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14 calls to messaging_method_info() in Messaging 5

messaging_admin_settings in ./messaging.module
Admin settings form
messaging_admin_template_overview in ./messaging.module
Overview page for message templates
Messaging_API_Tests::testMessagingBasicAPI in tests/messaging_api.test
Play with creating, retrieving, deleting a pair messages
messaging_debug_send_user in messaging_debug/messaging_debug.module
Just show message title to the user.
messaging_message_send in ./messaging.module
Send message to array of destinations. The message is rendered just once.
messaging_message_send_out in ./messaging.module
Send for real, finally invoking method's callback function
messaging_message_send_user in ./messaging.module
Send message to user represented by account
Messaging_Methods_Tests::testMessagingMethods in tests/messaging_methods.test
Test message sending callbacks for enabled plug-ins
messaging_method_default in ./messaging.module
Returns default messaging method
messaging_method_list in ./messaging.module
List sending methods
messaging_method_permission in ./messaging.module
Check permission for method and account
messaging_method_type in ./messaging.module
Returns list of messaging methods for a type
messaging_store_save in ./
Put into database storage, create one line for each destination
messaging_store_unpack in ./
Unpack stored messages