You are here in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 7.3

Abstraction of the selection logic of an entity reference field.

Implementations that wish to provide an implementation of this should register it using CTools' plugin system.


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 * @file
 * Abstraction of the selection logic of an entity reference field.
 * Implementations that wish to provide an implementation of this should
 * register it using CTools' plugin system.

 * A null implementation of EntityReference_SelectionHandler.
class MerciDefaultController {
  protected $parent_table, $parent_index, $dates, $date_table, $date_column, $date_column2, $item_table, $item_column, $items, $item_type, $entity, $context;
  protected $conflicting_entities;
  protected $quantity_reserved, $entity_quantity;
  protected $validated = FALSE;
  protected $parent_has_quantity, $parent_has_status, $items_is_list = FALSE;
  protected $errors = NULL;
  public static function getInstance($entity, $item_type, $context) {
    if (class_exists($class_name = 'MerciDefaultController_' . $item_type)) {
      return new $class_name($entity, $item_type, $context);
    else {
      return new MerciDefaultController($entity, $item_type, $context);
  public function __construct($entity, $item_type, $context) {
    $this->context = $context;
    $this->item_type = $item_type;
    $this->entity = $entity;
    $this->items = array();

    // Determine if dealing with multiple values.
    if (substr($entity->{$context['item_field']}
      ->type(), 0, 5) == 'list<') {
      foreach ($entity->{$context['item_field']}
        ->getIterator() as $delta => $item) {
        if ($item
          ->getIdentifier()) {
          $this->items[$delta] = $item;
      $this->items_is_list = TRUE;
    else {
      $this->items[0] = $entity->{$context['item_field']};
    if (substr($entity->{$context['date_field']}
      ->type(), 0, 5) == 'list<') {
      foreach ($entity->{$context['date_field']}
        ->getIterator() as $delta => $item) {
        $this->dates[$delta] = $item
    else {
      $this->dates[0] = $entity->{$context['date_field']}

    // Storage location for date field.
    $date_field_info = field_info_field($context['date_field']);
    $date_storage = $date_field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT'];
    $keys = array_keys($date_storage);
    $this->date_table = reset($keys);
    $this->date_column = $date_storage[$this->date_table]['value'];
    $this->date_column2 = $date_storage[$this->date_table]['value2'];

    // Storage location for item field.
    $item_field_info = field_info_field($context['item_field']);
    $item_storage = $item_field_info['storage']['details']['sql']['FIELD_LOAD_CURRENT'];
    $keys = array_keys($item_storage);
    $this->item_table = reset($keys);
    $keys = array_keys($item_field_info['indexes']);
    $item_key = reset($keys);
    $this->item_column = $item_storage[$this->item_table][$item_key];
    $entity_info = $entity
    $this->parent_index = $entity
    $this->parent_table = $entity_info['base table'];
    $this->parent_has_quantity = in_array('quantity', $entity_info['schema_fields_sql']['base table']);
    $this->parent_has_status = in_array('status', $entity_info['schema_fields_sql']['base table']);
    try {
      $this->entity_quantity = $entity->quantity
    } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
      $this->entity_quantity = 1;
  public function getErrors($delta = NULL, $dates = array()) {

    // Determine if reserving too many of the same item.
    if ($this->errors === NULL) {
      $entity = $this->entity;
      $entity_type = $entity
      $context = $this->context;
      $errors = array();
      if ($this->items_is_list) {
        foreach ($entity->{$context['item_field']}
          ->getIterator() as $delta => $resource) {
          $item_id = $resource
          if (empty($item_id)) {
          if (empty($item_count[$item_id])) {
            $item_count[$item_id] = 0;
          try {
            $quantity_reservable = $resource->field_quantity
          } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
            $quantity_reservable = 1;
          if ($item_count[$item_id] > $quantity_reservable) {

