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8 calls to messaging_store() in Messaging 6.3

Messaging_API_Tests::testMessagingSendingAPI in tests/messaging_api.test
Play with creating, retrieving, deleting a pair messages
messaging_cron in ./messaging.module
Implementation of hook_cron()
messaging_debug_user_page in messaging_debug/messaging_debug.module
Menu callback. Display pending messages to the user
Messaging_Message::delete in classes/
Delete if already on store
Messaging_Message::save in classes/
Save to store / update
messaging_message_load in ./messaging.module
Helper function for message loading from the store
Messaging_Methods_Tests::testMessagingMethods in tests/messaging_methods.test
Test message sending callbacks for enabled plug-ins
messaging_pull_pending in ./messaging.module
Pull pending messages for given methods and user accounts