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Functions in Messaging 6.2

Primary tabs

Namesort descending Location Description Direct uses Strings
messaging_xmpp_send_msg messaging_xmpp/messaging_xmpp.module Send message via the xmppframework 1
messaging_xmpp_settings_form messaging_xmpp/messaging_xmpp.module Site wide settings form 1
messaging_xmpp_user messaging_xmpp/messaging_xmpp.module Implementation of hook_user()
messaging_xmpp_user_check messaging_xmpp/messaging_xmpp.module Message user callback. Check user destination and availability 1
messaging_xmpp_user_destination messaging_xmpp/messaging_xmpp.module Get XMPP destination (jid) for user account 1
messaging_xmpp_user_offline_options messaging_xmpp/messaging_xmpp.module Options when user is off line 2
theme_messaging_admin_method_settings ./ Theme method settings
theme_messaging_phpmailer messaging_phpmailer/messaging_phpmailer.module Default theme messaging_phpmailer
_messaging_callback ./messaging.module Build callback structure to be invoked later 2
_messaging_callback_add ./messaging.module Add a callback to a callback collection 1
_messaging_callback_get ./messaging.module Get a callback from the information array if present 3
_messaging_callback_invoke ./messaging.module Invoke callback with variable arguments 5
_messaging_debug_format_log messaging_debug/messaging_debug.module Format complex log as collapsible fieldset 1 1
_messaging_debug_format_object messaging_debug/messaging_debug.module Format objects/array in logs 1
_messaging_debug_log_text messaging_debug/messaging_debug.module Format message as loggable text 3
_messaging_info ./messaging.module Helper function to get property from an info array 3
_messaging_install_create_filter ./messaging.install Create a default plain text filter, just to have some reasonable default to get started 2
_messaging_log ./messaging.module Quick logging for debugging and manual queue processing 4
_messaging_log_format ./messaging.module Format messaging / notifications log as single text line 1
_messaging_query_conditions ./messaging.module Helper function for query builders.
_messaging_twitter_include messaging_twitter/messaging_twitter.module Load twitter inc only once 5


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