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CHANGELOG.txt in Messaging 6.4

Same filename and directory in other branches
  1. 5 CHANGELOG.txt
  2. 6 CHANGELOG.txt
  3. 6.2 CHANGELOG.txt
  4. 6.3 CHANGELOG.txt
6.x-4.x-beta7 to 6.x-4.x-beta8
- #872944, by roderik, Format filter "No Filter" doesn't work (actually applies system default filter)
- #872978, by roderik, PHPMailer: false watchdog error when debugging turned on
- #912322, by roderik, messaging_template_build() missing return statement
- #461226, by w3wfr, Messaging XMPP not sending.
- #1008898, by thePanz, Install issue (database field error).
- Tightened administration permissions, now needs 'administer site configuration'

6.x-4.x-beta6 to 6.x-4.x-beta7
- Added API function: messaging_template_build() to build message from template
- Added bulk sending to multiple users: messaging_message_bulk_send(), to be optimized
- Some improvements to support language for tokens
- Set name for anonymous user, prevent PHP Notice on latest token module
- Fixed Message::get_destination(), set_destination() to always set a value, by davidmprice, #832098
- Moved all mail related functions into messaging_mail module, #807964
- PHPMailer, SMTP Port and Security configuration in UI, by bryan_savage and joshk, #813550

6.x-4.x-beta5 to 6.x-4.x-beta6
- Added: More flexible return path and message headers for mail, #542022, #260595
- Improved admin settings for send methods, added 'enable/disable' checkbox
- Added testing feature from messaging_debug.
- Changing fallback for object language, check user language first
- Fixed wrong function name (is_empty) by Scott Reynolds, #805862
- Fixed wrong name for alter hook in messaging_info()
- Updated privatemsg API to avoid permission issues, #726874

6.x-4.x-beta4 to 6.x-4.x-beta5
- Some updates for it not break with Twitter 6.x-3.x
- Moved queue and log options to Messaging Tools (Notifications Tools), #799770
- Added new method type (NOQUEUE) for disabling queueing for some methods
- Cleaned up and documented Messaging_Message properties
- Improved persistence for messages, proper handling of serializable properties
- Messaging_Store now uses schema information to properly handle serialization
- Improved multisend, log all destinations that failed
- New Messaging_User_Object so it can be inherited independently of 'persistent objects'

6.x-4.x-beta3 to 6.x-4.x-beta4
- Added views support for messaging_simple, by joshuajabbour, #791694
- Added some extenstions to Message class: get_method_params()
- Simplified and improved message sending workflow.
- Fixed multiple upgrade issues and bugs: #787304, #786844, #790984, #792850, #790226, #792756

6.x-4.x-beta1 to 6.x-4.x-beta3
- Reworked admin settings, added 'discard' option, see #775650
- Added 'queue' and 'log' options for each sending method.
- Added hook_messaging('address types') for send methods to share address information
- Improved Destinations, dropping method field, a destination is now an address.
- Allow specific Input formats for template parts.
- Reworked message filtering, now it uses module's own filters.
- Added format and data field (not used yet) for message templates.

6.x-2.2 to 6.x-4.x-beta1
- Extended templates with language and translations
- Major OOP rework: Message, Destination, Send_Method
- Reworked messaging_simple, now it uses its own table
- Support for Anonymous destinations / subscriptions.
- Reorganized modules: new template module, moved debug module to notifications_extra, etc..
- Implemented 7.x like API for static variables,
- API and storage improvements for upcoming multilingual support.
- Added Messaging_Destination class, new dependency on autoload module
- Added messaging_destination table and basic API, see #743008
- Added messaging_static(), Drupal 7 API backport, see #742884
- Improved logging system so it needs to be enabled, see #733176
- Updated translation function to work with latest i18nstrings. New messaging_translate()

6.x-2.1 to 6.x-2.2
- Fixed: removed no caching for filters, #577418
- Fixed: 'aftersend' typo by batje, #508054 
- Added line break default filter on install, by aaronbauman, #516012
- PHPMailer: Added support for libraries API, by markus_petrux, #541938
- Fixed issue with sms sending, #407524
- Strenghtening message filtering, better description, #546116
6.x-2.0 to 6.x-2.1
- Fixed: outdated permission in privatemsg module, by askibinski, #491364
- Fixed: message params not properly handled in the store table, by greenSkin, #449112
- Added attachments support for some mail methods, by Dane Powell, #371596
- Added messaging debug test page to messaging settings
- PHPMailer: Added SMTP authentication, by batje, #467438
- Fix to private messaging send method interface, by David Goode