            // Selected to many.
            if (!array_key_exists($delta, $errors)) {
              $errors[$delta] = array();
            $parents_path = implode('][', array(
            $errors[$delta][MERCI_ERROR_TOO_MANY] = t('%name: You have selected too many of the same item.  We only have %quantity available but you reserved %reserved.', array(
              '%name' => $resource
              '%quantity' => $quantity_reservable,
              '%reserved' => $item_count[$item_id],
      else {
        $resource = $entity->{$context['item_field']};
          ->getIdentifier()] = $this->entity_quantity;
        try {
          $quantity_reservable = $resource->field_quantity
        } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
          $quantity_reservable = 1;
        if ($this->entity_quantity > $quantity_reservable) {
          if (!array_key_exists($delta, $errors)) {
            $errors[$delta] = array();
          $errors[$delta][MERCI_ERROR_TOO_MANY] = t('%name: You have selected too many of the same item.  We only have %quantity available but you reserved %reserved.', array(
            '%name' => $resource
            '%quantity' => $quantity_reservable,
            '%reserved' => $this->entity_quantity,

          // Selected to many.
      $reserved = $this
      $reserved = $reserved ? $reserved : array();
      $reserved_so_far_by_me = array();
      foreach ($reserved as $delta => $start_dates) {
        $conflict_errors = array();

        // Load the resource being reserved.
        if ($this->items_is_list) {
          $resource = $entity->{$context['item_field']}[$delta];
        else {
          $resource = $entity->{$context['item_field']};

        // Determine if the quantity field exists.  If so use it.
        try {
          $quantity_reservable = $resource->field_quantity
        } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
          $quantity_reservable = 1;
        $item_id = $resource
        if (empty($reserved_so_far_by_me[$item_id])) {
          $reserved_so_far_by_me[$item_id] = 0;
        foreach ($this->dates as $dates) {
          $quantity_reserved = $this
            ->getQuantityReserved($delta, $dates);

          // Determine if there are conflicts for this date and item.
          if ($quantity_reservable >= $quantity_reserved + $reserved_so_far_by_me[$item_id]) {

          // Load each conflicting entity so we can show information about it to
          // the user.
          $ids = array();
          foreach ($this
            ->getConflicts($delta, $dates) as $conflict) {
            $ids[] = $conflict->parent_id;

          // Load the entities which hold the conflicting item.
          $entities = entity_load($entity_type, $ids);
          $line_items = array();
          foreach ($entities as $id => $line_item) {
            $entity_uri = entity_uri($entity_type, $line_item);
            $entity_label = entity_label($entity_type, $line_item);
            $line_items[] = l(t("@label", array(
              '@label' => $entity_label,
            )), $entity_uri['path']);
          $date_start = $dates['value'];

          // Don't show the date repeat rule in the error message.
          $render_dates = field_view_value($entity_type, $entity
            ->value(), $context['date_field'], $dates);
          $conflict_errors[$date_start] = t('%name is already reserved by: !items for selected dates !dates', array(
            '%name' => $resource
            '!items' => implode(', ', $line_items),
            '!dates' => render($render_dates),
        if ($conflict_errors) {
          if (!array_key_exists($delta, $errors)) {
            $errors[$delta] = array();
          $errors[$delta][MERCI_ERROR_CONFLICT] = $conflict_errors;
      $this->errors = $errors;
    return $this->errors;
  protected function validate() {
    if (!$this->validated) {
      $this->conflicting_entities = $this
      $this->validated = TRUE;
      foreach ($this->conflicting_entities as $delta => $dates) {
        foreach ($dates as $date_start => $conflicts) {
          if (!array_key_exists($delta, $this->quantity_reserved)) {
            $this->quantity_reserved[$delta] = array();
          $this->quantity_reserved[$delta][$date_start] = 1;
  public function getConflicts($delta = NULL, $dates = array()) {
    $conflicts = $this->conflicting_entities;
    if ($delta === NULL) {
      return $conflicts;
    if (empty($dates)) {
      return array_key_exists($delta, $conflicts) ? $conflicts[$delta] : FALSE;
    $date_value = $dates['value'];
    return (array_key_exists($delta, $conflicts) and array_key_exists($date_value, $conflicts[$delta])) ? $conflicts[$delta][$date_value] : FALSE;
  public function getQuantityReserved($delta = NULL, $dates = array()) {
    $quantity_reserved = $this->quantity_reserved;
    if ($delta === NULL) {
      return $quantity_reserved;
    if (empty($dates)) {
      return array_key_exists($delta, $quantity_reserved) ? $quantity_reserved[$delta] : 0;
    $date_value = $dates['value'];
    return (array_key_exists($delta, $quantity_reserved) and array_key_exists($date_value, $quantity_reserved[$delta])) ? $quantity_reserved[$delta][$date_value] : 0;

