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10 calls to messaging_static() in Messaging 6.4

messaging_info in ./messaging.module
Invoke hook_notifications($name) on all modules
messaging_load_user in ./messaging.module
Helper user loading function with static caching
messaging_send_method in ./messaging.module
Get send method object
messaging_static_cache_get in ./messaging.module
Get data from static cache
messaging_static_cache_set in ./messaging.module
Set data on static cache, checking whether the cache is under limits.
messaging_static_reset in ./messaging.module
Reset static variable. Drupal 7 core backport.
messaging_template_message_defaults in messaging_template/messaging_template.module
Returns parts of messages, that may be formatted for each sending method
messaging_template_message_part in messaging_template/messaging_template.module
Returns parts of messages, that may be formatted for each sending method
messaging_template_type_info in messaging_template/messaging_template.module
Get template type information. It will try to retrieve just this type
messaging_text_check_markup in includes/
This is a fast version of check_markup