6.x-1.1 to 6.x-2.0
- Added new module, messaging_xmpp, to replace xmppframework xmpp_messaging
- Added a new callback in message method info ('user callback') for use with xmppframework
- Fixed some issues with SMS messages, gateway parameter is not used anymore.
- Added some utility functions for text handling: messaging_text_build(), messaging_text_clean()
- Reworked logging and log formatting and moved debug module to Development package
- Fixed: default filter set to default variable if empty
- Added line endings for 'Plain text' filter, #428440
- Added new API function: messaging_user_setting()
- Added wrapper for no pending messages text, by CrackWilding, #446218
- Added new API function: messaging_text_truncate(), from sms module
- Reworked SMS formatting, removed text limit, #390438
- Fixed: messaging_phpmailer does not use passed headers, by jmcclelland, #363001
- Added table and field descriptions to schema, #429184
- Fixed regexp for compatibility, by Ogredude, #393384
- Fixed broken function: messaging_pull_pending()
- Moved messaging notify module to a different package,
- Fixed minor issues with storing message templates (trim) by mehmeta #243743
- Added support for anonymous accounts with 'destination' property set
- Added PHPMailer settings and debug settings,  #358386 and #248743
- Moved send method settings to its own tab, and moved mail functions to
- Defined some new constants for sending method types, updated plug-ins
- Updated token_logic support,
- Fixed issue with messaging logs not being deleted.
- Updated Privatemsg integration, #340676
- Fixed: Two 'Thread' subscription types on UI settings, #409084
- Fixed: cron - mimemail parameters issue, by scottrigby, #382576
- Added logging interface (messaging_log)
- Improvements for messaging_twitter and messaging_debug
- Messaging method list only displays the ones available for the user.
- Fixed SMS subject & body formatting issues, #374903
- Reworked message templates administration indicating fallbacks and added better help texts.

6.x-1.0 to 6.x-1.1
- Fixed: Update SMS sending method for new SMS Framework, by diggersf, #337518
- Fixed: PHPmailer, Handle rfc2822 formatted "From:" field, by rcourtna, #349224
- Fixed: PHP notices, by sun, #366391
- Fixed: Messaging_notify not adding uid to notifications event, by Scott Reynolds, #364466
- Performance: added indexes to messaging_store table, by Scott Reynolds, #364590
- Fixed: messaging_update_replace not finding the right replacement method
- Fixed: wrong module description for messaging_phpmailer, #340685
- Fixed: messaging_notify - wrong notification type and missing perm(), by Scott Reynolds, #361758
- Fixed: No messages in watchdog with debug send method, #358667
- Fixed: messaging_phpmailer does not use passed headers (fails with mail2web module), by jmcclelland, #363001
- Fixed: error when params are unpacked for stored messages, by mcdruid, #364334
- Fixed: Incomplete uninstall, by jaydub, #295444 
- Fixed: Number of messages sent' value is ignored, #339422
- Added twitter plug-in by Will White
- Added messaging_text_replace() for tokens and token_support
- Fixed issues with cron processing and queue storage, added tests
- Added query builder helper for messaging and notifications
- Improved messaging store, multiple destinations are now serialized and message stored only once
- Implemented callbacks chain for message processing, callbacks defined on sending method.
- Reworked message processing, using objects now instead of array

6.x-1.0-rc3 to 6.x-1.0
- Fixed Cannot use object of type PHPMailer as array, #321212
- Added some debug tools and some basic support for incoming messages
- Formatting improvements and help texts for message templates admin page
- Implemented handling for disabling send methods, notify other modules
- Renamed some sending methods, better naming and avoid name clashes (phpmailer, mimemail)
- Added configurable names for sending methods, some changes in admin pages

6.x-1.0-rc2 to 6.x-1.0-rc3
- Upgraded messaging_phpmailer info file, by darren.ferguson, #309945
- Upgraded messaging_sms module, by darren.ferguson, #314896
- Updated unit tests to simpletest 6.x-2.x
- Fixed minor issues with modules and documentation
- Added German translation, by rastatt, #294378
- Fixed wrong delta in filter system, by the greenman, #305593
- Fixed namespace collisions with other hooks, #301715 and #294322
6.x-1.0-rc1 to 6.x-1.0-rc2
- Some clean up, moved documentation to the handbook,
- Fixed: Condition produces false positive when rendering messages, by andremolnar, #290163
- Added unit tests for message rendering.

