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public function MetaNameBase::form in Metatag 8

Generate a form element for this meta tag.


array $element: The existing form element to attach to.

Return value

array The completed form element.

6 methods override MetaNameBase::form()
PinterestNohover::form in metatag_pinterest/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/PinterestNohover.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.
PinterestNopin::form in metatag_pinterest/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/PinterestNopin.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.
PinterestNosearch::form in metatag_pinterest/src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/PinterestNosearch.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.
Referrer::form in src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/Referrer.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.
Robots::form in src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/Robots.php
Generate a form element for this meta tag.

... See full list


src/Plugin/metatag/Tag/MetaNameBase.php, line 263


Each meta tag will extend this base.




public function form(array $element = []) {
  $form = [
    '#type' => $this
      ->isLong() ? 'textarea' : 'textfield',
    '#title' => $this
    '#default_value' => $this
    '#maxlength' => 1024,
    '#required' => isset($element['#required']) ? $element['#required'] : FALSE,
    '#description' => $this
    '#element_validate' => [

  // Optional handling for items that allow multiple values.
  if (!empty($this->multiple)) {
    $form['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
      ->t('Multiple values may be used, separated by a comma. Note: Tokens that return multiple values will be handled automatically.');

  // Optional handling for images.
  if (!empty($this
    ->type()) && $this
    ->type() === 'image') {
    $form['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
      ->t('This will be able to extract the URL from an image field if the field is configured properly.');
  if (!empty($this->absolute_url)) {
    $form['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
      ->t('Any relative or protocol-relative URLs will be converted to absolute URLs.');

  // Optional handling for secure paths.
  if (!empty($this->secure)) {
    $form['#description'] .= ' ' . $this
      ->t('Any URLs which start with "http://" will be converted to "https://".');
  return $form;