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public function Subscribers::getBasicContext in Message Subscribe 8

Get context from a given entity type.

This is a naive implementation, which extracts context from an entity. For example, given a node we extract the node author and related taxonomy terms.


\Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityInterface $entity: The entity object.

bool $skip_detailed_context: (optional) Skip detailed context detection and just use entity ID/type. Defaults to FALSE.

array $context: (optional) The starting context array to modify.

Return value

array Array keyed with the entity type and array of entity IDs as the value.

Overrides SubscribersInterface::getBasicContext

2 calls to Subscribers::getBasicContext()
Subscribers::getSubscribers in src/Subscribers.php
Retrieve a list of subscribers for a given entity.
Subscribers::sendMessage in src/Subscribers.php
Process a message and send to subscribed users.


src/Subscribers.php, line 403


A message subscribers service.




public function getBasicContext(EntityInterface $entity, $skip_detailed_context = FALSE, array $context = []) {
  if (empty($context)) {
    $id = $entity
      ->getEntityTypeId()][$id] = $id;
  if ($skip_detailed_context) {
    return $context;
  $context += [
    'node' => [],
    'user' => [],
    'taxonomy_term' => [],

  // Default context for comments.
  if ($entity instanceof CommentInterface) {
      ->getCommentedEntityId()] = $entity
      ->getOwnerId()] = $entity
  if (empty($context['node'])) {
    return $context;

  /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface[] $nodes */
  $nodes = $this->entityTypeManager
  if ($this->moduleHandler
    ->moduleExists('og')) {

    // Iterate over existing nodes to extract the related groups.
    foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      foreach ($this->membershipManager
        ->getGroupIds($node) as $group_type => $gids) {
        foreach ($gids as $gid) {
          $context[$group_type][$gid] = $gid;

    // Re-load nodes as the OG context may have added additional ones.

    /** @var \Drupal\node\NodeInterface[] $nodes */
    $nodes = $this->entityTypeManager
  foreach ($nodes as $node) {
      ->getOwnerId()] = $node
    if ($this->moduleHandler
      ->moduleExists('taxonomy')) {

      // Iterate over all taxonomy term reference fields, or entity-reference
      // fields that reference terms.
      foreach ($node
        ->getFieldDefinitions() as $field) {
        if ($field
          ->getType() != 'entity_reference' || $field
          ->getSetting('target_type') != 'taxonomy_term') {

          // Not an entity reference field or not referencing a taxonomy term.

        // Add referenced terms.
        foreach ($node
          ->getName()) as $tid) {
          $context['taxonomy_term'][$tid->target_id] = $tid->target_id;
  return $context;