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static function Messaging_Method::method_disable in Messaging 7

Update messaging method.

When a messaging method is disabled, we need to update current settings for this and other modues


$method: Method to disable

$replace: Optional replacement method suggested by the disabled one.

4 calls to Messaging_Method::method_disable()
messaging_htmlmail_disable in messaging_htmlmail/messaging_htmlmail.module
Implementation of hook_disable()
messaging_mail_disable in messaging_mail/messaging_mail.module
Implementation of hook_disable().
Messaging_Methods_Tests::testMessagingMethods in tests/messaging_methods.test
Test message sending callbacks for enabled plug-ins
messaging_simple_disable in messaging_simple/messaging_simple.module
Implementation of hook_disable()


./, line 93
Drupal Messaging Framework - Send_Method class file


Base class for all Incoming and Sending methods


static function method_disable($method, $replace = NULL) {
  module_load_include('install', 'messaging');
  $replace = isset($replace) ? $replace : messaging_update_method_replace($method, TRUE);
  messaging_update_method_disable($method, $replace);
  if ($replace) {
    drupal_set_message(t('Disabled messaging sending method %method and replaced by %replace', array(
      '%method' => messaging_method_info($method, 'title'),
      '%replace' => messaging_method_info($replace, 'title'),
  else {

    // It seems all methods are disabled, print warning
    drupal_set_message(t('Disabled messaging sending method but cannot find a replacement. Please, enable some other sending method.'), 'error');