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protected function MessageDigestTrait::getUserMessagesByNotifier in Message Digest 8

Returns the messages that will be includes in the user's next digest.


\Drupal\message_digest\Plugin\Notifier\DigestInterface $notifier: The digest notifier that is responsible for sending out the messages.

int $uid: The ID of the user for which to return the messages.

string $entity_type: Optional entity type. If supplied along with the $label property this can be used to return only messages that refer to the given entity.

string $label: Optional entity label. If supplied along with the $entity_type property this can be used to return only messages that refer to the given entity.

Return value

\Drupal\message\MessageInterface[] The messages.

4 calls to MessageDigestTrait::getUserMessagesByNotifier()
MessageDigestSubContext::assertDigestContains in ./
Checks that the digest for a user contains a certain message.
MessageDigestSubContext::assertDigestEmpty in ./
Checks that the given digest for a user does not contain any messages.
MessageDigestSubContext::assertDigestNotContains in ./
Checks that the digest for a user does not contain a certain message.
MessageDigestTrait::countAllUndeliveredDigestMessages in src/Traits/MessageDigestTrait.php
Returns the total number of undelivered digest messages.


src/Traits/MessageDigestTrait.php, line 91


Methods useful for testing and integrating the Message Digest module.




protected function getUserMessagesByNotifier(DigestInterface $notifier, $uid, $entity_type = NULL, $label = NULL) {

  // We can't use `$notifier->getEndTime()` since the Behat request has been
  // started earlier than the Drupal requests that created the digests.
  $digests = $notifier
    ->aggregate($uid, time());

  // Optionally filter by entity.
  if (!empty($entity_type) && !empty($label)) {
    $entity = $this
      ->getEntityByLabel($entity_type, $label);
    $message_ids = !empty($digests[$entity_type][$entity
      ->id()]) ? $digests[$entity_type][$entity
      ->id()] : [];
  else {
    $message_ids = [];
    foreach ($digests as $entity_type => $entities) {
      foreach ($entities as $entity_id => $messages) {
        $message_ids = array_merge($message_ids, $messages);
  return $this