6.x-1.0-beta1 to 6.x-1.0-rc1
- Creating a default input format on install, "Messaging plain text"
- Fixed parameter inconsistency, by darren.ferguson, #272545
- Some minor bug fixes, see 5.x changelog
- Reworked administration menu options, grouping all settings under Admin/Messaging
- Porting latest minor features from Drupal 5. Send method settings, etc..
- Fixing template form not showing, by BTMash, #251372

5.x-1.0-beta1 to 6.x-1.0-dev
- Fixed issue with messaging log variable
- Quick Drupal 6 upgrade and some code clean up
- Ported latest patches from 5.x branch (MESSAGE_TYPE_NONE and help text)
- Split admin UI on its own file

5.x-1.0-alpha2 to 5.x-1.0-beta1
- Added formatting, pager and delete option for messaging_simple module
- Added formatting and pager for messaging_debug(), fixed some strings
- Fixed annoying hidden char issue for messaging_sms module,
- Added helper function messaging_mail_params()
- API change for consistency with queue processing: The send callback now takes a single destination
- Added $message['sender_account'] parameter
- Added some api documentation as function comments
- Fixed bug in queue processing, by jaydub
- New: Implemented message queueing and logging, big patch
- Reworked message pull hooks, now it doesn't rely on other modules
- Added some tests, covered message queueing and some plug-in APIs

5.x-1.0-alpha1 to 5.x-1.0-alpha2
- Fix display of tokens and some clean up by andremolnar,
- New mime mail plug-in that has been there for a while, by Tim Cullen
- Added hook_message_alter($message, $info, $method)
- Fixed issue with message rendering for sms
- Fixed missing value on db insert, by jaydub,
- Simplified filtering and added some API functions. Used in phpmailer module
- Fixed user_send and send methods for the SMS gateway

06/02/08 - 28/02/08
Important sending API Improvements:
- Added messaging_message_send() to be able to send to non users and also for multiple sending.
- Now messaging_message_send_user() is just a wrapper for the previous one. It does $account to $destination translation.
- Reworked message rendering, so most plug-ins don't need to implement the render callback. Added more options.
- New method info properties: 
  'destination', field for getting destination from user account.
  'subject_glue', to glue multipart message subjects, [Optional]
  'send_user', callback for sending to users [Optional]
- The send callback should accept now a $destination array for bulk sending
Filtering improvements:
- Added a different filter for the subject
- Added support for drupal_html_to_text filtering. See
- Performance: Filtering is done now only once for the whole text
- Some improvements for the settings page.
- Updated all contributed plug-ins accordingly.
- Improved logging by messaging_debug module.
- Fixed some other minor issues, added comments, etc..

- Added pgsql support (untested), by jaydub,
- Added 'administer messaging' permission.
- Split the debug functionality out of messaging and messaging_simple: messaging_debug module
- Fixed issues with messaging simple:


