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d6_nodewords_field_instance.yml in Metatag 8



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  1. # A default migration mapping for Metatag-D6 field instances.
  2. #
  3. # @see Drupal\metatag\Plugin\migrate\source\d6\NodewordsFieldInstance
  4. id: d6_nodewords_field_instance
  5. label: Metatag field instance
  6. migration_tags:
  7. - Drupal 6
  8. source:
  9. plugin: d6_nodewords_field_instance
  10. source_module: metatag
  11. ignore_map: true
  12. constants:
  13. field_name: field_metatag
  14. label: Meta tags
  15. process:
  16. bundle: bundle
  17. entity_type: entity_type
  18. field_name: 'constants/field_name'
  19. label: 'constants/label'
  20. destination:
  21. plugin: entity:field_config
  22. migration_dependencies:
  23. required:
  24. # The base field migration is required before this migration can run.
  25. - d6_nodewords_field
  26. # @todo Is this accurate? Does it really need the vocabulary migration, or
  27. # is it more precautionary, that it *might* be needed so it might as well be
  28. # executed first?
  29. - d6_node_type
  30. - d6_taxonomy_vocabulary