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12 calls to merci_type_setting() in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 7.2

merci_build_reservation_table_form in ./merci.module
Builds the table of existing reserved items.
merci_delete_node_type_validate in ./merci.module
Validates deletion of node types.
merci_get_reservable_items in includes/
Pulls an array of items that are reservable for the content type and date range.
merci_is_merci_type in includes/
merci_load_reservations_for_node_in_timespan in includes/
Builds an array representing reservations for a Resource within a given timespan
merci_node_delete in ./merci.module
merci_node_insert in ./merci.module
merci_node_revision_delete in ./merci.module
merci_node_type_update_variables in includes/
merci_node_update in ./merci.module
merci_overdue_items in includes/
merci_validate_merci_selected_items in includes/
@file MERCI - Managed Equipment Reservation Checkout and Inventory