View source
  1. 6.x-4.x-beta7 to 6.x-4.x-beta8
  2. ------------------------------
  3. - #872944, by roderik, Format filter "No Filter" doesn't work (actually applies system default filter)
  4. - #872978, by roderik, PHPMailer: false watchdog error when debugging turned on
  5. - #912322, by roderik, messaging_template_build() missing return statement
  6. - #461226, by w3wfr, Messaging XMPP not sending.
  7. - #1008898, by thePanz, Install issue (database field error).
  8. - Tightened administration permissions, now needs 'administer site configuration'
  9. 6.x-4.x-beta6 to 6.x-4.x-beta7
  10. ------------------------------
  11. - Added API function: messaging_template_build() to build message from template
  12. - Added bulk sending to multiple users: messaging_message_bulk_send(), to be optimized
  13. - Some improvements to support language for tokens
  14. - Set name for anonymous user, prevent PHP Notice on latest token module
  15. - Fixed Message::get_destination(), set_destination() to always set a value, by davidmprice, #832098
  16. - Moved all mail related functions into messaging_mail module, #807964
  17. - PHPMailer, SMTP Port and Security configuration in UI, by bryan_savage and joshk, #813550
  18. 6.x-4.x-beta5 to 6.x-4.x-beta6
  19. ------------------------------
  20. - Added: More flexible return path and message headers for mail, #542022, #260595
  21. - Improved admin settings for send methods, added 'enable/disable' checkbox
  22. - Added testing feature from messaging_debug.
  23. - Changing fallback for object language, check user language first
  24. - Fixed wrong function name (is_empty) by Scott Reynolds, #805862
  25. - Fixed wrong name for alter hook in messaging_info()
  26. - Updated privatemsg API to avoid permission issues, #726874
  27. 6.x-4.x-beta4 to 6.x-4.x-beta5
  28. ------------------------------
  29. - Some updates for it not break with Twitter 6.x-3.x
  30. - Moved queue and log options to Messaging Tools (Notifications Tools), #799770
  31. - Added new method type (NOQUEUE) for disabling queueing for some methods
  32. - Cleaned up and documented Messaging_Message properties
  33. - Improved persistence for messages, proper handling of serializable properties
  34. - Messaging_Store now uses schema information to properly handle serialization
  35. - Improved multisend, log all destinations that failed
  36. - New Messaging_User_Object so it can be inherited independently of 'persistent objects'
  37. 6.x-4.x-beta3 to 6.x-4.x-beta4
  38. -------------------------------
  39. - Added views support for messaging_simple, by joshuajabbour, #791694
  40. - Added some extenstions to Message class: get_method_params()
  41. - Simplified and improved message sending workflow.
  42. - Fixed multiple upgrade issues and bugs: #787304, #786844, #790984, #792850, #790226, #792756
  43. 6.x-4.x-beta1 to 6.x-4.x-beta3
  44. ------------------------------
  45. - Reworked admin settings, added 'discard' option, see #775650
  46. - Added 'queue' and 'log' options for each sending method.
  47. - Added hook_messaging('address types') for send methods to share address information
  48. - Improved Destinations, dropping method field, a destination is now an address.
  49. - Allow specific Input formats for template parts.
  50. - Reworked message filtering, now it uses module's own filters.
  51. - Added format and data field (not used yet) for message templates.
  52. 6.x-2.2 to 6.x-4.x-beta1
  53. ------------------------
  54. - Extended templates with language and translations
  55. - Major OOP rework: Message, Destination, Send_Method
  56. - Reworked messaging_simple, now it uses its own table
  57. - Support for Anonymous destinations / subscriptions.
  58. - Reorganized modules: new template module, moved debug module to notifications_extra, etc..
  59. - Implemented 7.x like API for static variables,
  60. - API and storage improvements for upcoming multilingual support.
  61. - Added Messaging_Destination class, new dependency on autoload module
  62. - Added messaging_destination table and basic API, see #743008
  63. - Added messaging_static(), Drupal 7 API backport, see #742884
  64. - Improved logging system so it needs to be enabled, see #733176
  65. - Updated translation function to work with latest i18nstrings. New messaging_translate()
  66. 6.x-2.1 to 6.x-2.2
  67. -------------------------
  68. - Fixed: removed no caching for filters, #577418
  69. - Fixed: 'aftersend' typo by batje, #508054
  70. - Added line break default filter on install, by aaronbauman, #516012
  71. - PHPMailer: Added support for libraries API, by markus_petrux, #541938
  72. - Fixed issue with sms sending, #407524
