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6 calls to merci_content_types() in MERCI (Manage Equipment Reservations, Checkout and Inventory) 7.2

MerciAdminTestCase::testMerciBucketContent in tests/merci_admin.test
merci_build_reservable_items in includes/
Builds the list of all currently reservable items, filtered by date.
merci_handler_filter_merci_node_type::get_value_options in handlers/
Child classes should be used to override this function and set the 'value options', unless 'options callback' is defined as a valid function or static public method to generate these values.
merci_load_item_settings in includes/
merci_views_handler_filter_reserved_item_nid::allowed_values in handlers/
theme_merci_current_inventory in theme/
returns the number of items currently checked out for each content type TODO: change this to a views view.