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merci_user.test in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 7.2

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  1. 6.2 tests/merci_user.test


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 * @file
 * Simpletest case for node_example module.
 * Verify example module functionality.
require_once drupal_get_path('module', 'merci') . '/tests/merci_testcase.php';

// Tests which require 3 buckets and 2 resources.
class MerciUserTestCase extends MerciTestCase {
  public $bucket1;
  public $bucket2;
  public $bucket3;
  public $resource;
  public $resource2;
  public $merci_user;
  public $merci_role;
  public static function getInfo() {
    return array(
      'name' => 'MERCI user level testing',
      'description' => 'Verify user level functionality.',
      'group' => 'Merci',
  function setUp() {

    // Enable the module.
    $this->bucket1 = $this
    $this->bucket2 = $this
    $this->bucket3 = $this
    $this->resource = $this
    $this->resource2 = $this
    $this->merci_role = $this
      'view revisions',
      'revert revisions',
      'create confirmed reservations',
      'edit own bucket content',
      'delete own bucket content',
      'edit own resource content',
      'delete own resource content',
      'create reservations',

    // Create merci user.
    $this->merci_user = $this
      'view revisions',
      'revert revisions',
      'create confirmed reservations',
      'edit own bucket content',
      'delete own bucket content',
      'edit own resource content',
      'delete own resource content',
      'edit own merci_reservation content',
      'delete own merci_reservation content',
      'create reservations',
      'create merci_reservation content',
    $edit = array(
      'roles' => $this->merci_user->roles + array(
        $this->merci_role => $this->merci_role,
    user_save($this->merci_user, $edit);
    $edit = array(
      'roles' => $this->admin_user->roles + array(
        $this->merci_role => $this->merci_role,
    user_save($this->admin_user, $edit);

  // This doesn't work for some reason.  I believe it's because you can't override the global $user variable within simpletest.
  function _testMerciStaffModule() {

    // Create a contenty type only staff can reserve.
    $bucketstaff = $this
      ->merciCreateItem('bucket', 'bucketstaff');

    // Create merci staff user.
    $staff_user = $this
      'view revisions',
      'revert revisions',
      'create confirmed reservations',
      'edit own bucket content',
      'delete own bucket content',
      'edit own bucketstaff content',
      'delete own bucketstaff content',
      'edit own resource content',
      'delete own resource content',
      'create reservations',
      //'access devel information',
      'manage reservations',
      'administer nodes',
    $today = date('Y-m-d');

    // Create our first reservation for staff.  Should pass.
    $node = $bucketstaff;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

    // Update reservation with merci user as author.  Should Fail.
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $this->merci_user->name,
    $second = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($first->nid, $edit);
    $name = node_get_types('name', $type);
      ->assertText(t("You do not have permission to reserve @title.", array(
      '@title' => $name,

    // Update reservation with merci user as author with override on.  Should Pass.
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $this->merci_user->name,
      'override' => 1,
    $second = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($first->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated", array(
      '@title' => $second->title,

    // Update reservation status with merci user as author with override off.  Should Pass as status should be validated by the admin user.
    $edit = array(
      'name' => $this->merci_user->name,
      'merci_reservation_status' => 5,
    $second = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($first->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated", array(
      '@title' => $second->title,
  function _testMerciStatus() {

    //TODO check merci_validate_status function.
  function _testMerciMaxHoursPerReservation() {

    // with/without override max hours over closed days permission.
    // with/without allow_weekends setting.
  function _testMerciAllowOvernight() {

  // Test that our hours of operation are adherred to.  Only requires one bucket item
  // and the default merci_user logged in.
  function testMerciHoursOfOperation() {

    // Login the merci user.
    $today = date('Y-m-d');
    $day = strtolower(date('D'));
    $fancy_day = date('l');

    // Test start time to early
    $node = $this->bucket1;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '08:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit, FALSE);
      ->assertText(t("Reservations cannot start at a time before 9:00."));

    // Test end time to late
    $node = $this->bucket1;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '16:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '23:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit, FALSE);
      ->assertText(t("Reservations cannot end at a time after 17:00."));

    // Login the admin user.
    $settings = array(
      'merci_hours_' . lcfirst($fancy_day) => '',

    // Login the merci user.

    // Test start day on closed day
    // Test end day on closed day
    $node = $this->bucket1;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '10:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit, FALSE);
      ->assertRaw(t("Reservations cannot start on a %day.", array(
      '%day' => $fancy_day,
      ->assertRaw(t("Reservations cannot end on a %day.", array(
      '%day' => $fancy_day,

  // Test that our closed days are adherred to.  Only requires one bucket item
  // and the default merci_user logged in.
  function testMerciClosedDays() {

    // Create merci user.
    // Login the merci user.
    $closed = variable_get('merci_closed_dates', '12-25');
    $today = '2010-' . $closed;

    // Create our first reservation
    $node = $this->bucket1;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit, FALSE);
      ->assertText(t("Sorry, but we are closed on December 25th for a holiday or special event."));

  // Test that our max days for a reservation are adherred to.  Only requires one bucket item
  // and the default merci_user logged in.
  function testMerciMaxDays() {

    // Login the merci user.
    $max_days = 2;
    variable_set("merci_max_days_advance_reservation", $max_days);
    $later = date('Y-m-d', time() + $max_days * 24 * 3600);
    $today = date('Y-m-d');

    // Create our second reservation
    // Ensure we can't create one after the limit.
    $node = $this->bucket1;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => $later,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => $later,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit, FALSE);
      ->assertText(t("You cannot make a Reservation more than 2 days in advance."));
    variable_set("merci_max_days_advance_reservation", 0);

  // Multiple bucket tests for conflicts.  Requires three bucket items
  // and the default merci_user logged in.
  function testMerciBucketAvailability() {

    // Login the merci user.