  73. - Strenghtening message filtering, better description, #546116
  74. 6.x-2.0 to 6.x-2.1
  75. --------------------------
  76. - Fixed: outdated permission in privatemsg module, by askibinski, #491364
  77. - Fixed: message params not properly handled in the store table, by greenSkin, #449112
  78. - Added attachments support for some mail methods, by Dane Powell, #371596
  79. - Added messaging debug test page to messaging settings
  80. - PHPMailer: Added SMTP authentication, by batje, #467438
  81. - Fix to private messaging send method interface, by David Goode
  82. 6.x-1.1 to 6.x-2.0
  83. --------------------------
  84. - Added new module, messaging_xmpp, to replace xmppframework xmpp_messaging
  85. - Added a new callback in message method info ('user callback') for use with xmppframework
  86. - Fixed some issues with SMS messages, gateway parameter is not used anymore.
  87. - Added some utility functions for text handling: messaging_text_build(), messaging_text_clean()
  88. - Reworked logging and log formatting and moved debug module to Development package
  89. - Fixed: default filter set to default variable if empty
  90. - Added line endings for 'Plain text' filter, #428440
  91. - Added new API function: messaging_user_setting()
  92. - Added wrapper for no pending messages text, by CrackWilding, #446218
  93. - Added new API function: messaging_text_truncate(), from sms module
  94. - Reworked SMS formatting, removed text limit, #390438
  95. - Fixed: messaging_phpmailer does not use passed headers, by jmcclelland, #363001
  96. - Added table and field descriptions to schema, #429184
  97. - Fixed regexp for compatibility, by Ogredude, #393384
  98. - Fixed broken function: messaging_pull_pending()
  99. - Moved messaging notify module to a different package,
  100. - Fixed minor issues with storing message templates (trim) by mehmeta #243743
  101. - Added support for anonymous accounts with 'destination' property set
  102. - Added PHPMailer settings and debug settings, #358386 and #248743
  103. - Moved send method settings to its own tab, and moved mail functions to
  104. - Defined some new constants for sending method types, updated plug-ins
  105. - Updated token_logic support,
  106. - Fixed issue with messaging logs not being deleted.
  107. - Updated Privatemsg integration, #340676
  108. - Fixed: Two 'Thread' subscription types on UI settings, #409084
  109. - Fixed: cron - mimemail parameters issue, by scottrigby, #382576
  110. - Added logging interface (messaging_log)
  111. - Improvements for messaging_twitter and messaging_debug
  112. - Messaging method list only displays the ones available for the user.
  113. - Fixed SMS subject & body formatting issues, #374903
  114. - Reworked message templates administration indicating fallbacks and added better help texts.
  115. 6.x-1.0 to 6.x-1.1
  116. --------------------------
  117. - Fixed: Update SMS sending method for new SMS Framework, by diggersf, #337518
  118. - Fixed: PHPmailer, Handle rfc2822 formatted "From:" field, by rcourtna, #349224
  119. - Fixed: PHP notices, by sun, #366391
  120. - Fixed: Messaging_notify not adding uid to notifications event, by Scott Reynolds, #364466
  121. - Performance: added indexes to messaging_store table, by Scott Reynolds, #364590
  122. - Fixed: messaging_update_replace not finding the right replacement method
  123. - Fixed: wrong module description for messaging_phpmailer, #340685
  124. - Fixed: messaging_notify - wrong notification type and missing perm(), by Scott Reynolds, #361758
  125. - Fixed: No messages in watchdog with debug send method, #358667
  126. - Fixed: messaging_phpmailer does not use passed headers (fails with mail2web module), by jmcclelland, #363001
  127. - Fixed: error when params are unpacked for stored messages, by mcdruid, #364334
  128. - Fixed: Incomplete uninstall, by jaydub, #295444
  129. - Fixed: Number of messages sent' value is ignored, #339422
  130. - Added twitter plug-in by Will White
  131. - Added messaging_text_replace() for tokens and token_support
  132. - Fixed issues with cron processing and queue storage, added tests
  133. - Added query builder helper for messaging and notifications
  134. - Improved messaging store, multiple destinations are now serialized and message stored only once
  135. - Implemented callbacks chain for message processing, callbacks defined on sending method.
  136. - Reworked message processing, using objects now instead of array
  137. 6.x-1.0-rc3 to 6.x-1.0
  138. --------------------------
  139. - Fixed Cannot use object of type PHPMailer as array, #321212
  140. - Added some debug tools and some basic support for incoming messages
