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ViewsTest.php in Message Subscribe 8


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namespace Drupal\Tests\message_subscribe_email\Functional;

use Drupal\Tests\node\Traits\ContentTypeCreationTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\node\Traits\NodeCreationTrait;
use Drupal\Tests\BrowserTestBase;

 * Tests the views provided by this module for the UI.
 * @group message_subscribe_email
class ViewsTest extends BrowserTestBase {
  use ContentTypeCreationTrait;
  use NodeCreationTrait;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public static $modules = [

   * The flag service.
   * @var \Drupal\flag\FlagServiceInterface
  protected $flagService;

   * The message subscription service.
   * @var \Drupal\message_subscribe\SubscribersInterface
  protected $messageSubscribers;

   * {@inheritdoc}
  public function setUp() {
    $this->flagService = $this->container
    $this->messageSubscribers = $this->container

    // Enable flags.
    foreach ([
    ] as $entity_type) {
      foreach ([
      ] as $flag_type) {
        if ($flag = $this->flagService
          ->getFlagById($flag_type . '_' . $entity_type)) {

   * Tests that the views are properly used in the UI.
  public function testViews() {

    // Verify flags are properly using the email views.
    foreach ($this->messageSubscribers
      ->getFlags() as $flag_name => $flag) {
      $expected = $flag_name . '_email:default';
        ->assertEquals($expected, $flag
        ->getThirdPartySetting('message_subscribe_ui', 'view_name'));

    // Add a few users.
    $permissions = [
      'access content',
      'access user profiles',
      'flag subscribe_node',
      'unflag subscribe_node',
      'flag email_node',
      'unflag email_node',
      'flag subscribe_user',
      'unflag subscribe_user',
      'flag email_user',
      'unflag email_user',
    foreach (range(1, 3) as $i) {
      $users[$i] = $this

    // Add an admin user.
    $permissions[] = 'administer message subscribe';
    $admin = $this
    foreach ($users as $user) {

      // Default should be to receive email.
        ->assertTrue((bool) $user->message_subscribe_email->value, 'User defaults to getting email subscriptions');

      // Admin can visit all subscriptions.
        ->drupalGet('user/' . $user
        ->id() . '/message-subscribe');
        ->drupalGet('user/' . $user
        ->id() . '/message-subscribe/subscribe_node');
        ->pageTextContains(t('You are not subscribed to any items.'));

    // Add a node, and subscribe user 2 to that node.
    $type = $this
    $node = $this
      'type' => $type
    $flag = $this->flagService
      ->flag($flag, $node, $users[2]);
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $users[2]
      ->id() . '/message-subscribe/subscribe_node');

    // The node title (label) appears on the list of subscribed content.
      ->pageTextContains(t("Don't send email"));

    // Subscribe user 2 to user 1.
    $flag = $this->flagService
      ->flag($flag, $users[1], $users[2]);
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $users[2]
      ->id() . '/message-subscribe/subscribe_user');
      ->pageTextContains(t("Don't send email"));

    // Login user 3.
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $users[3]
      ->id() . '/message-subscribe');
      ->pageTextContains(t('You are not subscribed to any items.'));
    $flag = $this->flagService
      ->flag($flag, $node, $users[3]);
      ->drupalGet('user/' . $users[3]
      ->id() . '/message-subscribe');

    // The node title (label) appears on the list of subscribed content.



Namesort descending Description
ViewsTest Tests the views provided by this module for the UI.