   * Determine if merci_line_item $entity conflicts with any other existing line_items.
   * Returns array of conflicting line items.
  protected function conflicts() {
    $conflicts = array();
    foreach ($this->dates as $dates) {
      $date_value = $dates['value'];
      $query = $this
      $result = $query
      foreach ($result as $record) {
        if (!isset($conflicts[$record->item_id])) {
          $conflicts[$record->item_id] = array();
        if (!isset($conflicts[$record->item_id][$date_value])) {
          $conflicts[$record->item_id][$date_value] = array();
        $conflicts[$record->item_id][$date_value][] = $record;
    $return = array();
    foreach ($this->items as $delta => $item) {
      if (isset($conflicts[$item
        ->getIdentifier()])) {
        $return[$delta] = $conflicts[$item
    return $return;
  protected function buildConflictQuery($dates) {
    $context = $this->context;
    $exclude_id = $this->entity
    $entity_type = $this->entity
    $item_table = $this->item_table;
    $item_column = $this->item_column;
    $date_table = $this->date_table;
    $date_column = $this->date_column;
    $date_column2 = $this->date_column2;
    $parent_table = $this->parent_table;
    $parent_index = $this->parent_index;
    $items = array();
    foreach ($this->items as $delta => $item) {
      $items[] = $item

    // Build the query.
    $query = db_select($item_table, 'item_table');
      ->addField('item_table', $item_column, 'item_id');
      ->addField('item_table', 'entity_id', 'parent_id');
    if (count($this->items) == 1) {
        ->condition($item_column, reset($items));
    else {
        ->condition($item_column, $items, 'IN');

    // Ignore myself.
    if ($exclude_id) {
        ->condition('item_table.entity_id', $exclude_id, '!=');
      ->join($parent_table, 'merci_line_item', 'item_table.entity_id = merci_line_item.' . $parent_index);
    if ($this->parent_has_quantity) {
        ->addField('merci_line_item', 'quantity', 'quantity');
    else {
        ->addExpression('1', 'quantity');
    if ($this->parent_has_status) {
        ->condition('merci_line_item.status', 1, '=');
      ->join($date_table, 'date_table', 'item_table.entity_id = date_table.entity_id');
      ->addField('date_table', $date_column);

      ->addField('date_table', $date_column2);

      ->condition('date_table.entity_type', $entity_type, '=');
      ->condition('date_table.deleted', 0, '=');

    // TODO handled multiple dates.
      ->condition($date_column, $dates['value'], '<=')
      ->condition($date_column2, $dates['value'], '>='))
      ->condition($date_column, $dates['value2'], '<=')
      ->condition($date_column2, $dates['value2'], '>='))
      ->condition($date_column, $dates['value'], '>')
      ->condition($date_column2, $dates['value2'], '<')));
      ->orderBy($date_column, 'ASC');

    // Add a generic entity access tag to the query.
      ->addMetaData('merci_reservable_handler', $this);
    return $query;


 * A null implementation of EntityReference_SelectionHandler.
class MerciDefaultController_non_inventory extends MerciDefaultController {
  protected $date_column, $date_column2;
  protected $buckets;
  protected function validate() {
    if (!$this->validated) {
      $this->buckets = $this
      $this->validated = TRUE;
      $conflicts = array();
      foreach ($this->buckets as $delta => $dates) {
        foreach ($dates as $date_value => $buckets) {
          if (!isset($this->quantity_reserved[$delta])) {
            $this->quantity_reserved[$delta] = array();
          $this->quantity_reserved[$delta][$date_value] = count($buckets);
          if (!isset($conflicts[$delta])) {
            $conflicts[$delta] = array();
          $conflicts[$delta][$date_value] = array();
          foreach ($buckets as $bucket) {
            $conflicts[$delta][$date_value] = array_merge($conflicts[$delta][$date_value], $bucket);
      $this->conflicting_entities = $conflicts;
  public function fillBuckets() {
    $conflicts = array();
    foreach ($this->dates as $dates) {
      $date_value = $dates['value'];
      $result = $this