  141. - Formatting improvements and help texts for message templates admin page
  142. - Implemented handling for disabling send methods, notify other modules
  143. - Renamed some sending methods, better naming and avoid name clashes (phpmailer, mimemail)
  144. - Added configurable names for sending methods, some changes in admin pages
  145. 6.x-1.0-rc2 to 6.x-1.0-rc3
  146. --------------------------
  147. - Upgraded messaging_phpmailer info file, by darren.ferguson, #309945
  148. - Upgraded messaging_sms module, by darren.ferguson, #314896
  149. - Updated unit tests to simpletest 6.x-2.x
  150. - Fixed minor issues with modules and documentation
  151. - Added German translation, by rastatt, #294378
  152. - Fixed wrong delta in filter system, by the greenman, #305593
  153. - Fixed namespace collisions with other hooks, #301715 and #294322
  154. 6.x-1.0-rc1 to 6.x-1.0-rc2
  155. ----------------------------
  156. - Some clean up, moved documentation to the handbook,
  157. - Fixed: Condition produces false positive when rendering messages, by andremolnar, #290163
  158. - Added unit tests for message rendering.
  159. 6.x-1.0-beta1 to 6.x-1.0-rc1
  160. ----------------------------
  161. - Creating a default input format on install, "Messaging plain text"
  162. - Fixed parameter inconsistency, by darren.ferguson, #272545
  163. - Some minor bug fixes, see 5.x changelog
  164. - Reworked administration menu options, grouping all settings under Admin/Messaging
  165. - Porting latest minor features from Drupal 5. Send method settings, etc..
  166. - Fixing template form not showing, by BTMash, #251372
  167. 5.x-1.0-beta1 to 6.x-1.0-dev
  168. -----------------------------
  169. - Fixed issue with messaging log variable
  170. - Quick Drupal 6 upgrade and some code clean up
  171. - Ported latest patches from 5.x branch (MESSAGE_TYPE_NONE and help text)
  172. - Split admin UI on its own file
  173. 5.x-1.0-alpha2 to 5.x-1.0-beta1
  174. --------------------------------
  175. - Added formatting, pager and delete option for messaging_simple module
  176. - Added formatting and pager for messaging_debug(), fixed some strings
  177. - Fixed annoying hidden char issue for messaging_sms module,
  178. - Added helper function messaging_mail_params()
  179. - API change for consistency with queue processing: The send callback now takes a single destination
  180. - Added $message['sender_account'] parameter
  181. - Added some api documentation as function comments
  182. - Fixed bug in queue processing, by jaydub
  183. - New: Implemented message queueing and logging, big patch
  184. - Reworked message pull hooks, now it doesn't rely on other modules
  185. - Added some tests, covered message queueing and some plug-in APIs
  186. 5.x-1.0-alpha1 to 5.x-1.0-alpha2
  187. --------------------------------
  188. - Fix display of tokens and some clean up by andremolnar,
  189. - New mime mail plug-in that has been there for a while, by Tim Cullen
  190. - Added hook_message_alter($message, $info, $method)
  191. - Fixed issue with message rendering for sms
  192. - Fixed missing value on db insert, by jaydub,
  193. - Simplified filtering and added some API functions. Used in phpmailer module
  194. - Fixed user_send and send methods for the SMS gateway
  195. 06/02/08 - 28/02/08
  196. --------------------
  197. Important sending API Improvements:
  198. - Added messaging_message_send() to be able to send to non users and also for multiple sending.
  199. - Now messaging_message_send_user() is just a wrapper for the previous one. It does $account to $destination translation.
  200. - Reworked message rendering, so most plug-ins don't need to implement the render callback. Added more options.
  201. - New method info properties:
  202. 'destination', field for getting destination from user account.
  203. 'subject_glue', to glue multipart message subjects, [Optional]
  204. 'send_user', callback for sending to users [Optional]
  205. - The send callback should accept now a $destination array for bulk sending
  206. Filtering improvements:
  207. - Added a different filter for the subject
  208. - Added support for drupal_html_to_text filtering. See
  209. - Performance: Filtering is done now only once for the whole text
  210. Others:
  211. - Some improvements for the settings page.
  212. - Updated all contributed plug-ins accordingly.
  213. - Improved logging by messaging_debug module.
  214. - Fixed some other minor issues, added comments, etc..
  215. - Added pgsql support (untested), by jaydub,
  216. - Added 'administer messaging' permission.
  217. - Split the debug functionality out of messaging and messaging_simple: messaging_debug module
  218. - Fixed issues with messaging simple: