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public function MerciLineItemEntityControllerDeprecated::attachLoad in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 7.3

Unserializes the data property of loaded line items.

Overrides DrupalDefaultEntityController::attachLoad


merci_line_item/includes/, line 514
Provides a central controller for Drupal Commerce.


The controller class for line items contains methods for the line item CRUD operations. The load method is inherited from the default controller.


public function attachLoad(&$queried_line_items, $revision_id = FALSE) {
  foreach ($queried_line_items as $line_item_id => &$line_item) {
    $line_item->data = unserialize($line_item->data);

  // Call the default attachLoad() method. This will add fields and call
  // hook_merci_line_item_load().
  parent::attachLoad($queried_line_items, $revision_id);