      // Result is array indexed by $delta of filled buckets.
      foreach ($result as $delta => $buckets) {
        if (!isset($conflicts[$delta])) {
          $conflicts[$delta] = array();
        $conflicts[$delta][$date_value] = $buckets;
    return $conflicts;
  public function reservations($dates, $exclude_id) {
    $bestfit = $this
    $reservations = array();
    foreach ($bestfit as $enity_id => $reservation) {
      $reservations[] = $entity_id;
    return $reservations;

   * Perform first-fit algorhtym on reservations into buckets.
   * Return array indexed by item delta of array of filled buckets.
  public function bestFit($dates) {
    $entity = $this->entity;
    $context = $this->context;
    $best_fit = array();
    $parent_conflicts = parent::conflicts($dates);
    $date_value = $dates['value'];
    foreach ($this->items as $delta => $item) {

      // No need to sort into buckets if there is nothing to sort into buckets.
      if (!array_key_exists($delta, $parent_conflicts) or !array_key_exists($date_value, $parent_conflicts[$delta])) {

      // Determine if the quantity field exists.  If so use it.
      try {
        $quantity = $item->{$context['quantity_field']}
      } catch (EntityMetadataWrapperException $e) {
        $quantity = 1;

      // Split reservations based on quantity.
      $reservations = array();
      foreach ($parent_conflicts[$delta][$date_value] as $reservation) {
        for ($i = 0; $i < $reservation->quantity; $i++) {
          $reservations[] = $reservation;

      // Determine how many bucket items are needed for this time period.
      // Need to sort like this:
      //            .... time ....
      // item1  x x a a a x x x x x f x e e e x x x x x
      // item2  x x x d d d d d d x x x x c c c x x x x
      // item3  x x b b b b b b b b b b b b b x x x x x
      // etc ......
      //      // Order by lenght of reservation descending.
      //      // Do first-fit algorythm.
      // Sort by length of reservation.
      uasort($reservations, array(
      $buckets = array();

      // First-fit algorythm.
      foreach ($reservations as $test_reservation) {

        // Go through each bucket item to look for a available slot for this reservation.
        // Find a bucket to use for this reservation.
        for ($i = 0; $i < $quantity; $i++) {
          $fits = TRUE;

          // Bucket already has other reservations we need to check against for a fit.
          if (array_key_exists($i, $buckets)) {
            foreach ($buckets[$i] as $reservation) {
              if ($this
                ->merci_bucket_intersects($reservation, $test_reservation)) {

                //Conflict so skip saving the reservation to this slot and try to use the next bucket item.
                $fits = FALSE;

          // We've found a slot so test the next reservation.
          if ($fits) {
            if (array_key_exists($i, $buckets)) {
              $buckets[$i] = array();
            $buckets[$i][] = $test_reservation;
      if (count($buckets)) {
        $best_fit[$delta] = $buckets;
    return $best_fit;

   * |----------------------|        range 1
   * |--->                           range 2 overlap
   *  |--->                          range 2 overlap
   *                        |--->    range 2 overlap
   *                         |--->   range 2 no overlap
  private function merci_bucket_intersects($r1, $r2) {
    $value = $this->date_column;
    $value2 = $this->date_column2;

     * Make sure r1 start date is before r2 start date.
    if (date_create($r1->{$value}) > date_create($r2->{$value})) {
      $temp = $r1;
      $r1 = $r2;
      $r2 = $temp;
    if (date_create($r2->{$value}) <= date_create($r1->{$value2})) {
      return true;
    return false;
  private function merci_bucket_cmp_length($a, $b) {
    $value = $this->date_column;
    $value2 = $this->date_column2;
    $len_a = date_format(date_create($a->{$value2}), 'U') - date_format(date_create($a->{$value}), 'U');
    $len_b = date_format(date_create($b->{$value2}), 'U') - date_format(date_create($b->{$value}), 'U');
    if ($len_a == $len_b) {
      return 0;
    return $len_a < $len_b ? 1 : -1;



Namesort descending Description
MerciDefaultController A null implementation of EntityReference_SelectionHandler.
MerciDefaultController_non_inventory A null implementation of EntityReference_SelectionHandler.