct uses Use statements Strings
MigrateSourceMultiItems class plugins/sources/ Implementation of MigrateSource, providing the semantics of iterating over IDs provided by a MigrateItems and retrieving data from a MigrateItems.
MigrateSourceOracle class plugins/sources/ Implementation of MigrateSource, to handle imports from remote Oracle servers.
MigrateSourceSQL class plugins/sources/ Implementation of MigrateSource, to handle imports from Drupal connections. 1
MigrateSourceView class plugins/sources/ Implementation of MigrateSource, to handle imports from views. All that should be necessary (once Views is ported to D7) is to pull the SQL query from the view, the MigrateSourceSQL class can then just handle it like hand-constructed queries.
MigrateSourceXML class plugins/sources/ Implementation of MigrateSource, to handle imports from XML files.
MigrateSQLMap class plugins/sources/ @file Defines a Drupal db-based implementation of MigrateMap.
MigrateStatisticsEntityHandler class plugins/destinations/ @file Support for node_counter statistics in core Drupal nodes
MigrateTableUnitTest class tests/plugins/destinations/table.test Test table migration.
MigrateTaxonomyUnitTest class tests/plugins/destinations/term.test Test taxonomy migration.
MigrateTeamMember class includes/ @file Info on migration team members. Display-only at the moment, but eventually there should be notification features.
MigrateTermNodeHandler class plugins/destinations/ Handler to process term assignments for nodes
MigrateTextFieldHandler class plugins/destinations/
MigrateUserReferenceFieldHandler class plugins/destinations/
MigrateUserUnitTest class tests/plugins/destinations/user.test Test user migration.
MigrateValueFieldHandler class plugins/destinations/
MigrateXMLFieldMapping class plugins/sources/ Adds xpath info to field mappings for XML sources
MigrateXMLReader class plugins/sources/ Makes an XMLReader object iterable, returning elements matching a restricted xpath-like syntax.
MigrateXMLUnitTest class tests/plugins/sources/xml.test Test node migration.
Migration abstract class includes/ The base class for all import objects. This is where most of the smarts of the migrate module resides. Migrations are created by deriving from this class, and in the constructor (after calling parent::__construct()) initializing at a minimum the name,… 4
MigrationBase abstract class includes/ The base class for all objects representing distinct steps in a migration process. Most commonly these will be Migration objects which actually import data from a source into a Drupal destination, but by deriving classes directly from MigrationBase… 3
RoleTableMigration class migrate_example/ @file Make a copy of the role table. To use this you must create a table named role_copy with the same structure as role.
WineBestWithMigration class migrate_example/
WineCommentMigration class migrate_example/
WineCommentUpdatesMigration class migrate_example/
WineFinishMigration class migrate_example/ This migration works with WinePrepMigration to make ensure auto_nodetitle is re-enabled if we disabled it.
WinePrepMigration class migrate_example/ TIP: While usually you'll create true migrations - processes that copy data from some source into Drupal - you can also define processing steps for either the import or rollback stages that take other actions. In this case, we want to disable…
WineProducerMigration class migrate_example/
WineProducerMultiXMLMigration class migrate_example/ TIP: An example of importing from an XML feed where both the id and the data to import are in the same file. The id is a part of the data. See the file in the xml directory - producers.xml which contains all IDs and producer data for this example.
WineProducerXMLMigration class migrate_example/ TIP: An example of importing from an XML feed. See the files in the xml directory - index.xml contains a list of IDs to import, and <id>.xml is the data for a given producer.
WineProducerXMLPullMigration class migrate_example/ TIP: An alternative approach using MigrateSourceSQL. This uses a different XML library, which advances element-by-element through the XML file rather than reading in the whole file. This source will work better with large XML files, but is slower for…
WineRegionMigration class migrate_example/
WineRoleMigration class migrate_example/
WineTableMigration class migrate_example/
WineTermMigration abstract class migrate_example/ 3
WineUpdatesMigration class migrate_example/ TIP: This demonstrates a migration designed not to import new content, but to update existing content (in this case, revised wine ratings)
WineUserMigration class migrate_example/
WineUserUpdatesMigration class migrate_example/
WineVarietyMigration class migrate_example/
WineVarietyUpdatesMigration class migrate_example/
WineWineMigration class migrate_example/
XMLMigration abstract class plugins/sources/ Migrations using XML sources should extend this class instead of Migration. 4


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