    // Test we can reserve our three bucket items all at the same time.
    // Test the fourth reservation at the same time will fail.
    // Create our first reservation
    $node = $this->bucket1;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

    // Assign an item to test issue #1103328
    // Login the admin user.

    // Cancel the last reservation.  This should Pass
    $edit = array(
      'merci_reservation_items[1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->nid,
    $title = $first->title;
    $first = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($first->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated.", array(
      '@title' => $title,

    // Login the merci user.

    // Create our second reservation
    $node = $this->bucket2;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $second = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

    // Create our third reservation
    $node = $this->bucket3;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $third = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

    // Try to create our fourth reservation.  This should FAIL
    $node = $this->bucket3;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '10:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $fail = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit, FALSE);

    //$this->assertText(t("The dates and times for @title conflict with one or more existing reservations", array('@title' => $node->type)));
      ->assertText(t("conflict with one or more existing reservations"));

    // Try creating the reservation at a different time.
    $node = $this->bucket3;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-06',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-06',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '10:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $fourth = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

    // Test updating current reservations.
    // Also set the times so they will share a bucket item.  Tetris
    // Update second reservation.
    $edit = array(
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '09:45',
    $title = $second->title;
    $second = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($second->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated.", array(
      '@title' => $title,

    // Update our third reservation
    $edit = array(
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '10:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
    $title = $third->title;
    $third = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($third->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated.", array(
      '@title' => $title,

    // Now that the above two reservations are sharing an item ....
    // Try to create our fourth reservation.  This should now PASS
    $node = $this->bucket3;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '10:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $pass = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

    // Login the merci user.

    // Cancel the last reservation.  This should Pass
    $edit = array(
      'merci_reservation_status' => 5,
    $title = $pass->title;
    $pass = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($pass->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated.", array(
      '@title' => $title,

    // Login the merci user.

    // Try to create our fifth reservation.  This should Pass
    $node = $this->bucket3;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '10:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $pass = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

  // Test conflicts for reserving resources.  Requires two resources and the default merci_user logged in.
  function testMerciResourceAvailability() {

    // Create our third reservation
    // Login the merci user.
    $node = $this->resource;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->nid,
    $third = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],
    $title = $edit['title'];
    $edit = array(
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '11:15',
    $fourth = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($third->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated", array(
      '@title' => $title,

    // Try to create our third reservation.  This should FAIL
    $node = $this->resource;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => '2011-01-05',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '10:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->nid,
    $fail = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit, FALSE);
      ->assertText(t("conflict with one or more existing reservations"));

  // Test the current inventory grid.  Make sure the reservation_status is propagated properly
  // Requires only one bucket item and the merci_user logged in.
  // Later the merci_staff user logs in and adjusts the reservation.
  function testMerciCheckedOutCase() {
    $today = date('Y-m-d', time() + 3600 * 24);

    // Login the merci user.

    // Create our first reservation
    $node = $this->bucket1;
    $edit = array(
      'title' => $this
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value][time]' => '09:15',
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][date]' => $today,
      'field_merci_date[und][0][value2][time]' => '10:15',
      'merci_reservation_items[choice_1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->type,
    $first = $this
      ->merciCreateNode('merci-reservation', $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been created", array(
      '@title' => $edit['title'],

    // Create merci staff user.
    $staff_user = $this
      'view revisions',
      'revert revisions',
      'create confirmed reservations',
      'edit own bucket content',
      'delete own bucket content',
      'edit own resource content',
      'delete own resource content',
      'create reservations',
      //'access devel information',
      'manage reservations',
      'administer nodes',
    $edit = array(
      'merci_reservation_items[1][merci_item_nid]' => $node->nid,
      'merci_reservation_status' => MERCI_STATUS_CHECKED_OUT,
    $fourth = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($first->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated", array(
      '@title' => $first->title,
    $checked_out = merci_get_reservation_count($node->type);
      ->assertEqual($checked_out, 1, "Check return of merci_get_reservation_count");
    $edit = array(
      'merci_reservation_status' => MERCI_STATUS_CHECKED_IN,
    $fourth = $this
      ->merciUpdateNode($first->nid, $edit);
      ->assertText(t("@title has been updated", array(
      '@title' => $first->title,
    $checked_out = merci_get_reservation_count($node->type);
      ->assertEqual($checked_out, 0, "Check return of merci_get_reservation_count");



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