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TwitterCardsSite.php in Metatag 8


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namespace Drupal\metatag_twitter_cards\Plugin\metatag\Tag;

use Drupal\metatag\Plugin\metatag\Tag\MetaNameBase;

 * The Twitter Cards site's account metatag.
 * @MetatagTag(
 *   id = "twitter_cards_site",
 *   label = @Translation("Site's Twitter account"),
 *   description = @Translation("The @username for the website, which will be displayed in the Card's footer; must include the @ symbol."),
 *   name = "twitter:site",
 *   group = "twitter_cards",
 *   weight = 2,
 *   type = "string",
 *   secure = FALSE,
 *   multiple = FALSE
 * )
class TwitterCardsSite extends MetaNameBase {



Namesort descending Description
TwitterCardsSite The Twitter Cards site's account metatag.