public function Micon::getPrefix in Micon 8
Same name and namespace in other branches
- 2.x src/Entity/Micon.php \Drupal\micon\Entity\Micon::getPrefix()
Get unique IcoMoon package prefix.
Overrides MiconInterface::getPrefix
3 calls to Micon::getPrefix()
- Micon::archiveExtract in src/
Entity/ Micon.php - Properly extract and store an IcoMoon zip file.
- Micon::getIcons in src/
Entity/ Micon.php - Get Micon package icons with tag as key.
- Micon::getName in src/
Entity/ Micon.php - Get unique IcoMoon package name.
- src/
Entity/ Micon.php, line 136
- Micon
- Defines the Micon entity.
public function getPrefix() {
$info = $this
return $info['preferences'][$this
->type() . 'Pref']['prefix'];